“I knew you were leaving.”

The pain racing through caused her to take steps back. She clutched to her chest as tears blurred her vision. “Connor, I can’t do this.”

Channing walked around him. Their presence together made her room feel as small as a closet. They were huge, and she, well, felt smaller than ever.

“Mel, please. You haven’t even given it a chance. Did you enjoy what happened between all of us? Didn’t it feel perfect?”

“Of course it did! But it won’t last, trust me. Everything comes to an end eventually. I don’t want to feel this way if it’s going to leave. I can’t take that kind of hurt.”

Connor stepped forward while she backed herself to the far wall. She felt surrounded, and she hated it.

“Please, come and let me hold you. I think we need to talk. If we all got to know each other better, it would help. Don’t you think?”

“I don’t want to talk. I already know what’s going to happen.”

Damn it. She needed to leave, to run, but they were blocking the door. The windows were out of the question. Taking a two-story dive down to the ground wouldn’t get her anywhere but the hospital.

Connor walked over to her slowly. Just at seeing his large frame coming at her, she jumped to the bed to run across, but Channing was suddenly there. Melissa screamed and pitched herself backwards, right into Connor’s waiting arms.

“Okay, I see we’re going to have to do this the hard way. Channing, go find some rope.”

“Wait, what? What do you need rope for?” Melissa asked, panicked.

“Well, we can’t let you escape, and that’s exactly what you seem to be trying to do. So, I’m going to tie you to the bed. Don’t worry. Channing and I are going to take really good care of you, baby.”

Alarms shot off in her mind. Melissa wiggled in Connor’s arms, trying to break free of his hold. Suddenly, she could feel herself eased to the bed, and his weight settled on top of her. A moan came from her mouth. God, he smelled so good.

“I really didn’t want to have to do this to you. But, you see, there’s no way I can let you go off without me there to protect you. Do you know what I would do if something happened to you?”

Melissa shook her head slowly. Devon’s words about his past echoed in her mind. “Do you have to tie me up?”

“Beyond a shadow of a doubt, I know you’ll run. I don’t plan on tying you up at the moment because I know I can restrain you from leaving, but tonight, you can bet your sweet ass that the ropes will go on. I can’t risk you escaping while I try to get some sleep.”

Connor shifted between her thighs. The heat that enveloped her skin made it hard to breathe. God, how could her body betray her like this? Even knowing she still wanted to leave, she wanted him. To feel him buried inside her again would be the best thing she could think of at the moment.

A large intake of breath brought her eyes to his. The look he wore told her he knew perfectly well that she wanted him. Heat burned her cheeks, and she looked away.

“No, honey. Don’t turn away. There’s nothing wrong with your reaction. It just shows me that we’re truly meant for one another.”

Fingers brought her face back. Light kisses brushed across her forehead, eyes, chin, and then her mouth. He didn’t push, just continued to make the slightest contact until Melissa was positive she couldn’t take anymore. At the connection of their skin, sparks ignited. Pains twisted her stomach tightly with an intense need to release.

“Connor, we have to stop. Please. This isn’t going to work.”

“How can I convince you? What are you so afraid of, Melissa?”

The sound of the door opening turned his attention away from her. Relief took over. She really didn’t want to go into her reasons for knowing why things would end in disaster for them all.

“Found some rope in my trunk, but seriously, Connor, I don’t like this.”

“Thank you,” Melissa sighed. She struggled against the weight holding her down, but she didn’t make any progress.

“No, you misunderstand. I mean I don’t like the rope specifically. Maybe we can find something else that won’t hurt her skin. I’ve got a few ideas.”

Melissa gasped and shot an angry expression at Channing, who just smiled. She watched as he climbed onto the bed and lay down until he was inches from her face. Those beautiful eyes penetrated hers, and no matter how much she wanted to, she couldn’t look away. She was hypnotized by his gorgeousness. How could someone look so perfect?

“Melissa, I know why you want to run. I’ve seen your entire life. You can trust me not to tell anyone. But I need you to know, Connor and I will never put you through anything remotely similar to what you’ve had to endure in your past.”

“You can’t know that for sure.” Melissa’s breath shuttered at the realization that he saw what she’d gone through. The beatings, the hospital visits to her mother, the suicide of her mother. No! She wouldn’t think about it. Jerking wildly against Connor, the tears came harder. “Let go of me!”