Page 64 of The Last Heir

“Oh, Sir. I didn’t know you were here.”

“My car’s still outside.”

“Right. I’ve been busy today. I need to speak with Lady Fayette. Is she available?”

“She’s in bed. Is it important? I can tell her if you want.”

Thomas took a deep breath. “I’m sorry, Aimon. I can’t discuss Carmelo matters with you.”

“So, it’s business. Hold on.”

I shut the door, heading back to the bed. Fay was already standing as I approached.

“It’s Thomas. He needs to talk to you about Carmelo matters.”

“I heard. Damn.” Fay walked to her vanity, grabbing the brush. While she was getting ready, I slid on my shoes. When she turned back to me, the mask she wore was not one I was familiar with. The happiness, even the worry I saw pass over her features were gone. Fay was stoic. Her expression could have been a statue for how guarded she was.

“Wait.” I jogged the few steps, having her face me. “Are you okay? If you don’t want to do this—”

“I’m fine, Aimon. Your grandfather has been giving me more responsibility lately. He doesn’t feel well, and it’s something I have to know anyway.”

“Well…yes, but.” My head shook. “It’s stressful. Maybe too stressful for your condition.”

Fay laughed. “I have a team I’m working with. They help me if I need it. I’m fine. Let me go see what this is about.”

But it wasn’t fine. She could pretend all she wanted, but I lived this life. I knew what she was dealing with, and with a team or not, angry, threatening, sometimes irate clients weren’t a walk in the park.

Fay opened the door, slipping out to crack it behind her. I quietly walked forward, listening as I approached.

“Hey, Thomas. What’s going on?”

“Diane, Richard, and Miguel met with Warden Enterprises today. It didn’t turn out well. He’s refusing to go forward until he meets with a Carmelo. He wants Master Carmelo or Aimon. He was told that was impossible. That he could call and video chat with you, but he won’t sign the contract until he meets you personally.”

“Alright.” Fay paused. “So, I’ll meet him in a few days.”

“I’m afraid you can’t do that.”

“Why not?”

“Warden is out of London. Master Carmelo has made it very clear that you’re not to leave this house for business matters. Not yet.”

“Master Carmelo has also explained the importance of this contract. Can you have the owner and his team brought to the main building downtown? I can meet them there.”

“Well…I can go over it with Master Carmelo, but I don’t see him letting you go. Your wellbeing comes first. Business second. He’s said that from the beginning. It’s just not safe yet, Fay.”

“You keep saying that: safe, safe, safe. I’m safe. I’m fine.” Fay let out a sigh. “This is what we’re going to do. Call Warden back. Get them on a video call. I don’t care if they want to or not, get them to do it. I’ll see if I can convince them to re-meet and sign with the team.”

“I’ll do that now.”

“Thank you, Thomas. I’ll be right down.”

Chapter 21


“They won’t do it.”

I jolted to a stop, two steps inside my door. Aimon was not feet away.