“But better for all of us since we’re all okay with being together,” Channing rushed in.

Melissa began counting to ten in her head. She would not explode like she wanted to. “Why didn’t you tell me what you were going to do, before you did it?”

“I said it was time. I thought you knew. I thought if you didn’t want it, you would stop us. Truthfully, I thought since you were all for what we were doing that maybe you’d given in.”

A part of her knew she had already accepted her fate. Hell, who was she kidding? She wanted them. Both of them. But her stubborn part still couldn’t accept. She couldn’t help but think that a part of them somewhat deceived her. It didn’t sit well at all. Should she be staying here with them? If they wouldn’t leave, should she? Anxiety rushed through. She’d think about it over dinner. If she needed to leave, she knew the perfect place to go.

“We’re getting something to eat, and then you’re both sleeping in the living room until I decide when and if I want to forgive you.”

Melissa dropped the towel and opened her drawer. There, making them sleep separate would at least show them how angry she felt for them not telling her. After all, wasn’t there big thing about not being away from her?

Putting on a red pair of lace panties, she turned around to still see them standing in the same spot. She raised one of her eyebrows and put on her bra. “That’s not a problem, is it?”

“Can I kiss you?”

Connor took a step forward, and she immediately took a step back. Her angry façade disappeared the moment she looked at his lustful expression. “Let me kiss you, Mel. Let me love you.”

Walking backwards, she connected with Channing’s hard body. “Let us, Melissa. Quit fighting it and give in to what you know you really want.”

Jumping away from both of them, she pointed to the door. “Out. I’ll be ready shortly, and we’ll eat. Now go get dressed.” Yes, leaving was really starting to feel like the thing to do. If this continued, no telling what would happen. Would she lose herself? Would this bond twist from neediness to nightmare? What if ten years down the road she ended up exactly where her parents had—angry, fighting, and abusive toward each other? Nothing said the bond meant happily ever after. With the way history always seemed to repeat itself, she might be doomed.

They both reluctantly left. Melissa shut the door and sighed in relief. Damn, that had been a close one. If either of them would have given her the softest touch, she’d have been lost. It was time to go. To escape to Cuero, Texas. She’d have the river, the peacefulness, and best of all, the seclusion with no temptations. It was exactly what she needed to clear her head.

Chapter 9

Melissa kept her head down as they sat at the small table for four. While her thoughts churned, she tried to go over the plans she needed to make. First, she would call Pop-Pop and let him know she’d be there. Her grandfather wouldn’t mind if she used the small cabin on the river. Shit, no one probably had gone there in forever. After she finished making arrangements, she’d call Sarah and have her get Hanna to cover her at work. Things were slow, so it shouldn’t really pose a problem. Damn, but how was she going to get clothes out of her house without them noticing what she was doing?

“Melissa, are you okay? You seem distracted.”

Looking into Channing’s stare, she quickly averted her gaze. She couldn’t get trapped in their depths. One look that lasted too long and she’d be lost forever. Their connection was so much stronger now.

“I’m fine. There’s just so much I need to do. I think I’m going to visit my grandparents this afternoon.”

“Do you want us to come? I would like to meet your family.”

Melissa’s head snapped up to look at Connor. “No.” The word rushed out faster than she could stop herself. “I mean, not today. It’s too soon.”

“Of course.” He looked down, and she felt an ache race through her chest. Startled, she placed her hand over her heart. What was that? She couldn’t possibly be feeling the way she’d affected him, could she?

“Are you thinking of running from us?”

Cold fear covered her body while she looked at Channing. “No. No, I’m not going to run.” Melissa was stuttering all over her words. How did he know?

“I’m not so sure of that. I can feel you withdraw.”

Connor looked hurt, and once again, the pain weighed heavily inside of her.

“Please don’t go, Melissa. I don’t want you to leave. You’ll only end up hurting us all.”

Her mind screamed. She had to leave. It might hurt them now, but in the end, staying would hurt them even worse. She’d seen how love could turn sour quickly. One moment her family was the Cleavers, the next her father was a raging alcoholic and an abusive husband and father. Things didn’t always end civil. And she wasn’t about to let theirs get that far.

“Are you both done? I have laundry to do and family to see.”

“But it’s late,” Connor whispered.

She didn’t give him a response. They stood from the table, and Melissa was stopped the moment she went for her purse. Shrugging, she placed down the tip. If Channing wanted to pay, fine with her. She was way too jittery to argue. The moment she got home, she was going to rush to get out as fast as she could. Damn it, she wasn’t sure how they knew, but she wouldn’t worry about that now.

Warmth encircled her shoulders. Looking up into Connor’s face, her eyes welled up with tears. What in the hell was the matter with her? Jesus, she felt guilty as hell. And she shouldn’t! They didn’t even really know each other.