“He covers all bases. I assured him your marks had nothing to do with her death.”

“I told him that. He didn’t believe me.”

Master Sixty-three shrugged. “I’m sure he called someone after me too. Your father doesn’t usually take one person’s word about it. Give it time. This will pass. Then, you can come here and completely forget the worries of that world. Your slave, she’s pretty. You seem to like her well enough.”

The rosiness on Clara’s cheeks kept sucking me in. She really was beautiful when she smiled and laughed. For the smallest moment, I even forgot she was a slave. She was dressed like any normal woman out for lunch: a mauve-colored sundress with a jean jacket, a thin, gold necklace she’d found in a small jewelry box in the closet, sandals. Hell, she’d even tested out some mascara and lip gloss she’d found in a makeup bag in our bathroom. Her wild hair bounced at every move, and I was mesmerized by her. Especially since she was covered in my bruises. She even seemed to not be bothered by them. Had I met her on the outside world…

“She’s okay. We’re in a trial phase. I’ll see how she works out. So far, so good. She’s a lot better than last night so that makes me happy.”

The doctor forced a smile. “You did seem to have your hands full. I’m glad you’ve turned her around this morning. You know,” his voice dropped as he leaned in closer. “If for some reason she doesn’t get better, I could always get you something to keep her calm. The Gardens offer something close, but their oil or medication doesn’t always have the desired side effects we sometimes need. I have connections that could get me anything on the market, right under the table. Slip it in her food, rub it on her as a cream, give it to her as a shot. There are so many options, and she might thank you for it in the end.”

Easing back, I let my head shake despite I wanted to strangle him. Had he not heard anything about the events I was just faced with? The oil was one thing; it was a sedative that brought on lust. Elec said it wasn’t addicting. That had been my biggest concern. The last thing I needed was another fucking Porsha.

“Thank you, but I’d like to see how this goes before I take that route. It’s kind of you to offer though.”

“Any time, just give me a call.” He glanced at the women, his lips parting, only to clamp shut. “I really should be getting back though. It’s almost time for mine’s medication, and I’m afraid she’s on a schedule. It was great meeting with you. Let’s do this again tomorrow.”

“Clara would like that. You got it.”

I took in the girls giggling. Master Sixty-three’s slave was leaned in whispering something that obviously made Clara laugh. When George approached, the slave stood, saying her goodbyes. Clara immediately came to sit across from me where George had been. She popped a candy in her mouth, her eyes dazzling.

“I was good.”

“Yes, slave, I’m impressed and really proud of you. Not one outburst on your part.” I took a drink of my water. “How do you feel?”

She rocked on the booth, wiggling just the smallest amount.

“Tired, a little, but I like this.”

“Me too. What do you say we go the long route through the orchard on our way back? Then, we can catch a nap.”

Clara did something between a moan and a squeal. “I’d like that a lot. Can I take my shoes off in the field? I want to feel the earth. Can I have it?”

“Have what? Dirt?”

“Yes, on my feet.”

“Sure.” I stood, shrugging. “For someone who doesn’t like filth, you want your feet in the dirt? Amazing. I don’t get you, slave. I’m trying, but I’m at a loss.”

“Come. The earth is good. You’ll like it.”


I let her drag me out onto the busy main street. For long moments we could hardly move, but when we finally broke to the side road, we were able to actually go a steady pace.

“There, the trees,come.”

Clara dragged me as she practically ran. I was jogging and laughing as she let go and took off her sandals. She was a free spirit through and through, and I hadn’t got to witness many of those. Porsha had been in our youth, but it just wasn’t in the times anymore. Life made us lost. Busy. We thrived to work. We never played or connected anymore.

“Yes. This is what we need. Heaven. Master, che-bah. Shoes, hurry, take them off. Feel this.”

A groan left me as I glanced around. No one was near us or the empty stage not far away. I leaned down, taking off my shoes and socks to step into the grass. Why, I had no fucking idea. This was ridiculous. Still, I went through it if it meant she’d be good and happy. After all, she might not be after I introduced my knife. Nothing big, but…satisfying.

“There. Better?”

I picked up my shoes in time for her to grab my free hand and pull me deeper into the apple trees. The more under the canopy we got, the darker it became.

“We should bring a basket next time. I’ll make colpa for you.”