“What?” Madeline pushed to her feet, the fear transitioning as she mirrored my glare. “Are you accusing me of sneaking behind your back to kill this baby?The same baby I’ve been trying to save?”
My anger wavered. It truly didn’t make sense on why she would abort, but something wasn’t right. I knew guilt, and they both had it.
“Show me your arms.”
“Excuse me?”
The anger had me lunging and pulling at her shirt, ripping it over her head. Would I even be able to see the mark from a needle? I didn’t even know what the hell I was looking for as I pulled her bicep closer so I could examine her skin.
“You’re hurting me.I’ll let you inspect me if you stop being so rough.”
“If you’re lying to me.” My fingers locked to her throat, pulling her so she had to come closer as I sat back down.
“I’m not lying. I’d never.”
My lids closed as I kept locked to her, bringing her face to mine so I could breathe her in.
“If you did something. If you’ve been playing me.”
I didn’t have to say more. Soft sobs shook my hand as I held on, using my grip to keep her still as I began kissing her mouth.
“You’re going to remember what that nurse said.” My teeth tugged against her lip. “You’re going to tell me the truth or we’re going to prolong dress shopping. You can await out your time cuffed to the bed while I filet your skin. Now, think back.”
“I don’t—”
My grip tightened, stealing just enough air to have her arms shooting up and squeezing to my wrist.
“Thanks to who I am, I happen to know this place is crawling with surveillance. Nothing here can be done or said without being heard. Even the quietest whisper will not slip through the software this place holds. Do you want to know how I know that?”
“Because I made it. Now, Madeline, baby,tell mewhat you two talked about.”
A knock sounded, but the door opened immediately. The doctor jolted to a stop, starting to leave, but turning back towards us.
“Sir, as much as you’re probably not going to like this, I’m going to have to advise you to remove your hands and let go of my patient.”
“She’s my slave. My wife. I can do whatever the fuck I want.”
“Actually, that’s not true.”
My grip eased as I let go of Madeline and stood to tower over the doctor. Out of my peripheral, I could see her quickly putting her shirt back on.
“Explain to me how buying her doesn’t give me complete authority.”
Brown eyes widened, but he braved continuing. “It did, Sir, until she conceived. She may belong to you, but the child does not. At least not yet.”
“I beg your fucking pardon? Do you know who I am? I have special privileges. My contract isn’t like everyone else’s.”
“We have the terms of your contract, Master. That’s why I’m speaking out to you right now. It says upon notification of pregnancy, you declined termination.”
“That’s right. I needed more fucking time to think it over. That’s no one’s business but my own.”
“It’s not. When you declined, fc thirteen-fifteen got locked into the system. By not terminating, you gave approval for the pregnancy. That was your special privilege, Sir. You had the choice to terminate. Not everyone does. You decided against it.”
“No, I didn’t. I mean, I do want this baby, but I didn’t give shit for approval that night.”
“Someone did.”