The restaurant manager almost falls over himself while escorting us to the private room I reserved for our lunch. With Bent’s recent retirement, reporters will be hiding in bushes and dressing up like waiters to get close to me. I hate the attention, but it’s all part of the job. Hopefully, the uproar will die down soon enough. Once the world accepts the fact that I don’t ever plan on returning to the stage, I’ll be able to go out and relax without security.

The waitress keeps looking between me, Wild, Marco, and Dillon with wide eyes. “Can I do anything for you guys?” She ignores the women and smiles sweetly at me.

“Stop drooling over our men like they’re on the menu,” Jenna snaps. “And bring extra napkins.”

The waitress rushes away with her tail between her legs, and I wrap my arm around London’s shoulder. “Are you okay?” I haven’t had the chance to discuss what happened in the meeting and it’s killing me.

“Great.” She leans her head against my shoulder and smiles. “It’s all taken care of.” I still have no idea what’s going on, but I’ll have to wait until I get her alone later to find out.

“You’re crowding me, asshole.” Piper slides her chair away from Dillon. “Sheesh. Can’t a girl have lunch without you being a pain in the ass?”

“Stop.” He lays his hand over hers and stares into her stormy eyes. I watch the battle of wills, rooting for the adorable brunette. The big asshole deserves to be taken down a peg or fifty.

After we order our meal, I sit back and watch my angel with her friends. It’s easy to see how much they love each other. As much as I love my MC brothers. I’ll have to make sure she gets to spend time with them often. But first, I have to make her mine and give her my last name.

While beating the hell out of me, Cash asked me not to mess with his little sister unless I plan to make an honest woman out of her. I assured my friend that I will be giving her my name soon.

“I got us tickets to the Atlanta Pounders game tonight.” I place a kiss on her soft cheek. “If you want to go with me?” Tickets have been sold out for all the games since the new professional hockey team moved here two years ago. Luckily, Louis is great at getting me the impossible.

London’s eyes light up. “Of course, I want to go. I freaking love the Atlanta Pounders.”

I already knew that. Cash made sure to tell me everything I need to know about his little sister over the weekend. I guess the asshole doesn’t think I’m capable of handling my own relationship.

“Great. I’ll pick you up from work, and we’ll grab a quick bite before heading to the arena.” London bobs her head up and down in agreement.

The trio of jealousy refuses to let me escort the cuties back to the office without them. “I’ll miss you.” I pull London close and lay a kiss on her that leaves no doubt about how I feel about my angel. I have my work cut out for me, but I plan to make sure London’s friends and their men all accept me.

Waiting five more hours to see my angel almost kills me. My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I pull it out to read the message. I smile when I see it’s from London.

I’m almost ready. I’ll meet you in front of the building in five minutes.

I wanted to go up and meet her, but she resisted. London thinks I cause too much of an uproar in the workplace, so I let her make this decision. Sitting in the back of the SUV, looking out the tinted windows, I wait for my curvy little angel. Anticipation turns my cock to stone as I envision the night ahead.

When she steps out of the building, I hop out of the vehicle and rush over to her. “Hey, angel.” I pull London close and kiss her soft lips before helping my woman into the back of the SUV.

“Hey, you.” She melts against me. “Did you remember to bring my jeans and jersey?” I brought the jeans and a jersey with my last name spelled across the back that I had delivered to the apartment this afternoon. I’ll die before I ever let my angel wear another man’s name on her back.

“I have your clothes.” I kiss her nose. “We’ll stop at the Ritz for you to change.” I also refuse to let her change clothes in an arena bathroom, so I booked us the honeymoon suite for tonight.

“You didn’t have to do that.” Her wide eyes stare up into mine. “We could’ve gone back to my place to change.”

“We could’ve,” I agree, “but we’re not.”



Ihave a hard time keeping my jaw from hitting the floor as we step into the fancy freaking honeymoon suite. “Honeymoon suite?” I ask.

“Wishful thinking.” He shrugs.

I follow Bender into the large bedroom and watch him set my bag on the floor. After unzipping the bag, I root through it for my outfit. “I’ll just change really quick.” I rush for the bathroom before I give into my urge to jump his hot body. We’ll never make it to the game if I let him touch me.

When I get a good look at the clothes in my hands, I notice the brand-new jersey right away. Holding it up in front of me, I noticeValentinesplashed across the back and laugh. After pulling on the tight jeans and jersey and then fluffing up my hair, I step out of the bathroom. “This isn’t the old jersey I splurged on when the team moved to town.” I raise an eyebrow and wait for him to respond.

“It had the wrong fucking name on the back of it,” he growls and pulls me close. “You won’t ever wear another man’s name again.”

Melted into a puddle of goo. That’s what I am. I forget all about being late for the game and jump into his arms.