“It felt amazing.” Londyn chimed in. “I was unsure about it at first, but holy shit, it blows anything I’ve ever experienced out of the water.”

Aston came up from behind Julie, and Taylor spread his legs wider to give him room. Londyn threw over some lube and Aston was quick to catch it.

“Julie, I’m going to play with your ass. If I hurt you, let me know. I’ll stop.”

Julie rolled her hips sending Taylor yearning to have her closer. His arm wrapped around her chest and he brought her nipple to his mouth. There was no denying now that his mate had definitely bigger breasts. She was gorgeous as her new self, just as much as she’d been before. Although she didn’t look the same, he could still see the old Julie inside of her.

* * * *

“Oh fuck.” Julie’s back arched as Aston gently slid his finger into her ass. The lube made entering easier, but she was so tight he had no idea how his cock was going to fit.

“More,” Julie moaned.

He obeyed, and slowly penetrated her opening. “How does it feel?” Aston leaned over and kissed her back. Julie pushed back against him causing his fingers to be buried deep inside of her.

“So far, amazing.”

Aston added lube to his cock and stroked his length. Seeing Taylor in Julie’s pussy was so hot, he couldn’t wait for all three of them to become one. And that’s exactly what was going to happen. Everything about what they were doing felt so right. This was the way it was meant to be. All four of them together, for the rest of their lives.

“This is too good. Aston. I need you.”

Pressure met the tip of Aston’s cock as he eased into her ass. He paused, letting her adjust to his thickness.

“You’re doing great, love.” Inch by inch he felt the tension in her fade. Julie moaned and started taking both him and Taylor at the same time. Sweat was breaking out all over Aston’s body as he watched her curvy figure move in rhythm. She was so beautiful it made his chest ache. He reached around and grabbed the breast Taylor didn’t have in his mouth. The weight in his hand was perfect.

“This is different. This body.” Julie started moving her body faster, but her need was obvious. “It doesn’t hurt at all. It should, but it doesn’t. Please.”

Aston wasn’t sure if her plea was meant for him or Taylor, but they both took over and increased their speed. The screams of pleasure were growing louder from Julie and he could feel her ass gripping tighter around his width.

Minutes passed and sweat was dripping from his body. Aston tightened his jaw as he held himself from coming too quickly. The moment Julie’s body convulsed with the first set of spasms, Aston felt himself explode inside of her. Taylor let out a groan and grabbed Aston’s hip. As the men met each other’s eyes, Aston felt there was a sense of something new. A joining and acceptance that hadn’t been there before.

Julie collapsed on Taylor’s chest, reaching out and grabbing Londyn’s hand. All Aston could do was stare at all three of them in awe. They were his, and he wasn’t sure what he’d done in life to deserve them, but he was going to spend every moment appreciating his gift.

Chapter 13

Ayden sat across from his desk, every letter and picture Julie had received before him. He shook his head and looked at her. “You have to know her, Jules. And I’m not talking as an acquaintance from work. Look at this one. “Your parents must be so proud.” He pointed at another. “And this one, like mother, like daughter.” He twisted his mouth as he looked back over everything. “Corinne is putting herself on a personal level with you. In a family setting. Are you sure you’ve only ever known her from work? You mentioned when she shot you that she said to say hello to her mother. Who is that, Julie?”

Taylor’s hands came to rest on her shoulders as she wiggled in the chair. Her men had insisted all three of them be there while Ayden questioned her. It had been almost a month since the shooting and neither Channing’s sources nor Ayden had any luck locating Corinne. It was as if she had disappeared into thin air.

A sigh came from Julie as she leaned forward and scanned the contents of the packages. “Ayden, the first time I met Corinne was when she started at the firm. She was answering the phones one morning and I showed up late. She had bought coffee for the office and handed me a cup on my way through. I was surprised. I can remember telling her thanks, and that she better stick around because I could get used to a secretary like her. It was back in November of last year to be exact. I remember because I had gotten that bad food poisoning or something and I was out of work for a few days.”

“Food poisoning?” Ayden looked at her skeptically. “That wouldn’t have happened to be the same day as the coffee exchange, now would it?”

Julie let herself think back and felt her jaw drop. “As a matter of fact, it was. Melissa and I had eaten breakfast at a new Mexican restaurant that had opened up and I chalked it up to the food. Now that I think about it, I hadn’t gotten through a quarter of that coffee before I got extremely sick.” Anger exploded inside of her. “And the icing on the cake is that Corinne actually drove me home and helped me into bed. That bitch!”

“Calm.” Londyn was in the chair next to her. He reached over and grabbed her hand. “You know what happens when you get all riled up. We men pay for it later. Although I’m not necessarily complaining.”

Julie looked over and cut him off. He smiled and looked up at Aston. Their playful look made her want to smile. She kept it in as she tried to focus on finding a link. “I swear, I can’t think of anything else. I have no idea who her mother is.”

“Here.” Ayden handed her a picture. “This was taken at the Christmas party last year. It was the only one your boss could find.”

The picture brought back so many memories. Julie stood there with a group of her colleagues and their spouses. Taylor was by her side and they all looked so happy. Truth was, Julie was so drunk she hardly remembered what happened after the picture was taken. She did recall going back to her place where she and Taylor had a hell of a night under the sheets. As for the details of the party, they were a bit foggy.

Julie took the picture and stared at the woman’s face. Suddenly images started pouring into her vision. A little girl with big brown eyes and tanned skin ran through the garden in her backyard. They were chasing each other around and laughing. Suddenly, Rosa was kneeling over the little girl who was crying. Julie tried her best to hide around the other side of the wall so she wouldn’t be seen.

“Corina, you have to go now. Mama will see you again soon.”

“But I don’t want to go. I want to stay here with you and Julie. I like it here. Can’t I stay, Mama? I promise to be good. I don’t want to go back to Lupita’s. She’s mean to me.”