Page 12 of The Last Heir

My hand grabbed to the side, and I felt myself falling before I could realize what was happening. Aimon’s yells faded into the background, and darkness was all I saw. It covered me, suffocating me with the questions that wouldn’t stop.


“Fay? Fayette?”

My name drew me from a void, but nothing would come as I tried to answer.

“She’s dehydrated. We’ll keep her on fluids for a few hours to let her regain some of her strength.”

“Did you morons realize whose daughter you had?”

“Hush it, Aimon. We’re very much aware.”

“Then what the fuck are you doing, Parker? You take me, okay. Whatever. I should have known my grandfather would do something this childish. But taking her, too? She just lost her father for fuck’s sake. She doesn’t deserve this. Let her go. Take her back to the hospital so she can be with her mom. So she can get real help. The woman’s obviously sick and distraught.”

Aimon? Yes, it was him sticking up for me. But why? I kept my eyes closed, fighting through the fatigue that wanted to take me back under.

“You know we can’t do that.”

“Bullshit. Fayette told me what happened with the money. George would never intentionally give his daughter to Charles. Hell, I didn’t even know he had one. George was my godfather. He was a light-hearted person. He made everyone laugh. He joked. He didn’t mean this. Fayette said something about being in trouble. If George came to Charles, he needed help. She needs help. Is he at least helping her? Did he say what happened?”

“We’re not talking to you about Carmelo business. If you want to help this girl, you know what to do.”

“Fuck off, Parker. Neither me nor Fayette want a kid.”

“It would seem to me that neither of you have a choice.”

“Bullshit. Of course you’d follow his orders. This is absurd and insane. Did I mention fucking illegal? This isn’t the goddamn nineteen-hundreds anymore. I don’t care how hardcore the old bastard used to be. Those days are over. I should have him arrested.”

A small cry pushed past my lips at the sting on my hand. My lids fluttered open and it didn’t take long to realize I was on the bed.

“It’s okay. No sudden moments. We’re just going to get some fluids in you. Can you tell me the last time you had anything to eat?”

It was the dark-haired man again. Aimon called him Parker.

“I don’t know.”

“Did you eat today?”



My lids closed, only to turn slits. “Have you ever lost someone you love?”


“Did you remember to eat, Parker? Did you care to?”

His brown eyes left mine, stealing a glance at Aimon before focusing on the medical tape. “Food wasn’t important, no.”

“It’s the last thing I was thinking of.”

As he secured the IV, I closed my eyes. My stomach growling immediately had them opening, but not because of being hungry. It was Aimon’s voice that drew me from any form of escape.

“Can someone get her some food?”

“Her tray’s over there.” Thomas pointed. “I’ll get it.”