This was it. She was going to go to hell for being the person she’d been. Fire was engulfing her and that’s exactly what they say hell was. She was burning alive from the inside out and it was already starting to creep up her neck.

“Julie. Julie, come back to us.”

Channing voice was overpowered by Aston’s yelling. “It’s been almost ten minutes, Channing. You said five. What the fuck is happening? Where’s Julie?”

Their voices sounded so far away. Thank God, she wasn’t dead. It was as Channing said. She was going to come back.

“Shut up, Aston!” Channing roared. “Do you want her hearing you all panicked when she does return? Now calm down or else I’m having Ayden drag you out of here.”

“Aston. She’ll come back.” Ayden’s voice was barely audible. He was definitely further away than everyone else.

“How’s Taylor doing?” Londyn asked. His throat was extremely scratchy. Julie could remember him crying. It had broken her heart. She’d hardly gotten to spend any time with him since he’d been back.

“He’s hanging on, but barely.” Julie racked her brain. That had to have been Devon talking.

“Can Channing turn him too?” Londyn asked.

“Are you crazy?” Channing burst out. “You know that’s not allowed. It’s only been done a handful of times and the punishment is death. There’s no way I’m even going to risk it. Plus, only one wolf has ever lived through the change to tell about it. The mix of his disease and venom ultimately drove him crazy. They had to kill him.”

“Not going to happen, Londyn.” Ayden whispered. “It’s not worth the risk.”

“Everyone quiet. Julie’s beginning the change. She might be able to hear.” Channing’s voice grew soft as he began to talk to her. “Julie, I need you to remain as calm as you can when you wake up. You’re going to be in a lot of pain from the poison I put inside of you, but you have to stay as still as possible. Your body is going to heal itself but it’s going to take a few minutes. Your injuries are extreme. I don’t want you complicating anything by moving too much.”

Julie tried to answer him, but the pain was keeping her immobile. She could feel that she was back in her body, but nothing was working. It was as though she was a prisoner within herself.

“Wow, look at that. Her hair is getting really dark.” Londyn said, astonished.

Darker? Why the hell was her hair changing color? She had a feeling that they knew something she didn’t, and if her hair was turning a different color, what else was going to happen?

“Londyn.” The name was said by Channing in such a chiding fashion that it was clear he didn’t want her mate to say anything that might set her off.

“I know you can hear me now. You’re doing great, sweetheart. Just a few more minutes and the pain will stop. I know you probably can’t talk right now. That too will pass. When it does, you’re going to want to scream, and you will, but let’s try to not yell too loudly. The walls of this place aren’t very thick.”

Julie could feel Channing move slightly beneath her. The jolt radiated throughout her sensitive bones. She gasped, sucking in so much air that she felt her lungs stretch to capacity. A bloodcurdling scream came out of her mouth before she could think to control it.

“Welcome back, ma chérie.”

The grip Channing had on her arms felt like shackles. The need to thrash tore at Julie’s mind. Everything inside was telling her to fight the pain, but with Channing holding onto her, she wasn’t going anywhere. His strength was shockingly concrete.

“I know it hurts. Breathe, Julie. Just hold on long enough for your wounds to heal, then I will release you. Okay?”

Julie looked up into his face. His eyes were so light blue that they almost looked white. They were captivating.

“That’s right, keep looking at me.” Channing smiled. “You know me, yes? Who am I?”

What felt like electrical charges shot down the insides of her body. Julie growled and took a deep breath. “You’re my…”

“Think. Reach deep inside your mind and tell me everything you see.” Channing rubbed his fingertips over her eyelids. On instinct Julie shut her eyes and concentrated through the twinges that kept jerking her limbs.

Pictures began to flash before her. The location wasn’t at all familiar, but her mind told her it was France. A scene slowed before her and Julie focused. Channing looked exactly as he did now, except for the clothes. As Julie was concentrating on his appearance a man came up from behind him. It was so fast it was a blur. Channing was bit before he even knew what hit him. As he fell to the ground with the man on top of him, Julie could feel the fear consuming her creator.

The speed of the visions increased, but even as they were barely perceptible to the eye, it didn’t stop her from knowing what was happening in each one. The years flew by and she could feel herself falling in love with this man. Not a love like a person would have for a spouse or lover, but more like a sibling, except it was more than that. She was a piece of him. What they shared on the inside was a connection like she never knew existed. She identified with him from the inside out.

Rawness gripped her throat, but she pushed through it. “You’re my master, my father, my…twin. I am you, only not.”

Channing smiled. In appearance, especially. “Twins we shall be to anyone who meets you from now on.” He rubbed the dark hair away from her eyes. “Julie is no more. She died tonight. Do you understand?”

A sadness overwhelmed her. What he said was the truth. She was no longer Julie. The woman she used to be wouldn’t even look like the person she was now. She hadn’t even seen what she looked like yet, but she knew from Channing’s memories that she’d look similar to his creations. Each one was slim, tall, and more beautiful than she could ever imagine being.