Stooping to retrieve the pen for her, he figured a guy could at least still pick up a pen for a woman without being accused of chauvinism.

He tossed it up in the air and watched it turn end over end a couple of times before giving it back to her. Only then did he notice her hesitant expression.

“Don’t tell me you think it’s overbearing of me to recover a lost writing instrument, Esme. I thought for sure stuff like that was no big deal.”

She blinked, tilted her head to one side as if she had no clue what he was talking about. “Thanks for the pen. And no, it’s not a big deal. I was just thinking about your car question.”

Thank you God. He was being paranoid. “Got any ideas?”

“Actually, no. I happen to be between vehicles right now.” She continued to plow ahead toward the small house where they were to meet their client.

Renzo paused, thinking he must have misheard her.

“Between vehicles?”

She halted, her long skirt swirling around her ankles with the arrested momentum. “Precisely. Should we press on so we can make sure we don’t miss our guest?”

“Then how are you getting around town?” He thought it would be difficult for his brother to be on a self-sufficient college campus without a car? How would Esme even begin to negotiate a sprawling city like Miami without a comprehensive transit system?

She shoved up the sleeve of her white blouse impatiently. “I am acquainting myself with the bus. Not that it’s really any business of yours.”

“The bus?” He squelched the urge to grab his chest, but didn’t she realize the dangers of riding the bus around town by herself? Especially at night. “Do you know what kind of crimes can take place on buses, let alone at bus stops?”

“Wait. Just hold up right there.” She held up her hand like she was playing crossing guard. “I’ve got a purse full of protective devices to ensure my safety and I really don’t need a lecture on this. Can we please stick to business today?”

He didn’t miss the warning in her tone. Nope. She was coming through loud and clear. Too bad his concern for her safety overrode any need to play by her rules.

“We’ll get you a company car and write it off as a business expense. You’re going to need it to meet with clients and--”

“Not if we meet with clients here,” she argued, her blue eyes narrowing. “Vizcaya will put people in the mood to buy antiques anyway. Down the road, I’ll be able to buy back my car as soon as we are assured of some income. Now will you hurry up before we’re late?”

Actually, he would make sure she had a car sooner than that, but he couldn’t see getting her any more riled before their meeting.

A nerve twitched and pinched in his shoulders. A pain with Esmerelda Giles written all over it.

“Fine. But I hope you know I’m driving you home tonight.”

* * *

Two hours later,with the victory of closing her first business deal pumping adrenaline through her veins, Esme would have been ready to celebrate if not for Renzo’s pronouncement hanging over her.

I hope you know I’m driving you home.

His promise teased her senses even as she sat beside him in the open loggia of the casino building and watched their first-ever client walk away.

The sun had long ago set but the elaborate gardens were still visible thanks to a sprinkling of spotlights situated among the fountains and greenery for an enchanted effect.

“Congratulations, Esme.” Renzo’s voice wafted on the mild night breeze. “We landed our first contract thanks to you.”

She couldn’t have chased the smile from her face if she tried. “But we’ll only be able to fulfill it thanks to you. Are you sure you can create that sideboard he wants so fast?”

“Not a problem. Thanks for steering him toward mostly pre-made items. We’ll be paid a lot faster that way.” He scooped up her paperwork and the signed contract committing the client to eight antique reproduction pieces. “And you’ll get a company car right away.”

Bristling, she closed her eyes. Exhaled.

“I’ll buy a car very soon. I could have kept my old car for a couple more months, but I wanted to be sure I could pay my rent in between jobs. Now that we seem to have a viable business on our hands, I’ll feel more comfortable making payments again.”

“You’ve already got it all figured out, don’t you?” Renzo stared out over the lush green classical gardens carved out of the subtropical terrain, then turned to meet her gaze. “Sorry if I sounded pushy about the whole transportation issue. I just couldn’t afford to lose you to a bussing mishap now that my financial future is tied to you.”