“Good, there are a few things. Call me tonight, and we’ll go over everything. I’m on patrol right now, so I can’t get into details. Congratulations on becoming a father. Tell Channing I said so, too. You both are going to be great fathers.”
“Thanks, boss.”
“You’re welcome. I’ll talk to you later, Connor.”
Ayden hung up the phone, and warmth settled throughout his body. This was such good news. Excitement drove him to gather everything faster. He raced from the room to see Channing waiting for him. “Let’s go home.”
“Yes, home. “
They both walked outside and got in their vehicles. It didn’t take long for Connor to get lost in his thoughts concerning Melissa and their child. Channing and he were going to be the best fathers, and damn, he really wanted to be considered her husband.
Connor chewed on his bottom lip while he tried to think of how to break that big news. There was no way she would consent to marry him or Channing with everything that was going on. Once she found out she was pregnant, it was only going to become more unstable. Or would it? Time was all he needed. He could wait. No matter how long it took. As long as he had Melissa close to his side and she was safe, he’d be fine.
The island came into view, and he rolled down his window, taking in the salty sea breeze. He’d missed being so close to the beach. When he’d meant home, he was serious. Since leaving New Orleans, nothing had ever felt this close to home.
Channing followed close behind him. When he stopped in front of the house, Channing pulled in the drive. Melissa’s truck sat in her usual spot. It felt good.
Grabbing his bag, Connor hopped out and rushed up the stairs. Red hair blew against the breeze. Melissa looked like an angel as she held on to the railing of the deck and stared out toward the water. He’d seen this repeatedly while watching her, and it affected him the same way every time. His chest tightened with love. She turned and flashed him a bright smile.
“I missed this,” she said softly. “Being home, that is. I never thought I’d miss the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. The sound soothes me.”
“I missed you.”
Connor walked forward and pulled her into his arms. Her scent swept over him, and he closed his eyes, basking in the new fragrance caused by her pregnancy. “May I kiss you?”
Melissa’s hands cupped his cheeks. Connor opened his eyes and peered into her green depths. “Yes. I think I would like that very much.”
Silk ran through his fingers as he slid his hand up the back of her neck and cradled her head. Melissa’s soft curves leaned into his body. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he pulled her closer. “A part of me was missing while you were gone. I was lost without you.”
The fullness of her lips brushed against his. “I was lost, too. No matter how much I tried to convince myself that I was better off without you or Channing in my life, I knew it was a lie. Without the both of you, my heart would be incomplete. Do you really think this will work, Connor?”
“I know it will.”
“So do I.” Channing walked up to them, leaning against the railing. He took in the ocean and then turned to them smiling. “Feels good to be back.”
“Yes, let’s go inside and put your things away.” Melissa tugged on his arm.
“First, I want my kiss.” Connor pulled her face back to his and swept his tongue over her lips. She opened for him beautifully. Heat ignited as their tongue’s massaged into each other. Her taste was so sweet against his tongue. He wanted more, to taste her forever.
Channing pulled him in the direction of the front door, and he picked her up and followed, never breaking his lips from hers. Keys jingled, and he could feel Melissa move in his arms as she handed them over. Once Channing took them, she wrapped her arms around Connor’s neck and pulled him closer.
“Jesus. I pray my kiss is just as passionate. You both are making it extremely difficult to open this door. My hands are shaking.”
Once again, Connor was pulled forward. He walked inside and opened his eyes, heading for the bedroom. He could hear Channing following. Melissa broke her lips from his and looked up behind him.
“Wait. Channing, when was the last time you, you know, bit someone?”
Connor settled her on the bed, and Channing laughed and sat down. “Connor? How long ago was it?”
He shrugged. “Hell, four or five days ago? I don’t remember?”
Melissa’s mouth dropped as she looked back and forth between him. “You mean, you fed from Connor?”
“He won’t go to anyone else. I tried to tell him that you probably wouldn’t get mad, but he wouldn’t, and I couldn’t let him get any sicker than he already was. It wasn’t so bad.”
“Channing, why didn’t you come to me? I would have let you take whatever you needed. I didn’t know you were sick. God, what have I done?”
“Melissa, you haven’t done anything. It was my choice. Don’t blame yourself.”