An hour later, I escape from my blubbering manager and head down to the hotel bar. I need a strong drink.

The dumbass acts like my retirement will leave him destitute, but I’m not leaving him in a jam and we both know it. He will earn a commission on my residual sales for years to come. Plus, the shithead will still represent me. His commission will just be a little less.

I take the private elevator down and step into the back hallway. Luckily, we reserved the private VIP room to celebrate our official retirement after-party, and I shouldn’t have any trouble finding booze. All of my MC brothers attended the show tonight. I glance down at my watch and see they should be at the club by now.

I see Cash, his wife, Hadley, her twin sister, Kyra, and Cowboy sitting in a back booth. Word floating around the club is that Cowboy plans to hitch his wagon to her horses soon. Another dumbfuck that bit the dust recently. I refuse to let any woman lead me around by the balls.

After waving at them, I head for the bar. “This is for you.” Grizz presses a drink into my hand before I even ask. “I figured you could use it after the showdown with Louis.” Fuck. My friend knows me well.

“Thank you,” I groan. “Hopefully, I finally got through to him.”

“I wouldn’t hold my breath.” He slaps me on the back. “You need to check out Cash’s little sister.” He fans himself. “I could ignore my no-dating rule for that little miss.”

My bodyguard wiggles his eyebrows and walks off as I laugh and call to him, “Go for it, man. Just don’t let Cash see. He’ll have your balls.”

Fifteen minutes later, Karma bitch slaps me in the face with my earlier comment. I swallow, watching my future wife laugh at something Grizz is saying. Cash is going to kill me, but having that curvy little angel will be worth it. I shake my head to clear the crazy thoughts and head over to make my move.

Making my way over isn’t easy. Several of my brothers stop me to talk, but I tell each of them I have something important to do. I’m sure all the assholes will give me hell for my drastic change in attitude, but it won’t be so bad eating my words for this curvy beauty. Not when I get to cuddle up to that angel every night. I stop a few feet from them and let her perfection wash over me. Her delicate laugh reaches my ear, soothing me in a way I’ve never felt before. “I can’t believe Cash said that.” She lays her soft hand on his forearm, and a growl erupts from my throat.

They both turn to look at me as I step close. Pulling my head out of my ass, I extend my hand to her. “Bender Valentine.” A satisfied smile breaks out on my face as my eyes move over her bountiful curves. I might be losing my mind, but what a way to go.

Her dark blonde hair hangs loosely around her heart-shaped face, and a fantasy of me twisting the long locks around my fist as I plow into her softness from behind pierces my consciousness. I fight a motherfucking erection while thinking I should’ve changed before the after-party. Hard-ons are hell in tight leather.

Her bright blue eyes widen as she swallows and takes my hand. “London Montoya.” She draws in a deep breath and rambles on, “Thank you so much for setting up the interview with Pen. She’s the best,” the curvy little angel who just stole my heart gushes.

“You can thank me over dinner.” I place my arm across her back and turn to glare at Grizz. “Make excuses for me and arrange for the hotel to serve a meal for us in thirty minutes, please. In the suite. I’m taking my girl to dinner.” The curvy doll stiffens in my arms but allows me to lead her toward the exit. As we walk away, I hear my bodyguard grumbling about the water in Silver Spoon Falls turning us all into pussy-whipped morons.



Wow. I clench my hands into fists, fighting the urge to fan myself as the hot rockstar leads me out the back exit. He’s all my filthiest fantasies rolled into one yummy smelling package. Cash arranged for me to interview Pen months ago, but catastrophes kept popping up that delayed our meeting. We finally decided I would fly to Houston for their last concert. The entertainment world is in an uproar over the news that Bent is retiring.

Jenna just about wet herself when she realized Curvy Cuties would get the first interview with Penelope Rocha after their band’s retirement. I was less thrilled, though. In my heart, I knew something big was coming.

I sneak a peek at the hottie leading me out the door and feel my insides melt. If you look up tall, dark, handsome, and rich in the dictionary, you’ll find a picture of Declan “Bender” Valentine. His sizzling brown eyes move over my body, sending tingles shooting along my nerves. His long, curly black hair calls for my touch. I wonder if he would let me run my tongue over his tan skin for a little taste.

Biting my lip, I let my eyes slide down his trim yet muscular body. The smoking hot leather pants display all his assets. I fight to control the spark of jealousy over those devilish pants rearing its ugly head. What is happening to me?

My mind spins when he waves the chauffeur off and opens a limousine door for me before whispering, “Slide in, angel.”

“Thank you,” I manage to wheeze. I wince, realizing I sound like a constipated mouse.

After sitting next to me, he slams the door, sealing us into the small area. His warm, spicy scent wraps around me, causing my lady bits to wake up. “How did you like the show?” He takes my hand and begins to rub the back of my knuckles.

I blink several times, trying to wake up my mushy mind. “It was awesome.” Shoot. I really sound like a brain-dead groupie. “I’m sorry, I only got to see you at your last show.”

“I’m happy you enjoyed it.” His warm breath brushes against my cheek as he leans close to talk to me. “Don’t worry. I’ll give you a private performance any time you want.”

Oh, my. Even a clueless virgin like me can tell the steaming hot rockstar is flirting with me. We pull up in front of a fancy hotel before I’m able to respond. I turn off my cautious side and let the hottie help me from the limousine. For tonight, I’m throwing caution to the wind and letting my inner bad girl out.

“Are you okay with eating in my suite?” I pull myself together, realizing he’s speaking to me. “I wanted privacy.” I nod my head, not having the mental capacity to speak when he smiles and I see the adorable dimple in his left cheek.

Bender ignores the stares as he leads me past the lobby to a back set of elevators. He presses his finger against a shiny black box, and the doors open. Once inside, he turns and smiles down at me. “I’m going to miss all this technology when I head back to my little cabin in Silver Spoon Falls.”

“I would, too,” I agree. He calls his home a “tiny cabin,” but I’ve seen it. I wouldn’t call the large white and green plantation-style home tiny at all. In fact, it’s a freaking mansion.

The elevator moves so smoothly, I’m shocked when the doors open, and I find us stepping into a large sitting room. My nose perks up at the smell of something delicious filling the air around us. “Dinner smells wonderful,” I tell him, and watch hunger flash across his heated gaze.