Not that she was sticking around to enjoy the victory or anything.

“Definitely not wise, Miles.” She tugged open the door to find the navy suit wearing brunette hovering by the door, a heavy book hefted in one hand.

A weapon, maybe?

Esme pivoted on her heel. “And since I have a witness this time, you can be damn sure you’ll be cooling your heels in the unemployment line by next week.”

Winking at her wide-eyed, book-wielding partner, Esme stalked down the corridor with her pride flying high as she pulled out her cell phone to call the police.

* * *

Renzo scannedthe building numbers along Bayshore Boulevard as he tore through traffic. Where the hell was that museum?

He’d been disappointed— hurt even— to wake up alone this morning. But that pang of deflated hope had been blown away by flat-out fear when he’d read Esme’s note. Seeing the building numbers grow closer to the museum address, Renzo let off the gas in his truck. Studied the street signs.

What had made her think she should confront her pervert ex-boss on her own this morning? Renzo had every intention of setting the guy straight today himself, but Esme had beat him to it while he slept in, dreaming about her, hoping he could find a way to break down those last barriers between them.

His tires squealed as he spied the building and turned the truck into the parking lot. The old pickup didn’t exactly turn on a dime.

If anything happened to her…

He couldn’t even finish the thought. She’d gained so much confidence since he first met her. Soon she’d be walking all over him with her high heels and long skirts, her unapologetically feminine air mingled with her sharp mind and business sense. And he would love every moment with her.

If this former boss of hers did anything to jeopardize Esme’s confidence, Renzo would rearrange his face personally. For starters. Slamming the truck into park in the middle of the small lot, he slid out of the cab and made tracks for the side entrance. Barreling down a dark corridor toward a string of office doors lining the hallway, he nearly tripped over his own feet as Esme appeared in front of him, another woman close at her heels.

Renzo barely spared her friend a glance. And although somewhere in his mind’s eye he saw Esme give him a crooked smile, the only thing he could fully grasp at the moment was her disheveled blouse and a big, fat bruise on the inside of her arm.

A bruise that sure as hell wasn’t there yesterday.

Steam hissed through his veins, gaining momentum until it threatened to burst out his ears. Rage lodged in his throat, a tight knot of fury that inhibited his speech.

All he could manage was a rather choked, “Where. Is. He.”

Esme took a step back, her expression concerned, her brows knit together. “I’m handling it. He’s—”

Renzo didn’t need to hear the rest because thankfully the silent brunette at her side pointed the way to the office door a few feet behind them.

And at this moment, with the image of Esme’s bruised skin blaring in his brain, that was all he needed to know.

“Renzo!” Esme called out to him, but he couldn’t wait. Didn’t know how to stop and listen until he’d cleaned this guy’s clock.

For good.

Five steps later he spied his target. The guy leaned on his desk, sweating from his exertions and breathing heavy.

And didn’t that just speak well of him?

Renzo’s fists clenched automatically, but he only cocked one back before he planted it in the sweating pervert’s face.

He didn’t have a moment to take any satisfaction from the act however, because Esme’s worried frown had turned into an all-out glare as she appeared in his line of vision.


“—and I already called the police. Are you crazy?” She stared at him with fury in her blue eyes and not the least bit of feminine gratitude.

The knot of rage that had been lodged in his throat slid down to his gut and twisted into a growing sickening feeling. The kind of nervous butterfly sensation that always kicks in when you’ve just done something stupid.

“The police?” Sirens already blared their way closer as Renzo realized what she was saying.