A female voice cleared behind them. “If I hear the F-word come out of your mouth one more time, Ayden, so help me God, I’m taking over or ending this conversation. I can’t even sleep, you’re talking so loud. And our bedroom is upstairs!”

Connor smiled and looked down. Nicole always did have a way to make Ayden soften. He watched his Alpha immediately walk to her side. “I’m sorry, baby. How’s my other baby?” A large hand spanned across Nicole’s growing stomach.

“Hungry. You really didn’t wake me, I wanted the strawberries.” She smiled and kissed his cheek as she headed to the kitchen. Ayden’s lips parted as he watched her walk off. He smiled and then erased it as he looked back over at the men.

“So, we have another couple consisting of three people. Great. With the way things are going, my pack is going to be half vampires. God help us. So what are your plans? How’s Melissa taking the news?”

Channing sighed. “I somehow pissed her off. She kicked me and Connor out. Told us never to come back again.”

“Aw, shit. Great going, Channing. I hear she’s quiet the firecracker. You should have heard the shit she gave poor Devon when he and Sarah got back together.”

“I think between Connor and I, we’ll be able to calm her.”

“You better hope so because you’re both ordered not to leave her side. She’ll experience no pain. I won’t allow it.”

“Wait, you can’t order me.” Channing started to stand but eased back against the couch. “I’m a vampire, not a wolf. I’m my own master. Hell, I have my own servants.”

Ayden shrugged. “You still do. But since you have two of my pack you’re pairing up with, you take your orders from me now. You’re in my territory. I run this shit, not you.”

Nicole stopped mid-step as she re-entered the room. “Words. I’m told the baby can hear everything you say. Do you want our son hearing that filth? I don’t. If I can refrain from cussing, then so can you.”

Trevor patted his knee, and Nicole curled into his lap. Connor watched in awe as she fed her strawberries to her other mate. Now that was what werewolf couples were supposed to do. It’s what he wanted with Melissa. He’d seen her numerous times, watching the sunrise or the sunset. She’d sit on her balcony forever and just stare at the ocean. He wanted to be the one she cuddled against when she did that.

“Is that clear, Connor?”

He looked up at Ayden. “What?”

“You’re both moving in with Melissa. Find a way to persuade her. I want you both there, starting tomorrow tonight. Now go upstairs and get a few hours of rest. You’re going to have one hell of a day convincing her.”

Chapter 7

Melissa curled into her blanket as the sun painted the skies with beautiful shades of color. The coffee cup felt warm in her hand, and she’d finally calmed down from the hurt she felt last night. If there was one thing she didn’t want to think about, it was her past. She’d done everything she could to forget it. Having it brought up again only seemed to reopen the wounds.

Sleep had proven impossible. For hours she’d tossed and turned until finally she’d given up and settled for listening to the gulf. The calm noise of the waves crashing always helped when she got in one of these moods. Standing, Melissa walked inside and grabbed Julie’s keys. Now would be the perfect time to switch out the cars. She’d get that out of the way and maybe come home to finally get the rest she needed.

Slipping her jacket on over her nightgown, Melissa grabbed her purse and locked the door. The moment she turned on the Mercedes, she cranked up the rap music and headed back to the Martini Bar. It hadn’t taken her twenty minutes before she pulled into the deserted parking lot.

“There you are, my beautiful truck. Damn, I missed you.”

Melissa locked Julie’s keys in her car and jumped in her seat. She headed back to the island, feeling sleep beckoning her. As she drove, she switched CDs and put on the one she always felt compelled to listen to whenever she didn’t want to think of her problems. The beat was just the one she needed. Before she knew it, she was turning onto her street, screaming the words to her favorite lyrics.

But it didn’t last. The lyrics went on as her mouth stayed open, devoid of noise. She pulled into her driveway, right next to a Mercedes and a big jacked up truck just like hers. Instead of it being red, this one was black. Confused and angry, she ran up the steps. Throwing the front door open, she paused, noticing it wasn’t locked. She could swear she locked the damn thing!

Two pairs of eyes stared at her from the couch. ESPN blared in the background. Shocked, she shut the door behind her. No words. Nothing would leave her gaping mouth. All Melissa could do was raise her hands in the air like an idiot, waiting for someone to explain.

“Oh, yeah, we’re moving in.”

Channing placed a fist full of popcorn into his mouth and held the bag out to Connor who followed suit. Still, she couldn’t move. Had these men lost their damn minds? Had she? They couldn’t just move into her home.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Would you like some?”

Channing held the bag out to her, and she finally managed to close her mouth, but she still couldn’t talk. All Melissa could do was shake her head no. “How ‘bout breakfast? Are you hungry?”

Looking over at Connor, she let her jacket fall to the floor. “No, thank you. Um, I’m sorry. What in the hell gave you both the idea to come into my home, and just move in? No, let me rephrase that. Break into my home. I know I locked that door.”

“You’re our mate. Of course we’re going to live with you.” Connor reached over and grabbed another handful of popcorn, smiled at her brightly, and popped the white fluff into his mouth.

“Plus, I have to admit. I like this place. You have a great view. I think I’m going to like living here.”