A groan came out of Taylor’s mouth. “Is this some kind of law enforcement procedure? Because if that’s the case he can come see me at my apartment.”

“If you don’t start walking, I’m going to have to forcefully drag you, and I really don’t want to do that.”

“Bullshit.” Taylor stomped his foot down on top of Aston’s and, the moment the beefcake started to hunch over, Taylor brought his knee right to Aston’s face.

“Son of a bitch!” Aston reached for his nose which was gushing blood. Taylor met his stare and all thoughts of heading for his truck vanished. A dark color started to cloud the baby blue of his eyes and the pupil looked as if it was having spasms. A growl came from Aston’s throat and Taylor could have sworn he saw his teeth elongate into canines, then go back to normal.

A large hand grabbed for him but Taylor dodged it. “What the fuck is wrong with your face?”

Aston reached for him again, this time lightning fast. Taylor barely caught the moment and was lucky to not get grabbed.

“Get inside my damn apartment.”

“Hell no. Not until you tell me what’s wrong with your face. I’ve seen some freaky shit in my lifetime, but that takes the cake. How’d you do that?”

Londyn walked over casually and Taylor watched him slide his keys into the pocket of his shorts. Shit, now he was going to have to get them back.

“Ayden’s on his way. Apparently, someone phoned the station and a car was headed over here, but he warned them off and said he’d take the call himself.” Londyn looked at his brother and laughed. “Told you all that muscle was going to slow down your speed, bro.”

“Fuck you, Londyn. You know I can’t help it. I haven’t worked out in months.”

“Yeah, right.” Taylor rolled his eyes. “If you don’t work out, you just dress like this for the hell of it?”

“We were actually going running, if you must know.” Aston took off his shirt and put it against his nose to soak up the bleeding. His thick muscles flexed as he took a step.

“Can we go in now and wait for Ayden?” Aston gestured toward his door.

Taylor looked at him, flabbergasted. “Are you stupid? I’m not going in there with you. Especially since I saw…whatever you did with your face. I want my keys, and I want to leave. Hopefully this will be the last time I ever see either of you.”

“Face?” Londyn fidgeted nervously and looked back and forth between the two of them.

“Inside, right now, soldier boy, or else I will throw you over my shoulder and take you in there myself.”

Taylor had no doubt Aston would or could. “One condition.” Taylor turned to Londyn. “Ayden’s the Chief of Police, right?”

“Yep.” Londyn nodded.

“Good, give me your phone.”

Londyn didn’t hesitate to throw it to him. Taylor caught it and hit send on the last number that was called.

“Goddamn it, Londyn. I said I was on my way. He hasn’t started to change already, has he?”

Taylor looked back and forth between Londyn and Aston. What the hell was going on here? Change? He hung up the phone and walked toward Aston’s door. He wasn’t sure why. If he were smart he would have started running, but something told him he wouldn’t make it far before he was caught. Plus, whatever was going on interested the hell out of him and he had no idea why.

Chapter 7

The phone was on the third ring when Julie almost hung up. The all-too-familiar loud voice of Melissa answered.

“Jules!” A squeal echoed through her ear. “Oh my God! I’ve missed you so much. You never call me anymore, not to mention return calls. How are you?”

Julie took a deep breath. “I’m good. Am I interrupting anything? I can call you back if I am.”

“No. No. No. I’m just sitting here at the house by myself. The guys took Molly to the store. They figured I might need a break. Isn’t that sweet of them?”

A smile came to Julie’s lips. “Yes. It’s very sweet. How is Molly? I bet she’s getting so big already.”

Melissa laughed. “You should see her. A few months old and she’s already running this house. You won’t see that girl awake and not laughing about something. She has the men wrapped around her little finger.”