Melissa’s mind swirled as she felt both of their bodies touching her. Every expanse of her skin was covered. With every thrust of Connors cock, she knew this was the way things were meant to be. She could admit it in her mind, and it was a start.

Tingling erupted over her body, the same time, tightening collected in her stomach. She felt like she was in a state of pure heaven. Channing’s pre-cum coated her fingers. The thickness continued to get heavier and harder with every stroke she completed.

With a hard plunge, Connor pushed to new depths inside of her. Melissa screamed as an orgasm blindsided her. Her fingers clutched to Channing’s back as slight pain erupted in her neck and shoulder at the same time. Electrical currents shot through her body, making the tingling intensify.

Slowly, her world spun, but the sensation didn’t make her queasy or sick. Something was different. She knew Channing was biting her again, and she was thinking so was Connor, from the stinging in her shoulder. They had said it was time. Time for what? Things weren’t quite getting through to her brain.

As her pussy gripped around Connor, she felt warmth shoot inside of her and across her stomach. Millions of thoughts exploded through her mind. Lights flashed before her eyes, and suddenly, everything went black.

* * * *

Melissa awoke in a tangle of limbs. Apparently, she wasn’t the only one who had passed out. Pushing Channing’s weight off half of her body, she climbed out of the bed. Damn, she needed a shower. Aching raced over her body as she walked down the hall. Catching the clock on the cable box, Melissa nearly fell over her feet.

Searching her mind, she tried to recall when she’d arrived home from Sarah’s. Around 9:30 in the morning, she believed. It wasn’t past ten, that was for damn sure. How in the hell was it eight? Walking to the window, Melissa jumped back. It was dark! How in the hell did they sleep that late?

Confused, she headed to the restroom and started the shower. Going over the events, she could feel her cheeks heat. She couldn’t believe she had actually done that. Sure, it felt right, but she wasn’t so sure they should do it again. For one, Connor hadn’t worn protection. She could kick herself. Never once could she remember going without it. How had she been so far gone that she hadn’t even thought about the most important decision of her life?

Letting the warm water caress her skin, she remembered how she lost herself in their act. Damn, it really was amazing the way they both knew exactly what to do to make her lose every ounce of control she harbored. No. Melissa stopped herself the moment she could feel the tingling.

“Mind if I join you?”

Channing’s heavy-lidded eyes stared at her, looking just as confused as she felt. How could she deny him? Damn it, this wasn’t going to be good. “Sure.”

His powerful, nude body climbed in, and she moved over, sharing the water. The fact that she didn’t feel one bit self conscience or uncomfortable made her lips twist. Shouldn’t she at least feel shy from what they’d all just done? Nothing. All she felt was heat building in her again. She couldn’t believe she was ready for round two.

“Melissa, are you hungry? You haven’t eaten all day.”

At the mention of food, her stomach growled. She laughed and looked down. “I guess so.”

“Good, I’m starving.” Connor climbed in and her mouth parted in shock. The men didn’t seem the least bit uncomfortable standing so close together. And from the looks of things, there wasn’t an inch to spare. She quickly washed her hair and moved out of the way. Connor pulled her body into his and held her while she tried to grasp the reality. This could not be happening.

“So, where’s a good place to eat? Does anyone feel like going to Corpus? We could grab lunch there.”

Melissa quickly shook her head. “It’s dinnertime, Channing. It’s already past eight.”

He stiffened under the water. “There’s no way.”

“No, she’s right. I can feel it. It’s late.”

“Holy shit. What happened?”

Connor and Channing switched places while she looked back and forth between both of them. “I’m not sure. I just remember you both biting me and nothing. By the way, the biting thing, guys, has really got to stop. At least not on my neck, Channing. I have to go to work tomorrow, and it’s a little warm to be wearing a turtleneck.”

They both looked at her as she climbed out and wrapped a towel around her. “What?” Suddenly, she felt like she was missing something. “What aren’t you both telling me?”

Not wasting any time, they both got out and followed suit. As all three of them walked to the room covered in towels, she waited. Still nothing. They continued to look at each other but refused to look at her.

“Well? What is it?”

The moment Connor had a pair of sweatpants on, he gazed at her sadly. “Melissa, we both put our mark on you. We sealed the deal, so to speak.”

There it was, that anger she kept trying to fight. It pushed at her insides until she almost started seeing red. Containing the fury, she took a deep breath. “I’m not sure I know what you mean. You sealed the deal, as in what? I thought we were already all supposed to be together. What changed?”

“Well, we are supposed to be together. But you see, when Channing and I bit you, we finalized it. There’s no turning back.”

“You mean there was turning back before? I thought you both said we couldn’t escape the pull? I thought you said there was no getting out?”

“Before, you would have felt pain. Really bad pain. Now, well, it’ll be worse if you do leave.”