“No, actually it’s delicious. I was just debating throwing away my tea ball in favor of these handy little bags. Live it up a little.” She eased back into the sofa, her perfect posture a constant when most people would be slouching. “And I hope you’ll forgive the comparison, but I can’t help but think my decades-long devotion to my silver tea service isn’t all that different from your tight grip on your old habits. Maybe we both should be more adventurous.”
Much as Esme enjoyed Mrs. Wolcott’s company, she couldn’t deny a twinge of fear at a sudden vision of herself twenty years from now with only her books and teacups to keep her company. “I don’t mind the comparison particularly, but if I’m going to be adventurous by putting myself on the line with Renzo, you can’t limit your adventures to trying out pre-packaged tea bags. I think you should invite your daughter over to see your new apartment.”
Esme knew how much Pauline craved her daughter’s approval. Affection.
Her neighbor hesitated. “And if I do, you’ll make another date with the sexy swimmer?”
And sign on for another night of orgasmic bliss? Sure it sounded simple.
Until Mr. Take Charge started reorganizing her life. Trying to fight her battles for her.
Damn it, didn’t he know how sorely tempted she’d been to drive him over to the museum and let him pound the living daylights out of her smarmy former employer? But any momentary satisfaction she might have gained would be erased by regret that she hadn’t found a way to mete out her own vengeance.
Still, Pauline blinked her eyes so darn hopefully that Esme didn’t have a choice. Lifting her ceramic mug she proposed a toast.
“Then let’s drink to it. Scaredy cats of Miami Beach unite. Here’s to risk.”
“And studly young men,” Pauline added, a wicked gleam in her gaze.
No matter that she worried about getting tangled up with Renzo again, Esme had to drink to that one.
* * *
Renzo chuggedthe rest of his lemonade as he slid his truck into a parking spot outside the sprawling Vizcaya arts complex a week later.
Esme had evaded him in the days following their night together, but in the middle of the week she’d asked him to meet her and a potential client at the Italian Renaissance-style villa that now served as a museum of European decorative arts.
He’d been to Vizcaya a few times to soak up the atmosphere since the place overflowed with the best turn of the century furnishings from all over the world. But today’s visit would be business—a chance for him and Esme to close their first significant deal as partners.
The salty breeze blew in off the bay as he straightened a rarely worn necktie and locked his truck before seeking out the place Esme had suggested they meet. Fall in Florida meant even more perfect weather than usual, the air lacking the humidity of summer while still offering lots of sunshine.
The museum and surrounding elaborate gardens had attracted moderate crowds today, but they would be thinning out soon as the dinner hour approached. Esme had assured him they would be able to remain on the property after closing if need be, as she had forged a strong relationship with one of the estate managers during her stint as an assistant museum director in South Beach.
When he reached the building he finally spied her standing near the west façade of the imposing structure where an open loggia stood flanked by two small towers. Most of the touring visitors were on the east side of the house at this time of day, leaving the forecourt of the building relatively quiet.
Leaving him and Esme almost alone.
She raised a hand to signal him over, her long purple skirt and simple cotton blouse looking much more at home in this turn-of-the-century haven than her fluttery dress had in the Club Paradise disco lounge. Her blond hair swept to one side and tied in a floppy purple ribbon, Esme’s sensuality was all feminine elegance rather than in-your-face attitude.
A quality he couldn’t help but admire.
“I’ve left us with a few minutes to talk before our potential client arrives.” She jumped into business without preliminaries. Another cue for him to give her some room? “We’re going to meet him in the Casino building at the far end of the gardens, so maybe we can walk that way while we get up to speed?”
Nodding, Renzo reached behind her to urge her to lead the way and then caught himself at the last minute. He wouldn’t be accused of too much touching, damn it. He’d just have to ignore his natural inclinations and subvert the manners his father had drummed into his skull at an early age.
“Sounds good.” He jammed his hands in his trouser pockets until the urge to touch her passed. Although, at that rate, he could be confining himself to pocket shackles all day. “Just let me know how you see my role today with this guy.”
And while she was at it, wouldn’t it be helpful if she could explain how she saw his role in her personal life too? He hadn’t forgotten how quickly she’d brushed off their night together.
Her footsteps clicked along the paved walkway, two for every one of his. Her low-key vanilla scent wafted lightly on the breeze blowing in off the bay.
“Just help me sell the guy on your work. He is a well-known society leader and he throws a lot of parties whose guest lists include all our target clientele. If we can convince him to buy, a lot of other locals will get in line to deal with us.”
“Believe me, I won’t miss an opportunity to close the deal. My brother is up at Harvard with no wheels since his car died two weeks ago. If we can’t drum up some cash flow in the next few days I’m going to have to figure out another way to finance a new vehicle. It’s not safe for him to be up there alone with no transportation.”
The situation had been bugging him all week. He had to come up with a car for Marco soon. What if his brother needed to get to the doctor’s office in a hurry? The Uber costs were already adding up. “Are you happy with your car, by the way? I’m not even sure what to purchase.”
She dropped her pen on the pavement as they walked down a tree-lined lane toward the stairway that would lead to the casino—a building that looked like a small house overlooking the water and provided a focal point for the gardens.