Taylor grabbed her hand and pulled her over to the bed to sit down. “Of course I believe you. If your clothes had been out of order this morning, I would have heard about it. I really wish you would have told me about these packages, though. Maybe I could have prevented it from getting this far. “

“Maybe.” Julie shrugged. “But maybe not. I just wish I knew why someone would do such a thing. I mean, what’s he going to get out of it?”

“Pure inconvenience? Maybe humiliation?” Taylor stood from the bed and began to pace. “What kind of pictures did they take?”

“All kinds, me at the bar dancing with men.” She gasped. “Me dancing topless in the bed of your truck! Taylor, we were completely alone. Miles down the beach, away from everyone.”

His jaw dropped. “This person has been following you that long? Taylor rubbed his eyes. “I really don’t understand. It appears he wants to embarrass you and make you feel bad about your actions, but why? I can’t really see you getting close enough to anyone to give him the impression that maybe there was something between the two of you other than…” Taylor paused.

“Sex.” Julie smiled. “You’re right. Anyone I had sex with, well that’s just what it was. It was emotionless. A thank-you for the fun time, now have a nice day.”

Taylor narrowed his eyes. “Were you really that cold about it? I mean, with me, you appear to be enjoying it.”

“Oh, I do, Taylor. You’re different.” Julie sighed and looked down. “My words came out wrong. I’m not that mean. You just need to look at it from my point of view. Most of the men were bets. It was fun. I had a blast with them. But I always made it very clear from the beginning that I wasn’t looking for anything serious and they all appeared to be fine with that. Relieved, if you want me to be truthful.”

“Then it has to be someone else. Someone who’s not a bet.”

“Perhaps.” Julie scanned the room, making sure she wasn’t missing anything she might have overlooked. “My first impression was a client. Maybe someone whose case didn’t work in their favor, or an angry spouse who didn’t like the ruling. Hell, it could be a number of things that’s causing someone to lash out.”

“Breaking and entering is pretty extreme, Jules. I think that goes past the point of lashing out. If you ask me—”

Glass breaking had Julie rushing out of the room.

“Dammit, Aston, you know she knows me!”

Officer Simms had Londyn pinned down on the living room floor. The statue she’d had on her end table was shattered to pieces, and there was blood oozing from her ex-lover’s arm.

“Julie, does this man look familiar to you?”

The need to say no was on the tip of Julie’s tongue, but she couldn’t do it. Londyn may have broken her heart, but she wasn’t about to get him in trouble over it. She nodded and Officer Simms slowly eased up. If Julie had guessed, she’d definitely say it didn’t look like Aston wanted to. He looked downright angry, but why?

“Londyn, what are you doing here?” Julie grabbed some paper towels and started pressing them against the wound.

“I told you, Ayden called and said you were in trouble. I need to be here for you.”

Julie squeezed the wound under her palm, causing Londyn to yell out.

“What about the months after you left? You didn’t think I needed you then?”

“Yeah.” Taylor walked closer, his eyes practically ablaze with hatred. She’d almost forgotten about venting her heartache to him. He’d held her while she cried her eyes out.

“I’m sorry.” Londyn grabbed the paper towel and stepped toward Taylor. “Who are you?”

The two men were practically toe-to-toe. Aston neared, and Julie watched him hover by the two men in case he needed to intervene.

“I’ll tell you who I am.” Taylor growled. “I’m the one who picked up the pieces when you decided to tuck tail and run. Do you have any idea how devastated Julie was when you disappeared?”

Londyn looked over at her. “I’m sorry. I never meant to hurt you, but you have to understand. Not only did I have to leave, but overall it was the best thing for you.”

“The best thing for me?” Julie laughed in astonishment. “Wow, Londyn. Nice excuse.” She turned toward Aston. “Officer Simms, I get the impression you know him.”

Aston smiled and looked over at Londyn. “Oh yes. We know each other.”

After what felt like an eternity of silence Julie threw up her hands in confusion. The blond, tattooed ex-lover of hers was glaring at the dark-haired, clean-cut cop. Even though the men seemed like night and day in their appearance, she couldn’t deny that she had been looking at the same features this whole time. Same blue eyes, same full lips, and the exact same perfect nose.

“You’re brothers?” Julie’s jaw dropped. “Holy shit. That must have been why I immediately felt something for you, Aston.”

“You felt something for him?” Taylor raised his eyebrows.