“But I don’t want her to leave. Melissa, please. Just let me explain.”

“There’s no need, Connor. I understand it was before, but I just need time to think. I shouldn’t have come. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

Melissa rushed out of the room and headed for the front door. Large arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her up off the ground. Her back molded to Connor’s chest as he held her to him.

“Don’t say you regret coming here. God, I would do anything for you. Don’t let what she says make you leave. That’s what she wants. Just stay with me and Channing.”

He spun her around in his arms, making her face to face with him. “Connor, I can’t. I know you say things were over, but you should have told me about her. She obviously hurting over you.”

“It’s not real. That’s what I’m trying to say. These dramatics…it’s always something. She wasn’t who I thought she was. Everything was a game or a lie. That’s why I ended it.”

“Connor, I don’t know.”

“I swear that’s the truth.”

“There’s so much I need to think over.” Why did this keep happening? Her darkest fears surfaced, and she couldn’t help but feel trapped in his arms.

“I’m not letting you leave. We can do this. There’s nothing to think about. I love you. Not her. You. Stay. I want you to stay.”

Panic registered across his features, and the tone of his voice made her jump. “Connor, put her down right now.” Channing was at their side before she knew where he’d come from.

“No, she can’t leave. I have to make this right. She can’t go until I do that.”

“I said put her down. I won’t tell you again. You’re scaring her. Can’t you feel it? You’re making things worse. Give her to me.”

“God, what have you done to him?” Michelle walked over with a look of disgust on her face. “Connor, put her down and come with me. We’ll leave and talk. I know we can get past this.”

“Get out, Michelle! I don’t want to have anything to do with you.” Connor growled toward her and turned back to Melissa. “Please, you’re the only one I want. Don’t leave.”

The blonde threw her a look and slammed the front door shut on her way out. Melissa pushed against Connor’s chest. “Why didn’t you mention her before this?”

“I don’t know. Michelle was the last thing on my mind. From the first moment I saw you, no one else mattered. God, I never thought I’d find a mate. Some of us never do. She was just a girlfriend, someone I thought I could love if I tried hard enough. But toward the end, it was all drama. One big tragic story after the next. I didn’t know her at all. Me, you, and Channing – this was meant to be. Stop running and give this a chance.”

The all-too-familiar aching pushed against her insides. “I have to go, Connor. “

A tear slid down his cheek as Channing pulled her from his arms. After a bit of force on Channing’s part, he finally let her go. Londyn was sitting at the table. She couldn’t read his expression. It looked to be a cross between shock and sadness. He didn’t say a word as Channing took the keys from Connor and led Melissa out of the door. They walked to the truck in silence.

When the engine started, he turned toward her. “You have to know how hard this is for him. Connor loves you very much, as do I. I know you need time, and I understand that. But as for Connor, it’s harder for him. He’s used to protecting, and with you, he can’t really do that. Do you understand?”

“Yes.” Melissa looked out of the window as he pulled out of the parking lot. Thoughts obsessively ran though her head to the point that she thought she could be losing her mind. Just knowing how much pain they were all going through made her conflicted. She knew she needed a lot more time, but how could she do that and not make them hurt in the process? Only one thing came to her mind. She needed to stay away from them until she decided.

After a few minutes, the truck pulled in front of Julie’s building. She turned to look at Channing’s sad face. “I’m sorry. Please tell Connor I won’t hurt him anymore.”

“I’ll tell him, but I think you not being there is hurting him more.”

Melissa released the seatbelt and climbed over to sit on Channing’s lap. Normally she would never do anything like this, but the need to be close to him made her not think about how ridiculous she must look. “I can’t be with you both until I know that’s what I want. I mean, I do want that, but…I just need time. I wish Connor would have warned or prepared me for Michelle. I’m so confused. There’s no one from your past I should know about, is there?”

“No. I haven’t been with anyone but you in years. And, I know, he should have said something. But try to look at this from his side, too. He loves you. This pull has us all going crazy. Also, think about this: You wanted him to tell you about his ex, but there’s something you haven’t told him, either.”

Melissa gasped. “I’ve never hidden anything from him. What could be so important that I’ve neglected to tell him?”

“Maybe the fact that you play a game where men play a major role.”

She could feel her eyes go wide. “Bets.”

“Yes, Bets. Don’t you think he deserves to know about that?”

“Yes.” She grew quiet, feeling like a complete hypocrite. It could be possible that he’d forgotten to mention Michelle. Hell, they hardly had spent any time together. And wasn’t that conversation meant for people who knew each other a lot more? Even as she knew this, she also knew that they weren’t going through the typical, everyday relationship. Shit. Everything between them was going so fast. Her head was spinning at trying to process the details.