
Fingers bit into my hip, pulling me back through the thrust as he buried himself. I couldn’t do this. Just feeling his thick length where I didn’t want it had me clawing into the mattress. A constant drip of drool darkened the already dark blue material. Surely this wouldn’t take long. A few minutes tops. I’d lived worse. My mind kept repeating that, but my body wasn’t so sure as the fight or flight in me debated which to choose.

A few more minutes. I had a plan. I had to pretend.

For what? To appease thisMaster?

I should kill him.

Even as I thought it, my eyes searched the end tables next to the bed. A clock. Lamps. Could I reach one and hit him in the head with it before he caught onto my sudden delusion?

He’d know. He’d catch me, and I’d ruin any chance of trust I hoped to gain. Bastard. Sick fuck.

It was amazing how fast hate could blossom and grow under pressure. How fear could transition into rage. How…someone weak could find their backbone and morph into unadulterated strength. Or maybe the loop of emotions I was undergoing was pure survival at its finest. Trauma could do that to a person. It could blanket you in false sentiment, in grandeur, and after it all ended, you were left to mend the pieces of your broken self.Of what was left.Prayers were usually what it boiled down to, but if God was listening, he didn’t favor me. Afterall, here I was again, the target of another narcissistic sociopath. Food for the foul.

Pain sliced through me like a gunshot. Every nerve ending was on alert as his thrust turned rough. He was slamming himself into me, squeezing my flesh so hard I somehow made the cries sound like moans. I was shaking, going wild on the inside as I tried not to destroy what I had endured up to this point. The Master thought I was complying. He had to go on thinking that or I’d never come up with a solid plan to escape this.

“You feel so fucking good. We’re going to change the past and make this right, Laura. Our child will be the smartest kid ever made. A genius. It’d be inevitable.”

My sounds grew louder through the denials. I was saying no. I was screaming so much more than that, but he’d never understand. He probably thought I was having the time of my life. Pig. Asshole. Hate. Yes, I wasn’t sure I’d come close to detesting Robert so much. At least with him I had a voice. With him I could be honest. All that would get me here is death or worse. More times like this. More pretending for this…thing. He wasn’t even a man; he was evil filth.

“You’re so fucking wet, baby. You love this dick. Feels good, doesn’t it. You wanted this so much. You were dying to get in this room.”

I couldn’t stop the way my skin crawled through the lies. I wanted to live, not have sex. I wanted out of here. Away from all of this.

“Arch and take me deeper. My cum is going to—”

Before I could stop myself, I flew forward, only making it to where he was out of me. I didn’t even get a foot away before his hands were nearly crushing my hips. I let the top of my body fall as my arms shot up so he could see.

“I want on top. You’re so close. I want to remember this by seeing you. Don’t you want to see the mother of your child as you make it?”

“You want on top?”

The threat was one I couldn’t ignore. Caution rang like bells in my head.

He let go, and I hesitantly moved over, purposely not running so he could see I wanted to continue, even if I didn’t. When he got on the bed and scooted closer, I continued inching over, letting him take his place where I’d been in the middle.

Braving a glance, I swallowed hard as I took in his features. He was average in looks. Nothing stood out, minus the watchfulness of his gaze. There was a void in his depths I couldn’t dismiss. The emptiness terrified me. This Master promised death. He was the spider watching deeply from the shadows of his vigilant stare. How he’d been able to stop me only seconds ago showed he was always waiting and ready. That wasn’t good for me. I was the target, and for once, I was praying the fly had fangs and could tear the spider apart.

“Hop on,wife.”

Three words holding enough poison to turn my blood cold. Whether I had displayed fear or not was debatable. On the inside, I could feel it pouring from me in waves. I felt like an amateur. An imposture. I didn’t let it stop me as I reached for his cock and threw my leg over his hips. My eyes closed and despite that I began taking him inside me, I envisioned paradise. Hell wouldn’t have me here. The repercussions were inescapable. Not even a factor in the grand scheme of things. It was the minutes that mattered, not the future. I wouldn’t have one if I looked that far ahead.

“You want me to see you.See me. Look into my eyes, Laura, and don’t you dare look away.”

More threats. More hidden ammunition. I wouldn’t move. I wouldn’t blink. One mistake and he’d use it to blow me away.

My eyes opened, and I quickly signed.

“It felt good going back inside me. I couldn’t help it. I want to look at you.”

The Master’s head tilted to the side, but he stayed quiet. I flattened my palms on his impressively defined chest, bringing my stare back up to his. The condition of his body wasn’t something I could ignore. It told me things about him I’d never learn from a conversation between the two of us. He had a drive inside him. Discipline. Dedication. Whether or not it was from vanity or some gnawing need inside, I didn’t know. Maybe both.

Keeping my eyes on his, I rotated my hips, going through the motions. Up. Down. Up. Down. By some miracle, I even managed to rock my hips and put passion behind riding him. The better I acted, the faster this would go by.

“There we go. That’s it.” His knees drew up as one of his hands came to my hip and the other cupped my engorged breast. The touch alone had my body jerking in pain. The Master’s lips pulled back, and he added more pressure, rolling his thumb over my nipple. I was leaking; I knew that. I could feel the wetness as he continued to roll in circles. My stomach flipped and it took everything I had to keep going.

I wasn’t here.