Taylor looked at Julie, and then at him. “I think I need to lie down. I’m not feeling so good all of a sudden. I hate to say it, but I think we should be heading back.”

“Absolutely not.” Julie stood and grabbed his hand. “You’re not going anywhere. Come to my bed. You can rest there.” As she walked Taylor out of the room, Londyn turned to Aston.

“She told me she knows, and that she forgives me. Thank you, brother.”

Aston shrugged. “She’s amazing. I needed her to understand the truth of why you left, and to do that I had to be honest. I knew she’d take it okay. She’s a lot stronger than you’d think.”

“Yeah, she is.” Londyn looked toward the bedroom. “I better go check on Taylor. He had a bad transition. He’d only just woken up before we came over.”

“Seriously? Four days? How is that even possible? That’s twice the time it took me to transition. I could tell his body took a hell of an adjustment, but wow.”

Londyn sighed. “I know. I don’t understand it. Look at him. We change some when we shifted, but the muscle that boy has on him now is insane. Ayden came by yesterday and took an interest. I think when Taylor learns the way of the pack, he’s going to move up in rank pretty fast.”

“I bet. We could sure use him.” Aston rubbed his eyes and yawned. “Damn, I’m tired. I haven’t been sleeping very good at all. I’m so worried that I’m going to miss some sound or indication that this guy is trying to break in and my chance to get him will be gone.”

“If you want to stay with Taylor tonight, I’ll gladly take over here.”

Aston laughed. “I bet you would.”

“I need this,” Londyn pleaded. “I know you’ve gotten close with her, but I need it too. We’re both meant to be with her, not just you.”

Aston nodded. “You’re right. I’m sorry. You already let me stay your two days. Plus, I could use a good night’s sleep.”

“Are you two serious?” Julie glared at them from the edge of the living room. Her hands were on her hips and she looked angry. “Y’all talk about getting a house together and all this crap and here you are about to switch shifts and go back to your apartments. Why the hell can’t we all stay here? My apartment may be small, but if we have to we’ll just drag the mattress in here and all sleep on the floor.” Julie’s lower lip quivered. “I don’t want any of you to leave. If we’re meant to be together than let’s make it happen. No more running to different apartments. No more leaving.”

Londyn looked over at Aston and smiled. “Sounds good to me.”

“Hell, me too.” He held out his arms and Julie rushed into them.

She pulled back after a few seconds. “But, since I can’t leave anywhere, I need you two to both do me a favor.”

The brother’s looked at each other uneasily. “What’s that?” Londyn asked.

Julie gestured toward the kitchen. “We need food. My guess is we’re going to need a lot of it. Could you both run to the store for me and grab some groceries? I’m so tired of takeout.”

“You want us both to go?” Aston looked at her worriedly.

“Taylor’s here. I’ll be fine.”

Londyn shook his head. “Julie, he’s really not in any condition to protect you. I guarantee you he’s already snoring logs.”

“It’ll be fine. If anyone is watching me then they’ve seen three men come into my apartment. Only two are going to be leaving. They’ll still know one of you is here, and I doubt they would try anything. Trust me. If it makes you feel better, Aston, you can leave me your gun. I’m an excellent shot. Ask Londyn.”

“She can shoot pretty good. I’ve seen it,” Londyn assured him.

Aston growled. “I don’t like this one bit, but fine. I’ll leave you my gun. Do not open the door for anyone. Promise me.”

Julie nodded. “I promise.”

“We’ll try to hurry. Before we go to the store though, Londyn and I are going to have to make a pit stop by the apartment first and grab us all some clothes.” Aston pulled her close. “Are you sure you’re not going to open the door?”

Julie kissed him softly on the mouth. “I promise. Now go. I’m starving.”

Londyn went to turn when Julie grabbed his hand. “Forgetting something?”

He laughed and pulled her into his arms. “Absolutely not. You seriously think I’d leave without kissing you good-bye?” His lips pressed into hers, and Londyn wasn’t sure he was going to be able to stop. Julie sucked his lip into her mouth, and he felt his knees grow weak.

“Tonight.” She broke away slowly, leaving Londyn in a daze.