The shorter of the two snatched the money and slapped her across the face. Julie hit the ground hard. Her body was too weak to try to fight her attackers. The taste of blood nearly made her gag. As she watched the taller one pull a baggy from his pocket, she could feel herself shaking her head no. She knew they were about to inject her with drugs, and although she didn’t know why, she could feel the desperation in not wanting to go on anymore.

The needle pierced her arm, and Julie was surprised when she didn’t fight it. Her vision was already getting blurry, and she could feel herself being carried inside. When she was tossed on the bed and her shirt ripped open, Julie’s body came to life. She could feel herself screaming and kicking, and deep within, she knew it was going to happen all over again tomorrow. This was her life. This is what she had become.

Julie sprung up in bed. Her body was drenched in sweat, and she couldn’t breathe. The dream was one she had had over a period of months. It was the same one every time, and she wasn’t sure why it kept haunting her. She quickly jumped from the bed and ran to the toilet. As she threw up, she could smell the way the vile men’s sweat had clung in her nostrils. The whole experience was one she prayed she’d never have again, but she knew she would. This happened every few weeks, and frankly she was tired of it. The only thing she could chalk it up to was her own addiction.

Julie flushed and jumped in the shower. The woman was full of hopelessness. Her soul was so empty it broke Julie’s heart. More than ever, she wished she could call Rosa to talk. Her nanny was the closest thing to a mother that she had, and she knew the woman would know what to say to put her at ease.

As she washed her hair, Julie turned her focus on the positives. What would make her happy? Rosa would want that. She sure as hell wouldn’t want booze for Julie.

She got out of the shower and blow-dried her hair. When she finished, she couldn’t stop. The alcohol was never far from her mind. She grabbed her rollers, plugging them in. When she saw her makeup, she kept going. A good hour passed as she listened to music and fixed herself up.

The brush grabbed her attention, so Julie lifted it from her vanity and began singing the lyrics songs into the handle. The rollers in her hair were falling out, but she didn’t technically care. She didn’t have plans to go anywhere. At this point, she just had to keep busy.

The chorus began playing and Julie bobbed her head to the side as she forced her eyes open wide. She broke off halfway through the verse and died laughing. But it didn’t last as she caught Aston’s reflection in the background of the mirror. Horrified, Julie froze.

“No, please continue. You’re very entertaining.” He had a huge smile on his face, and she could feel her cheeks burning with embarrassment.

The radio was still blaring. She quickly walked over and turned it off.

“I knocked, but I guess you didn’t hear me. I’d say I’m sorry for showing up like this, but I don’t think I’ve had this much fun watching someone in…well, ever.”

Julie wrapped her arms tightly around her waist. “I’m sorry. I guess I didn’t hear you. I was just trying to keep myself entertained. I guess you could say I got a little antsy.”

“It’s okay. Your door was actually unlocked. Did you know that?”

“What?” Julie raced into the living room, almost running over Aston in the process. “No. Wait. I could have sworn I locked the door after Officer Steel gave me his card.” Julie spun around, scanning everything. On her kitchen counter sat a manila envelope. She shook her head. “No fucking way. No…I was here. There’s a cop outside. I don’t understand.”

Aston pulled out his gun. “Have you been in your room the entire time since Officer Steel showed up at your door?”

“No, after he left I was in here talking to Mel. I ordered a pizza, but I called and let Officer Steel know.” Julie racked her scattered mind. “After I ate, I took a nap. Then a shower. I pretty much spent the last hour doing my hair and makeup, and making a fool out of myself. I guess you could say I haven’t been in here for a while.”

Aston scanned the kitchen and made his way through the living room, opening the closet by the door. “I’m going to check out everything. Stay right there. Call out if you need me.”

Julie nodded and walked to the envelope. She wanted to open it and see what was inside, but she knew it would be best if Ayden handled it from here. If she started messing with something they might lose evidence somehow and she wanted this bastard caught.

“All clear.” Aston placed his gun in the back of his pants and walked over. “I need to check on Officer Steel. I want you to lock this door behind me. Do not open it unless I announce that it’s me. Understand? Not for anyone, Julie.”

“All right.” Julie locked the door behind him and watched out of the peephole as he stayed in the shadows of the courtyard. She blinked repeatedly since she kept losing him. Shit, he was good. Julie turned and ran to her phone. She punched in Taylor’s number and stomped the floor as it went straight to voice mail. Dammit. She needed to talk to him.

One by one, Julie went through the numbers in her phone. Sure, there was Evelyn, Sarah, and Mel, but other than that Julie wasn’t really close with anyone else. Taylor was all she had. Well, there was Londyn, but she didn’t think she was ready for that yet. “Secretary.” Corinne! She could call her. Julie dialed the number and sighed as it went to voice mail, too.

“Julie, open up!” Aston knocked twice on the door. She laid down her phone. Police lights were already lighting up the area. She stuck her head out and saw all the neighbors peeking from their doors.

“Did you find him?” Julie came in and shut the door. Aston was pacing, running his fingers through his hair. Something was obviously wrong. “Aston, talk to me.”

“She’s dead. Her throat was cut.”

“Who’s dead?” Julie was so confused.

“Officer Steel. She’s dead.”

Julie took a step back and Aston didn’t miss it. “What is it?”

“The cop…Officer Steel. The one who came to my door was a man. He was wearing an identical uniform to CCPD. He even had a name badge that said Steel.”

Aston sighed. “Her name tag was missing. He probably took it when he killed her.”

“But I don’t understand,” Julie said. “I didn’t know this man. I’ve never seen him before in my life. Why would he be doing this?”