Page 14 of The Last Heir

“You wish.”


I did turn back then. My brow creased, and I couldn’t stop from scanning his face. “I guess if I had to choose a father for my child, and I didn’t have a choice, you’d do.”

He laughed, surprising me. “You keep talking like that, but you’re not serious. You really plan to rape me?”

The blood all but left my face leaving me light-headed once again. The word gutted me. Demolished me.

“I don’t have a choice. I want my mom.” My voice all but disappeared. “I do apologize.”

“You’re really serious.”

It wasn’t a question.

“I was given seven days before your grandfather has my mother’s machines turned off. I don’t have another hour. She may die at any moment. There’s no way I’m letting her die alone in that room. I have to get back to her tonight.”

“I’m sorry about your parents. I truly am, Fay, but I hope you don’t think I’m going along with any of this heir-stuff so you can leave. I won’t have sex with you. I can’t. I won’t give my grandfather the satisfaction. He doesn’t deserve to have his way after the hell he put me through.”

“Hell? You? Let me guess, your allowance was pennies compared to your rich, spoiled friends? Did he not let you backpack Europe? Did he threaten to put you in timeout?”

Aimon’s lips tightened in anger. “Timeout? How about going back to boarding school with a broken nose, busted lip, and two fractured fingers because you told him to shut up and stop comparing you to your gold-digging, dead father? That happened often, trust me. And backpacking, traveling, no, not me. It was too risky. Too dangerous, although I don’t know why. My parents’ plane crashed. He doesn’t think it was so cut and dry, so I suffered my entire life for his paranoia. Never alone. Never free. My life has been one over-dramatic story after the next. He’s delusional.” Aimon lifted his cuffed hands. “Need I say more?”

I grabbed the cake, taking a big bite, not even bothering with my fork. “So, it wasn’t so easy for you. That doesn’t mean I deserve to be taken from my mother either. I don’t deserve to have a forced pregnancy. Or a pregnancy in general with a man I don’t even know, into a family, I know nothing about. This is the last environment I would want to bring a child into. I mean, look at us. Look at you. You had it hard, but you were served the world on a golden platter, and still, you didn’t turn out so great.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Aimon grabbed his cake, biting it in half. My eyes stayed transfixed on his lips as tingling began to rush over my body. With it, I squirmed, feeling heat begin to join an odd tingling on my tongue “You keep making all these assumptions about who I am, but you don’t even know me.”

“I know if you were good, I would have met all of you long before this. I heard you. My dad was your godfather. That’s huge, and yet we’ve never met. There was a reason my father kept me hidden from this family.” I gestured around us. “I can only imagine what it is.”

Chapter 4


The woman was impossible. Insufferable. Beautiful.

I kept quiet, refusing to argue a minute more. After all, wasn’t she right? George saw what a danger it was to bring his daughter around this family. He’d done right protecting her. My grandfather wasn’t to be trusted. He would have ruined Fayette long before now if he’d had his way. She would have been run off by his harsh comments, or belittled. It was his M-O. He’d done it my entire life to any woman I tried to get close with. And I would have connected with Fay. How could I not? She was gorgeous and sweet. Like an angel mixed with some cover model on a magazine.

“Oh my…God. This cake is.” Fay licked her fingertips, squinting at the cake in her grip. “Heavenly. I wish I could have more. I want the last bite, but I don’t want it gone.”

“What are you talking about? It’s just cake.” Was she slurring? At least she sounded happier which was good.

“Did you eat yours, Aimon? Can I have it?” It took a moment for Fay to look over. When she did, she pouted. “Of course you ate it. Completely spoiled and probably greedy. Self-centered.”

“Hey, enough of that. It was strawberry. Mrs. Emmy knows that’s my.” I stopped, blinking repeatedly at the tingling on my lips. “Favorite.” I swallowed, clearing my throat as my skin began vibrating. Was I relapsing on the drugs they’d given me earlier?

“Fay, how are you feeling?”

“I’m so great.” She pushed the tray away, laying back to stare at the ceiling. “When I get back to my mom, I’m going to read to her. She used to always read to me. It was a ritual at my house. I have pictures my dad took of my mom holding me in one arm as she held a book in the other. I couldn’t have been but a few weeks old. Then, at four. Then…ten? Anyway, there’s a couple throughout my life.”

“That sounds nice. I read sometimes.” I shifted, rotating my shoulders through the sensations that began running down my limbs and cock. “Fay, are you feeling anything else? Anything odd?”

She lifted, almost dazed as she stared at me. “I.” Her eyes searched my face before lowering to my chest. “I feel…” Again, she got quiet.

“No way.”

“I feel…” She licked her lips, moving her gaze to the edge of the blanket that sat low on my abs.

“Son of a bitch. That bastard.”