“What?” Taylor looked down, and his lips seperated. “You’ve got to be kidding me. Holy shit. How am I going to explain this to the people I know?”

Londyn shrugged. “You’ve started working out? I don’t know.”

“Julie.” Taylor climbed out of the bed. “Where are my clothes? I need to see her.”

“I threw them out.” Londyn tossed Taylor some of his clothes. “They were pretty ruined, plus I doubt you would fit into them. Hell, you might not even fit into mine. We might have to go raid Aston’s closet.”

Taylor slipped on the pants easily, but the shirt hugged to his chest as though it were painted on.

“It’ll do.” Taylor slipped on his shoes and swayed.

“Whoa.” Londyn caught him before he hit the wall. “You’re still not one hundred percent yet. You need to take things slow. Aston is with her now, so no worries. She’s safe.”

Taylor nodded. “Believe it or not, I kinda like the guy. I’m not sure why though.” They made eye contact and something flashed through Taylor’s that Londyn couldn’t read. “Actually, all the bad feelings are gone. For both of you.”

Londyn laughed, but felt his stomach flip. He loved Taylor. It went far beyond liking. “Well, I’m glad to hear that.”

“No, seriously.” Taylor stared hard into his face. “I can’t explain it. There’s something about you that’s different.”

The keys were on the dresser and Londyn grabbed them.

“We’re connected to the deepest level, Taylor. My blood is mixed with yours. The bond will only grow stronger between us over time.”

“Oh.” Taylor ran his fingers through his hair. He lowered his head as if he were in deep thought. Londyn patted his shoulder.

“Let’s go check on our happy couple. I’m sure by now the bond between them two is…” Sadness overwhelmed him. Londyn thought about the call he received two days ago from Aston. It was time to change shifts with Julie, and as much as Londyn wanted to go, he knew he couldn’t leave Taylor until the guy had pulled through. His wolf wouldn’t let him.

“Is what?” Taylor looked concerned.

“Aston and my wolf are meant to be with Julie. I know you don’t understand what that is yet, but you have to know, it’s not a feeling that will ever go away. When we actually bond, Julie will forever be ours. It’s a love that will never die or grow old. We’ll always be connected, just like you and I are.”

“What about me? Will I get to bond with her too?”

Londyn took a deep breath. “I sure hope so.”

Taylor kept quiet as they headed to the car. The entire way he only asked to make a pit stop at a McDonald’s to grab a quick bite. Little did Londyn know that meant half the menu. He should have thought of the hunger that follows. He had been a cub at one point too, and his change had only taken two days to kick in. It just felt like forever ago.

“I’m scared to see her.” Taylor finished off his last hamburger and stuffed the trash in the bag. “What is she going to think when she sees me? I’ve gained at least twenty pounds of muscle in my chest and arms alone. She’s going to see right through the whole working out lie.”

“We’ll deal with that when we get there. It doesn’t matter though. She’ll know the truth soon enough.”

Taylor took a long drink of his soda. “I feel like shit. You got any Tylenol?”

A laugh burst out of Londyn’s mouth. “Do you know how many of those things you’d have to take for it to even have the smallest effect on you?”

A blank expression stared back at him.

“Too many to even waste your time.” Londyn pulled into the parking lot and spotted Aston’s car. “Well here we are. First thing to remember, control your temper. We don’t need your wolf to make an appearance and scare the hell out of her.”

“My wolf? Oh.” Taylor nodded and opened the door. He was walking so fast to Julie’s door that Londyn had to jog just to keep up.

“Chill out. You’re walking like you’re ready to beat someone’s ass. Slow down.”

“I can’t help it. I have all of this energy.”

Londyn grabbed his arm and made him stop. “I thought you said you felt like shit?”

“I do, but I’m jittery. My adrenaline is racing. I have been sleeping for four damn days. I feel like I could run a marathon with you on my back, and not even break a sweat.”