“Yes, tonight.” Aston pulled him toward the door. “We’ll be back as fast as we can.” He pulled his gun out and handed it to her. “Safety is here. Pop that off and it should be ready to use.”

Julie rolled her eyes. “This is Texas. I know how to shoot a gun. Now go.”

Londyn followed Aston out of the apartment and they waited until they heard the lock on the dead bolt slide over. He looked at his brother. “Whose ride are we taking? Yours or mine?”

Aston laughed. “Mine’s faster.”

“Agreed.” Londyn walked in the direction of Aston’s car and felt nervousness overtake him. He didn’t like leaving Julie for one second, but if they were going to set up here for the time being, they needed everything possible to make it to where they didn’t have to leave often, and that would mean food and clothes.

Chapter 10

Julie crawled into the bed softly, so as not to wake up Taylor. He had felt slightly feverish earlier, and he didn’t look any better now. Truthfully, although she had accepted the fact that they were wolves, it scared the shit out of her. Had anyone ever died through the transition? What if it was making Taylor sick for all the wrong reasons? The thought of losing him was unbearable. Not again. Never again.


“Shh.” She kissed his forehead. “I didn’t mean to wake you. Try to go back to sleep. You need all the rest you can get. You don’t look so well.”

“Must be the flu or something.” Taylor cleared his throat and closed his eyes.

“Flu, my ass. We both know you’re a wolf now.”

Taylor’s eyes flew open. “You know?”

“I’ve known since yesterday.” Julie smiled as his eyes narrowed. Before she could blink, he’d spun around and pulled her underneath him. His hand quickly pinned her arms above her head. The weight of his body pressed against her, making it impossible to move. Seeing him shirtless was enough to make her wet. To have his hips pushing into her inner thighs was asking for trouble.

“You’ve been a very, very bad girl, Jules. If I knew my own strength, I’d give you a good spanking. Being that I don’t, I think I’m going to have to find other ways to punish you.” The weight of Taylor’s hard cock rested against her stomach, and Julie moaned as he bent down and licked over her lower lip.

“Taylor, you need rest. We have plenty of time for this.” Sweat was beginning to collect on his forehead. It was evident that no matter what he wanted, his body wasn’t ready to let him carry on with his regular routine.

“I hate the way I feel, Jules.” Taylor collapsed next to her. “One minute I’m fine, the next I feel like I’ve got the worst flu in the world. Why is it lasting so long?”

“I don’t know.” Julie stood from the bed. “Let me get a wet washcloth and wipe you down. Maybe we can try to break the fever.”

Julie opened the adjoining bathroom door and paused as her cell phone began to ring. Dammit. She had to get it. It could be Aston or Londyn wanting to check in on her. “Hold on, Taylor.” Julie jogged to the living room and grabbed her phone. Melissa’s number was on the caller ID.

“Hey, Mel.”

“Jules, I wanted to see how you were doing.”

Julie smiled. “I’m beyond great. I’m actually looking over Taylor now. He’s pretty sick.”

“Ooh, that’s not good. What’s wrong with him?”

Julie almost tripped over her own feet. “Oh, nothing big. He just turned into a wolf. Dangit, Mel! Why didn’t you tell me wolves and vampires existed?”

A laugh came over the other end of the phone. “You know why I couldn’t tell you. So, a wolf, huh? How’d that come about?”

“Londyn.” Julie walked into the restroom and grabbed a washcloth. “They got into a fight. Blood exchanged and voila. Instant wolf. Well, not exactly. Taylor is on his fourth day.”

“That doesn’t sound good. I thought wolf transitions were fairly fast.”

“Aston told me a day or two was normal. I’m worried about him.” Julie wrung out the washcloth and headed for the bed. A knock on the door had her rolling her eyes. Taylor sprung from the bed and crashed into the wall.

“Taylor! Go lay down.” Julie went to help him up, but he managed to get to his feet.

“There’s no way I’m going to let you answer that door. Let me check it.”

As Julie followed him, she tried to make sure he didn’t collapse. His skin was extremely pale. “Mel, hold on for a minute. Someone is here.”