Taylor took in both of their muscular arms and laughed. Yeah, those beef heads were probably going to the gym. They looked to be the type of pretty boys who only cared about their appearance. Figured Julie had been attracted to them. What girl wouldn’t be?

The car pulled through the gate and Taylor followed. The more he watched those two laughing, the angrier he became. Maybe Julie didn’t want to get serious with him because she was still hoping to salvage what she and Londyn had? She had cried a lot as she confessed how strong her feelings had been. Was it possible she had never truly moved forward because her heart was still in the past?

No. Taylor tried not to think of that. Screw Londyn. Taylor and Julie had technically been together for months since that had happened. Feelings had to have developed by now. Right? Dammit! He was so confused.

As he made his way up to where the brothers were standing, Taylor made direct eye contact with Londyn. The glare he received immediately set him off. Red clouded his vision and before he knew it, Taylor had thrown the truck in park and was rushing at Londyn. But the thing was, the blond-haired, tattooed pretty boy was coming for him too!

Their bodies collided so hard that the air exploded out of Taylor’s lungs. It was as though he’d run straight into a brick wall. Except this brick wall hit the ground with Taylor on top of it.

“What the fuck are you two doing?”

Aston rushed over, but Taylor didn’t give it any mind as he threw the first three punches. Blood broke free from Londyn’s lip, and with strength that blew Taylor away, the guy pushed from his legs and slammed Taylor’s back to the ground.

“I understand your need to protect your girlfriend”—Londyn slammed his fist into Taylor’s cheek—“but you better watch it because she was never truly yours. Julie belongs to me.”

Taylor knocked Londyn’s fist to the side as it was coming for his face again. Even though he could get his hands around Londyn’s arms, the guy was just too strong for Taylor to manhandle. The shock was enough to bring him back to reality. Taylor had never had this much trouble in a fight.

“Julie was mine long before she was yours.” Taylor tried knocking Londyn off from straddling his waist, but nothing was working. Blood was smeared across the lower part of Londyn’s face, and the guy just sat there, staring at him like a lawn ornament.

“Enough, you two.” Aston lowered himself to a squat and peered at both of them. “Londyn, you’re in deep shit. You know that right?”

The blond broke his glare from Taylor to look over at his brother. “Yeah. I can see that. I didn’t think.”

“No, dumbass. You didn’t. You let your anger over this guy and Julie get the best of you. You just got done promising me that you’d behave, and not fifteen seconds later—”

“Aston, I get it!”

Taylor took the opportunity of Londyn being distracted to push him off.

“I don’t think you do.” Aston growled. “Look at his hand, Londyn.”

Taylor’s knuckles were all cut up from what he assumed was Londyn’s teeth, but the abrasions didn’t look that bad. They probably weren’t even broken. He had no idea what Aston was making a big deal of. If anything, they should be making a big deal out of his eye. Taylor could already feel it swelling shut.

“No.” Londyn crawled backward a little. The guy looked absolutely horrified. “I swear, it’s like I saw him and all I could think about was how Julie felt for him this whole time, and how much I blew it with her. Then he came rushing forward and I…snapped.”

Aston sighed. “I should have never brought it up earlier. Maybe if we hadn’t been talking about it you wouldn’t have been so angry to begin with.”

Taylor groaned. “You two are so overdramatic. People get into fights every day. I wouldn’t even call this a fight. You can stop worrying, I’m not going to call the FBI or whoever you work for and file a complaint.” He stood up, only to see Aston step closer to him.

Londyn jumped up. “We need to call Ayden. He’s not going to like this.”

A laugh exploded out of Aston’s mouth. “Bet your ass he’s not. Damn, you’re going to be pulling extra duty for a year.”

“Are you both deaf?” Taylor wiped grass off his jeans. “I said it’s cool. Besides, blondie, Jules is all yours. She pretty much dumped me tonight.”

That seemed to get their attention. “Wait. What?” Londyn came forward but stopped when Taylor put up his hand.

“You come any closer and I’ll clock you in the face again. Nothing personal”—Taylor froze and let out a snort—“Actually this is extremely personal. You’re a fucking idiot for leaving without having told her anything. Plus, I can’t stand the fact that she’s even still attracted to you. Pisses me off to no end. She deserves someone who loves her. Like me.” Taylor didn’t get two steps back to his truck before Aston’s iron grip clasped onto his shoulder.

“You’re not going anywhere but inside my apartment. Londyn, park the truck and call Ayden.”

Taylor jerked to the side, but the only things that moved were his legs. His shoulder was glued to Aston’s grip.

“Don’t make a scene. People are already watching.”

Taylor looked around in the darkness. “Let go of me. I don’t see anyone.”

“Trust me. They’re there. I’ll let go of you if you just walk into my apartment so I can make a call. Let my boss come check things out and if he gives the go then you’re free to leave.”