I’m acting like a goddamn teenage girl. It takes me all afternoon to get ready for my date with Camille. I fucking change clothes four times before I settle on the first outfit I tried on. Son-of-a-bitch, my curvy little peach has me tied in knots and acting like a moron.
My phone rings, and I glance down to see Cash’s name blink across the screen.
“Hello,” I answer.
“Nice of you to let me know you’re back in town.” The MC president sounds put out. “Giant told me you’re missing church today.”
“Karma bit me in the ass.” I sigh, knowing he understands.
“I already heard through the grapevine that the Silver Spoon Falls water had claimed another victim.” He laughs. “Let me know when things settle down with your girl and we’ll arrange a dinner so everyone can meet her.”
“That sounds good,” I tell him as I search for my fucking truck keys. I haven’t driven the fucker for six months. Rulie has been coming over weekly to start it up and drive it around the block a few times to keep the battery charged. I have no idea where he left the keys. “Are there any urgent club issues?” I haven’t been carrying my weight with the club since all this shit started.
“Nothing that can’t wait until you get settled.”
“Thanks.” I hang up and rush around the kitchen, looking for my goddamn lost keys.
I’m about to call Rulie when I finally find the fuckers hanging on a hook near the garage door.
I park in front of Camille’s apartment building and take several deep breaths, telling myself it’s time to act like I have half a brain. I can’t take the chance of scaring my little peach off now that I’ve found her. Whether it’s due to Karma, the Silver Spoon Falls water, or fate, I don’t care. Camille Delacour owns me, heart and soul. It’s time to make her mine.
When she opens the door and looks up into my eyes, I barely resist the urge to throw her curvy ass up on the small round dining table and fuck her until we both drop.
Her friend steps around the corner, and the sight of the other woman cools my jets some. I pull my head out of my ass and lean down to place a kiss on Camille’s silky cheek. “You look beautiful, little peach.” I’m not sure how I’ll keep my hands off her luscious body. The light blue silky dress hugs her curves perfectly, giving me a peek at the perfection hidden beneath. My already hard cock expands even more, causing me to worry about the pressure build-up. I’m like a goddamn geyser. When I erupt, watch the fuck out. Maybe I’ll knock my girl up on the first try.
Motherfucker. I realize where my thoughts have gone and attempt to pull myself back from the edge.
Giving up the fight, I wrap my arms around her curvy body and pull her close to cover her juicy lips with mine. As her soft curves melt against me, I feel every inch of her sweet body and breathe in her delicate fragrance. Every drop of blood in my body flows straight to my already hard cock. When she groans against my lips, I pull back to place my forehead against hers. “I needed that.”
Her light blue eyes blink open slowly. “You look very handsome,” she whispers as an adorable pink stain covers her silky cheeks.
“I’m not sure how I’m going to control myself tonight. I’d rather eat you than steak.” My mouth runs off without consulting my brain.
Shock flashes across her beautiful face for a moment before she swallows. “We’ll have to see how dinner goes.”
I’m dying for whatever my little peach will give me. “I have reservations at the Broadway Steakhouse.” I take Camille’s hand and lead her to the door.
“Have fun, Milly, and call if you’re going to be late,” Rose calls as we walk out the door.
I help her into my truck, then lean over her luscious body to fasten her seatbelt. I’m unable to resist the urge to place a kiss on her upturned nose.
During the entire four-minute drive to the Broadway Steakhouse, we talk about the weather. The boring subject does nothing to ease the hardness growing behind my zipper. Fuck. My dress pants are like a cheap hotel. No ballroom. I’m going to need to buy bigger pants soon to keep my cock from being strangled to death.
The hostess smiles when we walk in the door and reaches for two menus. “Your table is ready, sir.”
“Thank you.” We follow her across the darkened restaurant, and I feel several pairs of eyes following us. Within a few minutes, the Silver Spoon Falls grapevine will be buzzing.
The hostess brings us to a table in the back of the restaurant that’s hidden around a corner. After helping Milly into her seat, I slide into the chair on her right side and reach for her hand. I place a soft kiss across her knuckles as a waiter steps up to the table. We give him our drink orders, and he finally leaves us alone.
While we wait for our dinner to be served, Damien tells me about his career. It’s a little shocking that the prince designs violent video games.
“What made you choose that career?” I need to know.
“I was always a computer geek.” He shrugs, and I have a hard time picturing the hot biker as a nerd. “It happened naturally. I was playing games in college and didn’t like the way they were designed. I started making changes to games, and that led to me starting from scratch and writing my own games. Things took off when I graduated.” I take a sip of my wine and listen. “It’s the perfect career. No one knows that the Chaos Wizard is me.”