I felt sicker than ever and angry that there was nothing I could do about any of it. I may have not learned much about where I was, but I had been warned that attacking those above my station meant death. As much as the thought appealed, I wasn’t going to test the warning. I’d seen breeders hit by the guards for talking back or disobeying. Violence wasn’t beyond this place, and I didn’t want to die. What I wanted was my son and my freedom.

“Did you know him?”

Was that jealousy?

We stopped at the elevator, and I peered up at my new Master. His expression was unreadable, and I wasn’t sure I liked that given what I thought I detected in the question. It scared me more not knowing what was going on in his unstable brain. It reminded me of my narcissist ex-boyfriend, Robert. We’d dated for almost three years. He’d warped my mind so badly, making me believe everything that made him angry or went wrong was my fault. It took his hateful rhetoric towards my son’s existence for me to finally see through the veil of his manipulation. It was a blessing that I saw his true nature when I did and an overall lesson I took to heart. It made me read people better. Even guard myself in ways a normal person wouldn’t think to.

“No, I don’t know him. I used to play his music. I didn’t expect him to be…here.”

He seemed to relax as he nodded. “I think I’ve heard a few of his songs. They’re beautiful, if I recall. What do you play?”

I clasped my hands together, trying not to hug them around my waist through the mounting fear.

“Violin. I was pretty good. I was a music teacher and also played in my city’s orchestra but.” I stopped. “I’m here now.”

Something flashed on the man’s face. “Orchestra. You don’t say. Youaregifted. I knew you’d be. What city did you play in?”


“I’ll be damned. Texas.” The giant gave a quick shake of his head. “Small world.”

I stood taller, cocking my head to get a better view of him. He kept staring ahead, barely looking down at me.

“Are you from the area?”

“I’ve been a few times. I’m actually in the process of buying a building there. I’m thinking of opening a branch in the city.”

“A lot of companies are doing that. It’s a great place.” My voice had gotten quieter as I began to think over my home. Over what I had lost. I missed my small apartment more than anything. I missed the kids I taught and my walks along the river. I missed street tacos and the sound of music from all the places downtown. Now was not the time to be homesick. I was in trouble, and possibly in more than I could begin to imagine. I had to think and come up with a plan.Maybe more than one.

The elevator opened, and with all the people around us, I was surprised when we were the only ones getting on. When the doors shut and he pressed the button to our floor, it was as if something shifted in my Master. As if…he was suddenly even more of a stranger than I’d started getting to know only seconds ago. He stepped closer, sliding his hand under my hair to settle his large palm to the back of my neck. The hold was secure, but not painful.

“If this is going to work between us, you’re going to become exactly who I say you are. Do you understand?”

The hold tightened, and his fingers easily came to wrap around to the front of my throat. If he wanted, he could have snapped my neck like a twig.

“Yes, M-Master.”

A deep breath left him. “Good. Your name is Laura now. The orchestra shows you have a level of class. That is important for what I want. You have talent. Even grace. I can see it in the way you walk. In the way you stand. You went to the best schools. That is just part of who you are.” The doors opened, and he led me out to a hallway. “We met while we were in college. I, of course, was building my first company, but we managed to stay together through all the hard times. You even love me, despite who I am. You know my secrets,but they don’t. You say you can handle them. You can.This time, you will.” He stopped in front of a door, reaching in his pocket with his free hand. “Now that our foundation is laid out, it’s time for our next chapter.” The light on the lock flashed green, and he swung the barrier open to reveal darkness. “What is that chapter, Laura?”

My pulse was racing under the increasing hold. He led me in, flipping on a light to reveal not a sofa or living room set like I expected. I was in a sex room, filled with two different stocks, a spreader bar, a large wooden X that I knew as a St. Andrew’s cross, hanging cuffs, a glass tank, and contraptions I’d never seen before. Ones with spikes and blades attached that scared me far worse than rape or death. There was even a four-sided wooden frame attached to the wall, covered in weaving chains and cuffs. There even appeared to be what looked like a corset and collar attached that promised the person in the middle of it wasn’t going anywhere.


Even as he called, I couldn’t break my gaze from the tools I saw resting just feet away from the structure I’d been staring at. Floggers. Crops. Saws. They hung from the cart towards the bottom. Whatever was higher or laying down on it, I hadn’t a clue. What I did know was being a father wasn’t the most important thing on this man’s mind. He had other needs, and I was looking at them.

“A baby.” I finally managed to bring my eyes to his. Scenarios were flipping through my mind like a picture book. I had to get ahold of myself if I was going to stand any chance at all with this Master. “I’m a breeder. You want a baby or at least the risk of having one.”

The stoic expression broke as a sly smile pulled back his lips, completely transforming his face. “You’re very smart. I chose well. I want the risk, and you’re going to give it to me.”

Master B-0999

The fear widening my slave’s eyes fed me. It drove me to pull her deeper into the one place I’d spent months designing. This was no home-away-from-home for me; this was my secret retreat. A twisted vacation away from the reality of right and wrong where relaxation didn’t exist. Here, I made the rules. My word was law. Let her scream and cry. I was dying for her to try to get away. The entire essence of my being was raving on overdrive, and although my mind was as crisp as ever, the power of my senses left me in the biggest fog as I moved closer, staring my slave down. My face was an inch from hers. All I needed was a reaction. An attempted escape. The rest would come.

“Tell me what to do.” Lips gently pressed into mine, and what I saw as fear was suddenly not the emotion at all. It was hesitation, but a shy one as she spoke softly, peering up under thick lashes. “Is there a place you want to start? I don’t know much about your equipment, but I’ve read a few books. I’ve even seen a movie or two. I think this lifestyle is becoming quite popular and mainstream.”

Hands shook as Laura reached up, grasping to the sheer black robe. Words wouldn’t leave me as she let the top drop over her shoulders. When I still didn’t speak, she lowered her hands, letting the robe completely fall to the floor. Popular? Was it? Where were the screams? The pleas? There was nothing mainstream about what I was going to do. Didn’t she know I was about to hurt her?

“What about this one?”