The waver in her tone had my eyes turning into slits as she inched back, easing the tips of her digits to brush against the wood from the closest pair of stocks.

“Head.” She peered down, tracing the opening. “And my hands must go in here. I think I have that right, yes? This would be…interesting to try to conceive a baby in.”

My hand rose but still I didn’t speak. I didn’t know what to say. What I did know was my anger was growing by the second. Who was this woman to be so fucking compliant? Or was it innocent? Was that it? I had thought the real Laura was innocent at the beginning too.

The anger faded. It didn’t matter which it was. I wanted her screams. Willing or not, I’d get them when the time was right. Then, when I wanted this, she wouldn’t be so eager to play with my toys. She’d run, knowing how bad it was going to be once I started swinging my tools. But I had to keep it slow if I was going to keep her for any amount of time. It was the first night. I had to ease myself back into this, not dive right in or else she’d be dead by morning.

“We’re not ready for that one yet. Laura, come here.”

There it was. Reluctance. What I didn’t see was the terror I knew she had to have held.

The slave swallowed, licking her lips as she headed back to me. It wasn’t seductive. If anything, maybe it was a nervous tick. Time would tell, and I had plenty of it. Right now, it was time for the kink I’d acquired from my past. Let me make her think she was safe. The slave would let her guard down on these fun torture toys, and when she least expected it…I’d blindside her.

My hand lifted, brushing back a lock of hair from the side of her face. It was just as healthy and shiny as in the picture. I lifted a brunette wave, twirling it around my finger only to watch it spring back.

“I love your hair. It was the first thing I noticed about you.” My gaze moved to take in her cheeks and then her eyes. Had it not been for the increasing heaviness in her breathing, I would have never known just how truly afraid she was. There was no fooling me. She could act all she wanted, but she hadn’t been in this role for as long as I had. I’d seen slaves try to be brave. They never lasted long. “You seem to be eager and ready. Why don’t we take things slow and go to the bed?”

“I was hoping you’d say that. As interested as I am in all of this, I haven’t got to pump this evening, and I think if I were bending over for too long, I’d just make a mess. I’m probably about to start leaking all over the place. Do you know if they were going to deliver a pump? I’d assume you’d want me to continue? Or no? Did you want the milk for yourself?”

Relief was evident on her face, but her voice told me something entirely different. My eyes narrowed as I studied her.


“I need a pump for the milk. I’ve been supplying my son with his meals up until last night. They don’t need me for that anymore. Unless you’d prefer me not to pump.”

Her voice cracked, and I felt my face draw in. I wasn’t used to this. Breeder. One I knew had just given birth to a child not long ago. That was the facts, but I wasn’t beyond knowing she’d try to use them for her benefit, and that’s exactly what she was doing.

“I don’t think you need to worry about any of that right now.”

“I guess not. It’s just…Patrick was my first child, and—”

“We’re taking the information overload route, are we? For fuck’s sake. That’s enough.” I latched to the back of her neck, squeezing tight as I led her to the tools. Where I expected her to jerk or fight, she didn’t, only making me angrier. The ball gag was lying on the top, and I picked it up, jerking her closer to me. “Open your damn mouth.”

“I’ll stop talking.”

“Open your mouth or I’m going to leave you little choice. If I break your jaw, that’ll be your own fault.”

“It would be, and I’d deserve it. Forgive me, Master. I only meant to establish complete honesty between us. If this is what you want, of course.”

Something I couldn’t read flashed through hazel eyes. It wasn’t fear or disgust. I growled at the confusion I felt, fitting the ball in her mouth and spinning her nude frame so I could fasten it behind her head.

“It is what I want. But if you thought your honesty would deter me from touching you, you’ve made a bigger mistake than you may have realized. You see, Laura, the milk only enhances our story. Youwerepregnant. In the perfect life, that child was born, but tragedy happens every day. That happened to us. Now that child is dead.Dead.Due to your depression and grief, it’s been suggested we try for another. No, it will not replace our first. Patrick,” I said between clenched teeth. “But we’ll remember him when the next comes.Won’t we?”

The venom in my question couldn’t be hidden. My slave’s shoulders drew in as a sob forced its way free. The muffled sound had me smiling as I turned her back around to face me. The streaks of tears had me so hard, my voice turned smooth. Even consoling.

“Don’t cry, wife. I know you’re upset, but I’m going to make everything better for you.” Resistance met me as I tried to lead her to the room. I pushed harder, not letting the coo in my voice fade away. “You’re going to make me better too. After tonight, everything’s going to be like it was meant to. It’ll be perfect. You’ll see.”

“Mmmph.” Dark hair swung just past her shoulders as she turned to look back up at me. “Mmm. Mmm. Mmph.”

“Nothing you’re trying to say is going to change anything.”

We entered the bedroom, and I shoved hard, leaving her stumbling and crashing into the bottom of the bed. She caught herself, reaching to the back of her head.

“If you unfasten that, I’ll cuff you.”

She froze. The tears were stopping, but the wild panic in her stare wasn’t disappearing. Her breaths were heavy as she turned to sit on the edge of the bed to face me. When her hands started to sign, I couldn’t stop the roar that left me. My mother had been deaf. Learning hadn’t been a choice. What were the odds this slave knew how to do it too? I hated it…yet…a woman of worth, of importance like my ideal Laura, would have this skill. She’d want to be prepared for anything, like me. After all, I knew three languages, not including sign language.

“I will do whatever you ask. I will not speak. I will not argue. I will do as you say. Please take this out.”