“Be with all of us.” Londyn watched Julie’s jaw drop at his statement. Even Taylor and Aston seemed surprised he’d said it. True, the men knew it might be a possibility in the long run, at least for him and Aston, but there was no use waiting. Plus, how was he ever going to strengthen the bond between him and Julie if he was taking care of Taylor the whole time?

“Well, I don’t know. I mean, how would that even work? Between the four of us, we have three different apartments.”

“We get rid of them all.” Londyn put his hands in his pockets. He could feel his smile getting bigger by the second. The plan was perfect. “Let’s get a house. What’s the worst that could happen, it doesn’t work between any of us? We become roommates? That’s not too bad. But, if it does work out, Julie can be loved by everyone and we’re all happy.”

Taylor stood. “I’m good with that. My lease is almost up anyway.”

Julie looked at Aston, who had a smile finally on his face. “I think it’s a great idea. You’ll be more protected with all three of us watching over you, and then I have you all the time. I don’t mind if you’re with all of us. I kind of like these guys.”

Londyn rolled his eyes and laughed. “You have to like me. I’m your brother.”

“True.” Aston looked over at Taylor. “Can I speak with you outside real quick?”


Londyn watched as they stepped out of the door. He looked at Julie as she stood up and came to stand before him.

“You really hurt me when you left. I lost a piece of myself that day that I didn’t ever think was going to get replaced.”

Londyn’s heart ached at her pain. “I’m so sorry. I wish things could have been different. I wanted to call you so bad and tell you where I was every single day. It hurt me too. More than you’ll ever know. I love you, Julie. I have from the moment you slammed the door in my face so long ago. You have no idea how much you mean to me.”

“How do I know you’re not going to do it again?”

Londyn looked deep into her eyes. “Because I love you too much to hurt you again. If I leave, I’ll take you with me. We’ll all go.” Londyn gestured at the door. “Your happiness is what is most important to me. To all of us, really.”

Julie pulled his face to hers and the first contact of their lips sent a jolt down Londyn’s spine. The bond they had before burst alive with renewed vigor. The kiss deepened and he could feel himself drawing Julie closer.

“God, I’ve missed you.” Julie’s arms wrapped around his neck and she pressed her breasts into his chest. His cock was throbbing with how much he wanted her.

“I thought you were never going to forgive me.” Londyn kissed her again. How many times had he dreamed of this moment? Hell, every night since he had left.

Julie broke their kiss and stepped back. “Well, it wasn’t easy. Aston and I had a very long talk yesterday. He told me everything.”

The rate of Londyn’s heart accelerated into overdrive. “What do you mean he told you everything?”

Julie ignored his question and walked into the kitchen. She opened the refrigerator and took out a soda. “You want one?”

“No.” He waved it off. “Tell me what he told you, Julie.”

The pop from the top opening broke the silence. “You’re a wolf. He’s a wolf. You infected Taylor during a fight. We’re all four hopefully meant to be together.” She paused. “And I have to admit, I really think all of that has something to do with how my drinking problem mysteriously vanished. Maybe it took all three of you coming into my life for things inside of me to change. It’s the only solution I can come up with.”

“So now you know…” Londyn shook his head, confused. “Then why give Taylor the hard time?”

Julie laughed. “He likes it. Taylor’s very…” A blush came to her cheeks. “He’s very dominating. I give him a hard time, and I know I’ll eventually get punished for it. It’s the way we work. When he finds out what I did, I’ll get it good.”

“You little minx!” Londyn burst out laughing. “So we’re good then?”

“Well, I have to admit, I didn’t think I was ever going to stop the hurt you caused. But now that you’re back, and I know you didn’t leave me willingly, it helps. I still can’t believe Ayden wouldn’t allow you to call me.”

Londyn pulled her back to the couch to sit down. “Julie, you have to know something about the world we live in. Nothing is as it appears. We have rival packs we deal with. They’re always looking for a weak links to test. Anything to somehow overthrow Ayden from power and take our territory as their own. But not only that, we have the vampires to deal with. Channing or Brandon would be able to tell you all about that. Some of them are downright evil. Sarah found out firsthand with Tom.”

“Wait,” Julie said, shocked. “Brandon and Channing are vampires? Like…real vampires?”

“Yeah, it’s pretty crazy. Channing is one of the most powerful vampires alive. He’s feared by everyone who knows about him. We all sighed in relief when Melissa tamed him.”

Julie took another drink of her soda and laid it on the coffee table. “It’s so hard to grasp. So what happens now?”

The door opened and Aston and Taylor walked back in. Taylor looked flustered, and Londyn could feel his anxiety. “You okay?”