Eyeing the men, she looked back and forth. “Did you both need something? I’m really tired and haven’t got any rest yet.”

“Then we’ll put you to sleep.” Connor crawled in on the other side of her, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her back against him. As much as she wanted to kick both of them out, she couldn’t ignore how relaxed and calm she suddenly felt. She was too tired to fight.

“Just close your eyes, Melissa. We’ll take care of you.”

Assurance settled over her at Channing’s words. Warmth came from both sides of her body as they pressed against her. A whole new heat rushed to her core as she felt herself become aroused at their closeness. Sleep drifted from her mind while the thought of them touching her drove her to stay awake. Keeping her eyes closed, she tried to breathe her way through the spell, but all she could take in was the mixture of their manly smells.

Connor’s chest rose and fell deeply against her back. Breath tickled her neck, and she tried not to shiver against the sensitive sensations erupting over her body.

“Melissa.” The word was husky as air brushed over her exposed flesh. This time, she did shiver.

“Yes, Connor?”

His hand spanned across her stomach, lingering briefly until he gripped the gown tightly. “Your scent. It’s unbelievable.”

Channing’s hands caressed her cheek, and she opened her eyes to stare into his depths. Light blue sucked her in, promising things she only could dream of. Melissa recognized it wasn’t him telling her mind what to hear, it was herself. Deep down, she knew they all could have the kind of happiness her friends had found, but she wasn’t ready to admit that’s what she wanted. There were too many ifs. And she didn’t like anything associated with doubt.

Hardness pushed against her lower back, and she couldn’t help but moan and lean more into Connor’s cock. Everything about what was happening felt so right. Channing’s hand trailed down her neck, and she fought to control the heavenly vibrations.

“Just say yes. I promise you won’t regret it.”

She turned on her back and looked toward Connor. For the second time in her life, time slowed. Captivated and immobile, it wasn’t until Channing’s finger lingered at the hem of her nightgown that she heard her answer.

“Yes. God, yes.”

Connor’s mouth eased to hers hesitantly. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled him deeper into her body. Sweetness exploded over her tongue as she was swept away completely by his taste. Coolness settled over her body as her nightgown was pulled down her body. The sounds of tearing erupted all around her as Connor didn’t even break his mouth away to remove his clothing.

Warmth encased one of her aching nipples and lights exploded behind her eyes. Crying out into Connor’s mouth she clutched to him tighter. His body shifted, and the feel of his large hand eased down her ribs and over her hip. Fire engulfed her. The need to feel his touch overpowered every other thought she could think of.

* * * *

The taste of Melissa’s mouth went beyond anything he knew. Connor broke his lips from hers, breathing raggedly as he looked down into her dark green eyes. “I never thought it could be like this.” The more he took in her face, the more he felt the pull. “God, you’re so beautiful.”

Placing kisses down her neck, he took her other breast into his mouth. His face was so close to Channing’s, but he didn’t care. The need to take in more drove him to try to sample every inch of skin covering her body.

Gently biting the hard nub between his teeth, her fingers weaved into his hair. He sucked her more into his mouth, moving his hand to settle on her inner thighs. Wetness greeting him, and he couldn’t wait any longer. A growl came from his throat as he lifted and moved to lie between her thighs. In awe, he stared at what lay before him. She glistened, so wet and ready.

Lowering his mouth, he traced his tongue over her swollen folds. Her flavor hit him hard, leaving his chest aching with wanting to never be parted from her again. He’d been hollow for so long that he never thought he’d get to experience what so many people had died for, his father included.

Easing his tongue into her pussy, he felt his eyes roll back in pure ecstasy. She was made for him to savor. She was perfect.

The rotation of her hips brought his eyes up. Channing was now at her mouth, drinking in her moans. At the sight of her hips arched beautifully to receive him, her nipples hard with her pleasure, he circled her opening with his fingertip. More, she arched for him. These little things he suddenly loved more than anything he could remember.

Sucking the area around her clit, he eased his finger inside Wetness encircled him, gripping his digit. Slowly he thrust, rubbing her insides as he explored her depths. God, she moaned beautifully. There had to be a way for her to accept she was meant for them. Sure, times were going to be hard at first, but wouldn’t their loving her be enough to overcome the them? As she reached for him, he prayed it would be.

* * * *

Channing lifted his lips from Melissa’s, lightheaded with passion. Her hand came to his neck pulling him back down. He needed to touch her body more, taste her everywhere possible. While his mind went crazy with wanting to consume who she was, he battled the throbbing of his cock.

Connor lifted, easing up next to them, resting his head against the headboard as he lifted her body on top of his. Melissa’s back rested against Connor’s chest. Channing watched amazed as Melissa gripped her other mate’s thick cock and slid it into her pussy. The look on her face went beyond one filled with pleasure. She was in pure bliss.

“Channing, lay on top of her while she rests against me. I want you to have access to her neck. It’s time. It has to be now. God, this has never felt so right.”

He nodded, sliding on top of Melissa while Connor thrust his cock into her. With her sandwiched between both of them, he never thought anything felt more perfect. Her generous breasts moved against their gentle swaying. Melissa’s hand grasped around his thickness, and Channing moaned, kissing her deeply.

The softness of her stomach came in contact with his length as she began to stroke him faster. It was taking everything he had to keep his arms holding up his weight, above her. For some unexplainable reason, his body jolted. Opening his eyes, he knew they were glowing. He felt the heat. Looking at Connor, his were the same way. It was time.

* * * *