Someone came out of the apartment above Julie’s and gave them a weird look. Londyn let go of Taylor’s arm. “Listen to me. Try to stay calm, and the moment we leave I’ll take you for a run, down Shoreline.”

Taylor nodded. “I’d like that. I just need to check on her and make sure everything is okay. We left on pretty bad terms.”

“Let’s go see her.” Londyn started walking for the door and noticed that, although he could tell it was hard, Taylor kept his pace. The closer they got the more he could sense the happiness from his brother. They sure had hit it off good. Real good.

Taylor knocked and before he could put down his hand, Aston opened the door. A smile was radiating from his face.

“There you both are! I thought you’d be here yesterday.”

They walked inside and Julie came out of her room wearing a purple sundress. She looked unbelievable. Her face was glowing, and the smile she sported blew Londyn away. That was, until she looked at both him and Taylor, together.

“Oh, hi. What are you two doing? I never thought…oh my God! Taylor. What in the world?”

Julie came up and walked around him in a circle. Her mouth was open in shock.

Taylor’s eyes darted to Londyn, nervously. “I’ve been…working out.”

Julie laughed. “I’d say! Holy crap. It’s only been a few days.”

Aston pulled her to his side. “Londyn has this great workout plan. The results are, well, you see me.”

Julie looked at him skeptically. “What kind of workout plan? We’ve been eating nothing but takeout since you’ve been here. I don’t think you’ve done one push-up or anything.”

“Well, the results are not going to melt away. Plus, it’s a secret.”

“Ah, I see.” Julie stepped closer to Londyn. “I don’t recall you ever really working out or eating healthy when we were together for all those months, and yet you look the same.”

Everyone got quiet and just looked at each other. Londyn wasn’t sure what to say, but if they didn’t get off this topic fast, he wasn’t sure how much longer they could go rounds without turning into putty in her hands. One slip and he’d end up confessing everything. “Mine are just genetics. So, tell me how things have been going over here. I take it my brother has been taking care of you?”

The smile came back, and she looked at Aston, adoringly. “Yes. He’s taken wonderful care of me.” Aston gave her a nod and she turned to them, her face filling with worry. “Actually, I need to speak to both of you.”

“About what?” Taylor kept shifting from one foot to the other. Londyn was going to have to get him out of here quick, or else Julie was going to think he was wired on something. Hell, she’d probably accuse him of injecting Taylor with steroids or something.

“I have a problem. I’ve tried to hide if for some time, but it’s caught up with me and, since you two are a big part of my life, I felt you should know the truth.” Julie looked back at Aston. Londyn could tell she was drawing strength from him. Whatever it was she wanted to admit, he could tell it was hard for her.

“I’m an…” Her eyes darted to his brother, panicked.

“Go on.” Aston placed his hand on her lower back.

“I have a drinking problem. Until a few days ago, I spent my days intoxicated. Taylor knows this, I’m sure. Well, since Aston’s been here, I haven’t drunk at all. I can’t explain it. The urge is just…gone. It’s like it disappeared out of nowhere.”

Taylor walked forward and pulled Julie into his arms. “That’s wonderful news. I was so worried for you.”

“I know you were. You deserved so much more than me. I was afraid of hurting you.”

Taylor placed his hands on the side of her face and Londyn could tell Aston was having a hard time holding back. The bond between him and Julie was growing by the hour and getting between a bonding male and his female was a death sentence for anyone. The fact that his anger was directed at Taylor wasn’t a good sign. It only meant one thing. Taylor didn’t have the pull.

“Is that why you were pushing me away? The drinking?”

Julie nodded and buried her face in Taylor’s chest. “It would have ruined your feelings for me.”

Taylor hugged her to him tighter. “No, Julie. I gave you a ring. I knew you had a drinking problem, but I thought if you could learn to trust me, then you’d let me help you through it. I never wanted you to hide away and think that I wouldn’t accept you for who you are. I wanted to marry you when I knew, and I still do.”

Londyn grabbed Aston’s arm as he stepped forward. The look in his brother’s eyes would have scared anyone. A shake of his head, and Aston stepped back.

“Taylor.” Julie pulled him to the couch where they sat down. She turned toward him and grabbed his hands. “I’ve been talking to Aston and although we haven’t known each other for that long, I filled him in on everything. You see, I’m in quite the dilemma. I love you.” She looked at Londyn and smiled. “And I think I’m still in love with him.” And she looked at Aston. “And I’ve fallen pretty hard for his brother.”

Julie turned back to Taylor. “You all mean something to me, and right now I’m just so confused. I’m not sure what to do.”