“I mean it. Stay away.”

The sound of her heels pounding against the tile floor was deafening. Julie could feel herself almost jogging to her car. The tears were coming, and if she didn’t hurry they were going to fall before she had a chance to get home. She was mortified that Ayden had called her out on her problem. She was determined to quit. It was hard, but she was trying.


Julie didn’t turn around. She forced herself faster.


Footsteps were gaining on her fast. Too fast. Defeat and lack of air forced Julie to stop. The weight of her head pulled her to face the ground. All she wanted to do was go home and sleep. Now she was going to have to worry about some babysitter watching her every move.


Julie turned around slowly. Her eyes felt like they were on fire from the tears that threatened to overflow. “How can I help you?” The sun was in her eyes making it impossible to see the officer’s face.

“Chief told me to escort you home.”

The officer stuck out his hand and waited for her to take it.

“I’m Officer Simms. Or Aston, if you’d prefer.”

She forced a smile and lifted her hand to block the sun. The moment her eyes connected with the color blue, her heart nearly stopped. Did she know this man? He looked awfully familiar. “Aston…it’s a pleasure meeting you.”

Julie shook his hand and immediately got the feeling that she didn’t want to let it go. All she could do was stare into his depths in somewhat of a daze. It was as though nothing else existed around her, other than this extremely tall officer.

“Have we met?” Officer Simms looked just as confused as she felt. He was even biting on his lower lip.

“You know, I was wondering the same thing.” Julie laughed and stepped back. It was only when she felt the tension did she realize they were still holding hands. She quickly pulled hers away, feeling her cheeks burst with heat. Was she blushing? Surely not. She had to have been sicker than she realized.

The cop’s smile looked somewhat mischievous. “Are you okay? I mean, you look really flushed.”

“Officer Simms,” she began.


Julie nodded. “Okay, Aston. Listen, I have to tell you, I really don’t like the idea of this. It’s nothing personal against you, but I’m a very private person when it comes down to it. I’d like to just pretend that I’m driving home, and no one is following me or is going to be watching over me. Agreed?”

A big smile came to his face. God, it was a beautiful smile. Julie almost could feel herself leaning forward, as if gravity revolved around him and he was exactly where she needed to go.

“No worries. My sister is the same way. I’ll just let you be on your way, and you can pretend that I’m not tailing you.”

Julie sighed with relief. “Thank you.”

She turned and got in. The shakiness made starting the car almost impossible. Julie could feel her entire body humming. Even her jaw was going ninety to nothing, as if she were cold. But that wasn’t the case at all. Sweat was soaking through her clothes.

The phone ringing broke the silence. Julie hit the answer button on her steering wheel. “Hello?”

“Jules.” A heavy sigh filled the car as the voice came over the speakers.

“Londyn?” Aching consumed her chest. The only man she’d been in a committed relationship with since her divorce was the last person she expected to hear from. Hell, she didn’t ever think she’d talk to him again. It’d been months since they’d seen each other. What had started out as hot and heavy had just ended out of nowhere. Julie had never felt as empty as she had when Londyn disappeared.

“Ayden tells me you’re in trouble.”

So many emotions exploded inside of her. Rage like she’d never felt before took over. “Ayden? He told you that! Why? Regardless, why the hell do you give a shit? I haven’t heard from you in forever.”

“We need to talk.”

“Like hell we do.” Julie looked down at the speedometer and quickly hit her brakes. She was going almost fifteen miles over the speed limit, and it wasn’t good that a cop was following her.