After parking under a large tree, I help my little peach off my bike. “Was the ride okay?”
“It was.” She smiles and wraps her soft arms around my waist. “Thank you for taking it easy with my chicken butt.”
“I love your gorgeous ass.” I slide my hand down and give her sweet backside a squeeze. “And the rest of you,” slips out before I’m able to catch the words.
“Wow.” Milly glances up, and I watch her blue eyes widen almost comically. “This is so fast.”
“That’s the only way I roll,” I tease. “But I’ll give you all the time you need to catch up with me.”
Milly stares into my eyes and admits, “I don’t really need any time to catch up. I’ve been in love with you for years.” Shock courses through me as she explains, “I saw you for the first time when you came to Washington DC, with your family for a visit.”
This is news to me. I remember meeting her father a few times when I went home to visit my family, but I don’t ever recall meeting my little peach.
“You stole my heart when you walked into the ballroom looking bored and ready to escape.” She lays her cheek against my chest. “A drunk jerk was giving a server a hard time, and you quietly warned him that he would find your foot permanently planted in his ass if he didn’t apologize.”
“Now, I remember that trip, but I don’t recall meeting you.” I search my brain, but she’s nowhere to be found in my memory.
“Puberty wasn’t my friend. I was short and chubby with pimples and braces.” She laughs. “I tried to hide so you wouldn’t see me.”
“You’re all I see now.” I kiss her juicy lips. “And I’m going to fucking keep you.”
“That sounds good to me.” Her small hand wraps around mine, and I lead her down the path to the lake.
I lay a blanket on the ground and pull her down onto my lap. “What do you think of Silver Spoon Falls?” I love my adopted home, but I’d give it up for my girl. Hopefully, it won’t come to that.
“It’s amazing.” Milly leans back against my chest, and I wrap my arms around her luscious curves.
“I’m glad you like it, little peach.”
She lays her head back on my shoulder and asks, “Why do you call me little peach?” Her soft breath brushes against the side of my cheek, causing my cock to thump hungrily.
“The first thing I noticed was your gorgeous peaches and cream complexion and your sweet, juicy curves.” I hug her tighter. “The nickname instantly popped into my mind.”
“Oh.” Milly laughs. “Then I guess I need a nickname for you.”
“Master works for me,” I tease and fall backward when she spins in my lap and smacks me on the shoulder.
“Think again,” she hisses against my lips, and I forget what we’re discussing as her lush curves press against me.
“We can negotiate, later.” I spin her over and lay across her. Her softness cushions my cock, and I groan while fighting for control. I refuse to make love to my little peach for the first time on a plaid blanket out in the open where anyone could see.
“Why don’t we negotiate right now.” Shock hits me right between the eyes when my little peach pushes me onto my back and then crawls over me. My resolve goes up in smoke as she leans down to bite the side of my throat. “I’m sure we can figure out a way to compromise.”
Milly rubs her soft curves against my hardness, and I almost come in my pants.
Gritting my teeth to control the hunger roaring through me, I ask her, “Are you sure? Once we do this, there’s no turning back.”
“I was sold the night I saw you the first time. Nothing could change my mind now.”
That’s good enough for me. I hop to my feet and lift her curvy body against my chest. “Wait.” She wraps her arms around my neck to hold on. “I thought we were going to do this?”
“We are.” I place a soft kiss on the tip of her nose. “But not out in public where every Tom, Dick, and Harry can watch.”
Milly texts Rose to let her know she’s staying with me. I expect my girl to change her mind, but she shocks me and hops on the bike.
“Are you having second thoughts?” she asks.
“Never.” I laugh. “I thought your friend might try to talk you out of this.”