Page 8 of The Last Heir

“Can kiss my ass.” I snapped. “He’s not my Master. The Carmelo name doesn’t own me anymore. Charles is nothing to me. I was disinherited; didn’t you hear? Unlock these things. I’m done with this family.”

The two men looked at each other before turning back to me. When Gabe withdrew a syringe, my head flew up.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing with that?” But I knew. Flashes blinded me, and the pain in my neck was suddenly obvious. They’d done this before. In my grandfather’s study.

What did I know about…what was it? Survival?

“It’ll only be a little bit, Aimon. You’ll feel better soon.”

“Don’t you stick that thing in me. Gabe. Hey!” I didn’t stand a chance as both men wrestled my bound arms and legs. Their weight was crushing compared to the way my body was already throbbing from their touch. The pinch in my arm had me flinching and then…something…good…slow.

“That’s better.” They stood and a maid I hadn’t seen before carried and set down a tray. Clinking drew my attention, and it took me a moment before I realized my arms were free and the guards were helping me stand. I felt like I was in a funhouse. The floor shifted as we headed into the adjoining bathroom, only for the sounds of their voices to deepen to a hauntingly, eerie tone.

“Sit here. Taylor, start the shower and get a towel ready.”

My legs buckled as I was being lowered. Time passed. Almost an eternity; I was sure of it. Everything was so slow. Then, we were moving again. Floating through the room as I tried everything I could to keep my eyes open. Then, warm. Hot. Warm. A rich and spicy aroma. When hands started brushing over my skin, my entire body jumped at the electric contract. The room spun and so did my fists as I tried fighting through the drugging effects.

“Whoa, calm down. Almost done, Aimon.”

“Fuck, man, did you give him enough?”

“Who’s got the medical degree, Taylor? Of course I gave him enough. A little too much for my liking, but it’s Parker’s orders, and he’s the boss. Aimon will be fine. He won’t even remember this. Only thing is, the effects won’t last long. Maybe another half hour tops, and it’ll start wearing off.”

“Let’s hurry, then. The girl should be returning soon. I don’t want to have to worry about drugging them both.”

Gabe laughed. “She’s a looker, don’t you think?”

“We shouldn’t talk about her, given who she’s going to be.”

“And who’s that? You think she’ll succeed?”

Taylor turned off the water, drying me with a towel as Gabe kept me standing. When my guard glanced at me, I could barely make out his face, let alone decipher what they were saying. “She’s beautiful. Too beautiful. She’ll do it. Or with enough time, maybe she won’t have too. She’s Aimon’s type, that’s for sure. If it were me, I wouldn’t stand a chance.”

“Enough time? Didn’t you hear? The Master told her he’d pull the plug on her mother within the week if she didn’t act on this. I was told she has days at best, and that’s if her mom doesn’t pass away from her injuries first. There’s whispers of something more, something darker, but I’m not speaking of it.”

My head rolled back as I was turned and helped out of the shower. Each step was big. Clumsy. Nothing felt right as they placed me back in the bed and propped me up. It wasn’t until after they rolled over my tray that they put the cuffs back on. The heaviness registered but faded just as fast as they did. One second they were there, and the next they were gone. Damn, I was so sleepy. So…

“Put her on the bed.”

“Are you sure she’s okay?”

Thomas’s question had my eyelids pushing open so I could see what was happening. One blink, they were at the door. Another blink, feet away. I was losing time. Losing consciousness.

“She just passed out from the hysterics. She’s fine. It’s better this way. Put her tray on the table over there with his. They can eat together.”

“Yes, Boss.”


My voice wavered through its deep tone. I’d meant to say it angrily, but it barely came out at all.

“Her checkup is complete. Until it’s done, she stays in this room. She’s in good health. She was at Memorial last month with a migraine. Her blood work was good then. I can guarantee it’s fine now. I’m sure Fayette was just overwhelmed and crying too hard. She’s been through a lot.”

“You can say that again.” Thomas let out a breath as he turned and started leaving.

“Parker.” My arm stopped at the restraint. I wasn’t sure what I was doing, but I wasn’t staying here. “Take these…off.”

One look is all he gave as he and Thomas headed out the door. The thud of it shutting sent a rumble from my throat. Fuck, I was tired. Tired and over this shit. What was my grandfather expecting me to do being chained to this bed? He disowned me. Why was I still here? Was he planning on keeping me captive until I died? Maybe. He’d get satisfaction from something like that. Freedom from the family—imprisonment for wanting out. It was fitting.