Aston’s hand maneuvered her head to the side and his lips made his way to her neck. Small nibbles had Julie squirming in his grasp. “Please. Take me to the bed. I can’t wait.”

“You’re going to have to. I want to taste you first. Your scent is driving me crazy.”

Julie pulled her head back to look at him. “Scent?”

“This.” Aston cupped her pussy and applied pressure, rubbing his hand in a clockwise motion. Julie bucked against him, almost having an orgasm on the spot.

“Whatever. Bed. Now.” The button to Aston’s jeans popped open under Julie’s grasp. He rushed around the corner and gently placed her down. Julie pulled off the rest of her clothes as fast as she could, and Aston didn’t hesitate to strip off his either. As they held eye contact, Julie saw nothing else. It was so intimate she almost looked away, but something held her gaze transfixed to his. It was as though deep reaches beyond his pupil were pulling her inside, to his soul. As silly as that sounded, Julie couldn’t explain their connection, or why she couldn’t even grasp common sense and stop. She kept getting sucked in, and there was no way to pull back.

Aston lowered his head to her pussy, and Julie buried her fingers in his short hair, gripping tight as he slid his tongue deep inside of her entrance. A low growl purred from deep within him and vibrated Julie’s clit. She fought the orgasm, but there was no fighting the need she had for this stranger. She hardly knew him, and yet there was no denying the chemistry they had was electric.

“Fuck…Fuck.” Julie lifted her head as spasms rocked her body. For some reason she had to see him as she came. Those blue eyes were still on her. Not moving. Julie began having tremors rock her body even harder as the following orgasm overlapped the first. God, what was he doing with his tongue inside of her? Whatever it was, it was mind-blowing.

* * * *

The euphoria Aston felt while he tasted Julie consumed him. If he never had to do anything else again in his life, it was fine by him. The way Julie’s essence took over all his senses was amazing. All he could see, taste, smell, was her and there was no turning back now. He was hers, forever. The bond was making sure of that.

Her fingernails raked down his forearms as Julie tried to pull him up. Curls from her hair scattered the comforter behind Julie, and her face was flushed to a beautiful pink tint. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. The mental picture of her exactly like this would be burned into his brain forever. With each breath, her breast rose and fell, deeply. The sight was right out of his dreams.

“Please, Aston. I need you.”

He lifted and slid a finger deep inside her. Julie arched her back and moaned. “Aston, please.”

The begging didn’t sit right with him. It left an aching in his chest to deny something she wanted so badly. Aston settled over her, pressing his body against the softness of hers. Nails dug into his back as Julie pushed herself down against the hardness of his cock. They were so in the heat of the moment, Aston pulled back and looked at her, bewildered.

“Julie, I don’t have anything on me.”

The lost look she had on her face quickly vanished. Her eyes got big as she took everything in. “Um, there,” she said, pointing. The nightstand was within reach, and he grabbed a box out of the top drawer. With his attention completely on Julie, Aston could feel himself fumbling with the open wrapper.

“Here.” She smiled and took it from his hand. As she slid the condom down his cock, Aston moaned. Her touch her so delicate, yet he could feel her all the way to his toes.

It was beautiful seeing Julie’s legs spread wide. He rubbed his tip down the smoothness. The wetness helped him slide easily inside, but it still didn’t stop Aston from feeling her stretch around him tightly.

“You feel so good.” Aston clenched his jaw through the whisper. Sensations erupted through his mouth as she sucked on his lower lip. With a swift plunge, he buried himself inside of her.

“Yes,” Julie gasped.

He slowly tried to let her adjust to his impatience, but he could tell she was getting close again. The more he tried to be patient, the more she tried to speed him up. He was amazed. She bit his shoulder as her body tightened around him even more.

“More, Aston. I want more.”

Julie’s scent hit him hard, and he could feel himself go crazy with lust. Aston increased his speed until Julie was writhing beneath him. Fire raced up his back at her screams, and he rotated his hips, grinding into her as she came. But she still wanted more. Whispering to him. Sucking on his lips.

Julie reached around and grabbed his ass. Faster she pulled, until Aston couldn’t hold back any more. He felt himself explode with ecstasy. The room began to spin as lights blinded his vision. He’d never come that hard before. And he could hear her. Still feel her all over him.

Suddenly, his body felt like it weighed twice as much. Tingling quickly took over as Aston lay down and pulled her against him. “I could get used to this. You’re perfect. So perfect.” He kissed her forehead and inhaled the scent of her hair. This was going to be his life now. Maybe not just the two of them, but suddenly Aston didn’t seem to care too much about that anymore. As long as he had Julie, that was suddenly all that mattered.

Chapter 9

Londyn sat in the chair next to his bed watching Taylor toss and turn with fever. His transformation had his body flushed a light red. The groaning tore at Londyn’s heart. Now that the infection had completely taken over, the bond between the two was unbreakable. Londyn had made him, and therefore the love he felt for his former competition was unmistakable. He’d die for this man without a second thought. The anger from earlier was erased as though the harbored rage was never there. All Londyn wanted was to lie next to him and tell Taylor everything was going to be okay.

“How long have I been like this?” Taylor kicked off the covers and placed his arm across his face to cover his eyes. The newly added muscle that covered his body was astounding. Taylor was still lean in the waist, but his chest was wider, and his abs and arms were so cut with muscle it was even shocking for a wolf. If Londyn hadn’t known better, he’d have thought Taylor was made out to be Alpha material.

Londyn forced his eyes up to Taylor’s covered face. “You’ve been out for four days. The fact that we’re even having this conversation tells me the process is over. The fever will remain for maybe another day, but it won’t be anywhere near as high.”

His arm came down so hard the bed shook. Taylor jerked to a sitting position. “Four days. I thought it was only twenty-four to forty-eight hours. Not nearly a week!”

A smile came to Londyn’s face. “My guess is the infection liked your body a little too much. It didn’t want to leave.”