Facing her reflection in the dresser’s mirror caught Julie off guard. “There’s no way that’s me.” She walked closer, not believing her eyes. The woman who stared back at her had black hair, at least a few inches longer than what hers had been before her change. A thin, straight nose. The eyes made her widen her own. Light blue, the color of Channing’s, and they were illuminated by a slightly pale face. The rosiness in her cheeks looked airbrushed on. Hell, her coloring was perfect.

If Julie would have seen this person standing before her, she’d have been in awe. As it was, the woman didn’t look anything like her. Julie got even closer to the mirror. “Oh, Londyn. I don’t know about this.”

“Don’t be upset, Jules. You’re gorgeous.”

“Yeah, that’s my point. It’s not me. I don’t know this person.”

Londyn smiled tenderly. “It is you. I still see the person you were. Look.” He gently turned her back toward her reflection. “Look closely.” The new shoulder-length bangs kept falling in her face. Londyn pulled them back and placed his finger under her chin, tilting her. “Right here.” His finger traced along her cheek. “And here.” A smooth touch ran along her forehead. “And the shape, here.”

“That’s the shape of my face, Londyn.”

“Exactly. You see it?”

Julie had to admit, when she turned like that, there was a slight resemblance, but barely. “I see it a fraction of a percent.” She sighed. “I’m sure I’ll get used to it. Don’t get me wrong. I hit the genetic lottery mixing my genes with Channing’s, but it’s just hard to see myself in the mirror and know that’s the new me.”

The holes in her shirt were a sharp reminder of the damage her old body had undergone. Julie took off her tattered cloth and expected there to be some sort of scar, but there was nothing. Nothing except…. “Wow. Now, there’s those… Which I’m keeping.”

Londyn’s eyes were like saucers as he stared at her breasts. They were overflowing from her B-cup bra. He shook his head hard and blinked a few times. “Wow, indeed,” he whispered. Julie swatted her hand at him and reached behind her to unclasp the bra. She didn’t wait to let it fall. They needed to hurry and the sooner she got him in the shower, the sooner she could feed. The burning was becoming excruciating.

Clothes went flying behind her as Londyn stripped his off too. Julie started the water and faced him. “I think we should do the feeding in the shower, unless you’d prefer to do it right here.”

It was obvious Londyn was trying not to stare. Julie pointed to her chest. “Get it over with.”

“Oh, thank god.” He walked forward and ran his finger over the top of her light pink nipple. Julie couldn’t help but shiver. “Amazing. These are…”

She sighed. “Great, yes. I think so too.” Laughter was ready to leave her, but she couldn’t follow through. Between worrying over Taylor, and wondering how Corrine could do this to her, the thoughts were fleeting compared to the pain in her throat. It took over all of her until she was ready to rush Londyn against the wall and have her way with him.

Pressure gripped her nipple tore Julie from the trance. A mask she had never known before unveiled before her, rippling with possibilities. The personality was completely alien to any she had ever possessed, and it was so easy to slip into.

“I’m a hunter.”

“What?” Londyn looked at her confused.

“I want to seduce you. To bend you to my will. Or, she did.” The creased brow indicated to Julie that he still didn’t understand. “Like a predator, Londyn. She’s inside me. It was scary. I almost lost myself.”

He nodded. “Don’t worry, it’s natural to have that side of you. That’s exactly what you are. When I changed, I had to the same need. No worries. I trust you. The fact that you could even stop yourself and it was your first time ought to tell you something.”

“You’re right. I’m the one in control.” Julie pulled up the lever for the shower and climbed in. “Her body was still tingling where her mate had touched her.

Water sprayed over Julie’s head and she pulled his mouth to hers. Tingling covered her skin and she kissed Londyn deeply. He pulled back, blood on the outside of his lips. The vampire in Julie was in heaven. She collected the crimson drop with the tip of her tongue and moaned.

“God, that actually felt really good.” Londyn pulled her mouth back to his and she lost again. “Don’t hold back with me, Jules.”

She smiled and could feel the seductress predator practically purring on the inside. Julie grabbed Londyn’s hair and pulled, exposing his neck. Slowly, she ran her tongue over his racing pulse.

“Pas encore, mon amour.”

London immediately moaned. “What’d you say? That was so hot.”

“I said, not yet.” Julie switched to French. To what she felt was suddenly natural, like the man by her side.

Londyn lifted Julie so that she straddled him and pressed her against the wall of the shower. “I’ve waited so long for this.” His tongue traced her nipple and he sucked it into his mouth. Julie wiggled against him. The friction to her clit caused a light spasm to shake her legs.

Leaning back, she reached down and began to stroke his cock. The weight in her palm felt so good. Londyn groaned and pushed the length through her grip. With one arm wrapped around her waist, he lowered the other and slid a finger deep inside of her.

“After this, we’re never going to be apart again.” He increased the speed of his thrusts and Julie squirmed against him.

“We don’t have a choice tonight.” She brought his cock to her entrance and he used both hands to grab onto her ass. Gently, she lowered herself down and let his length fill her.