“I’m sorry, Jules. Your parents are the exception.”

“I think so sometimes, too.”

Melissa scooted to the far end of the chair, closest to her men’s table. They weren’t even looking over. After Channing made eye contact with her, he’d never looked back. Was something wrong?

The waitress came over and took the orders. She watched as Connor said a few words and stood. A few words exchanged between him and Channing, and he headed for the door.

“Jules, I’ll be back. I need-”

“You want to talk to him. I get it.”

Channing stood, headed for the door, and she could feel herself panic. She wasn’t sure what she needed to tell them or why she wanted to go to them, but she had to. “Jules, I’m sorry. But I have to go.”

“Oh, Mel.” She let out a long sigh. “I’ll see you at the house tonight. Do come back. Don’t rush back because of some feeling. Give it time.”

“I’ll be back.”

“Here.” Rolling her eyes, Julie handed her a key. “That’s so you can get in if I’m not there. You have my number; call me.”

Melissa kissed her cheek and ran from the table. The men must have changed their minds. She could see the truck backing out of the parking lot. Running, she threw herself in front of it as Connor started forward. He slammed on the breaks, and she could see his eyes widen.

Channing jumped out and rushed toward her. “Melissa, what are you doing?” Arms encircled around her, and she clung to him frantically.

“I couldn’t let you both leave. I’m not saying I’m coming back, but letting you leave, I couldn’t.”

“It’s okay. Tell me what you want. Anything. Just say the words.”

“Is she all right? What’s going on?”

Melissa looked at Connor. Channing held onto her tighter. “She didn’t want us to leave. She’s still not ready, but she had to see us.”

“Take me somewhere. Let us all go some place, please.” Damn, she couldn’t think. Words were not even coming out the way they should. Was she actually begging? Her body heated to his closeness, and she could feel herself moving deeper into the warmth emanating from him.

“Connor, come here, will you?”

Channing’s voice sounded weak as he called for her other mate. Looking confused, he came forward. Connor stopped, closed his eyes, and breathed in deeply.

“Home. You smell like home.”

Like gravity pulled her, she unwrapped herself from Channing and came to a stop in front of hazel eyes. “Connor, kiss me?”

The words came from nowhere, but she couldn’t deny them. She wanted his lips on hers. The need to taste him overpowered any other thought going through her mind.

“Channing, you’re going to have to drive.”

Connor’s hands gripped the outside of her thighs and pulled her to straddle his waist. Lips crushed into hers, and she was lost. Movement of them walking and climbing into the truck was nothing but a blur as she massaged her tongue into his.

“It’s amazing how hours can feel like an eternity. God, I missed you, Mel.”

“I missed you, too. But this isn’t permanent. I can’t stay. I just needed both of you.” Again, his mouth crushed into hers. Jeans separated them from what Melissa wanted to feel. Hardness pressed between her legs, and she was desperate to feel him sliding inside of her.

“I’m glad you came to us. We’re always here for you no matter what you need. Listen to your body. It wants both of us, doesn’t it?”

Melissa moaned into his mouth. “Yes.” She rocked her hips, feeling him push against her. The pulsing in her clit was nonstop. It got worse, the further his hands traveled up her back.

“Fuck, I’m not sure I can wait until we get to the apartment before I taste you.”

“Two minutes, Connor. I’m going as fast as I can.”