“A decision?” Tears were coming down Londyn’s face. Aston couldn’t hold his in any more. He could feel his wolf pushing at his insides to be released. There were so many emotions going through him—anger, heartache, rage.

“I can change her, but I need you both to give your okay.” Channing sighed. “And I know you were in the process of bonding with her. I’m going to need you to make your mark while she’s still alive, or else it’ll be erased the moment she becomes a vampire.”

Aston sucked in a deep breath. “But what about Taylor? We can’t mark her without him.”

“We both know he wasn’t going to bond with her, Aston.” Londyn wiped the tears away, but they were quickly replaced.

Channing just stared at them. “Her heart grows extremely weak. Either you bite her or I do, and then you guys are shit out of luck. I can’t wait all day to make a decision.”

Londyn crawled over and he and Aston both lifted each of her arms. In unison they bit down. Lights flashed in Aston’s vision, and he could feel Julie jerk in his grasp.

“Excellent, now both of you move.”

In one swift motion, Channing pulled Julie into his lap. Aston couldn’t fight the tears that kept streaming down his face. His poor Julie was on the verge of death, and if Channing hadn’t shown up like he had, Julie would be dead. Not to mention, her life was about to drastically change. She wasn’t even going to look like the same Julie. Everyone in the paranormal world knew that when a vampire changed you, you took on their appearance. How was Julie going to grow accustomed to that, on top of her new diet? Aston wasn’t sure, but he knew one thing. Julie would be alive, and that was all that mattered.

* * * *

Darkness floated around Julie. No matter which way she turned, there was nothing there. She was trapped. Words refused to come out of her mouth, but she was sure she could taste blood. Lights flickered in a strobe pattern and fire raced up the side of both of her arms. Channing’s face exploded into her view.

“Calm, Julie. We’re here for you. I’m about to make everything better.”

Pain in her chest brought everything back in a flash. Panicked, Julie tried to sit up. Aston and Londyn came into view. They were both crying so hard that it was clear she was hurt way beyond what she could imagine.

“Tay—” Blood filled her pathways and Julie could taste it on the inside of her mouth. “Taylor!”

“Be still.” Channing pulled her harder into his chest. His French accent was so thick it was hard for her to make out what he was saying. Her mind wasn’t thinking straight.

“Julie, please!” Londyn begged. “Let Channing make you better.”

Nothing was registering except Taylor. She needed to see if he was okay. Plus, how was Melissa’s husband going to make anything better? He wasn’t a doctor.

Warmth nestled around the side of her neck and Julie felt her eyes fly open. Reality hit hard as Channing’s palm pressed against her forehead and she felt her skin punctured by his fangs. Pain engulfed her chest from the gunshot wounds as she fought the fear of what was happening. Then Julie stopped moving completely. Thickness slowly moved its way down her throat, and it was so agonizing it locked her joints from even moving.

“Good girl. Just let the venom work its magic. You’re doing great.”

Fuck if she was. She was stuck.

Suddenly, Julie’s heartbeat could be felt throughout her body. Anxiety took over as she realized it was slowing. Her eyes darted to her mates. Aston had his arm around Londyn’s neck. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Devon, Sarah’s husband. Relief kicked in. Now, he was a doctor! Thank God. At least that told her Taylor was still alive.

“Julie.” Channing wrapped his arms around her chest. She could see blood soaked through his white sleeves. “Now, don’t be scared when I tell you this, but you have to know.”

Julie forced herself to listen carefully. Every second that went by she could feel herself getting weaker. The pain was just too much for her to handle. She could even feel her head starting to nod off to the side. Consciousness was slipping away.

“You’re going to technically die. This is normal. All you’ll see is blackness, but it won’t last long. During this darkness you may see a light, you may not. I’ve heard both counts. Regardless, don’t be afraid. When you wake, we’ll all be here. It might feel like you’re gone for hours, but I assure you it’ll be no more than five minutes. Do you understand? If so, blink twice for your mates to see.”

The words were fading out. Julie’s forced her eyes to open wider. She tried to blink two times, but she wasn’t sure if she got the second one out or not. The beating was growing further apart now, and she was so tired. She needed sleep. Julie let her eyes close and didn’t try to reopen them.

Darkness from her eyelids quickly began to take on a new meaning. Julie felt her heart beat for the last time. She kept waiting for it to go into rhythm again, but she knew as the blackness took on a shape of its own that she must be dead. It was no longer a color, but a place. As much as she tried to stay calm, the fact that the pain was gone was a pure indication that wherever she was, it was a realm for the dead.

Movement came freely. Julie could feel herself jet forward. It was as though she was literally flying. Figures deep in the shadows moved all around her and it was scaring the hell out of her. Were these people bad? Could they be the dead, stuck just as she was? Wake up. Wake up!

Something brushed against her back and Julie let out a scream. It was if the sound got swallowed in the darkness. What felt like hours went by and Julie kept moving. Just as she was about to give up, warmth started at the crown of her head and slowly made its way down until it embraced where her toes would have been. A blinding light burst from above and Julie could see her grandma in the distance. Excitement took over and Julie rushed forward. Nana! Oh Nana, come get me. I’m scared.

When nothing happened, Julie screamed louder. The faster she went, the more she realized that she wasn’t actually going anywhere. Nana, please! I’m begging you. I want to come with you into the light. The dark scares me. You know that. Nana!

A soft echo floated around her. She had to strain to hear it. “They’re waiting for you. You need to go back.”

The light started to recede and despair took over. “Nana! Nana, don’t leave me here.” Where Julie’s feet would have been the light faded and with that, needles began to take its place. They followed the beam up her legs and to the core of her stomach. Julie screamed in pain.