Channing pulled her closer to the car, and she climbed in as he opened the door. Settling back on the seat, she tried to process exactly what just happened. She felt more lost than ever. Before she and her soon-to-be lover parted ways, she was going to figure out a way to get him to tell her everything. To do that, she wanted to be on familiar ground. No hotel rooms for this one. For the first time, she’d bring a bet home.

Chapter 5

Nervousness filled Melissa as they pulled into her drive. Leaving her truck probably hadn’t been very smart, but she’d called Julie, and it just so happened that Julie left her keys on the counter to her car and her friend had a spare at her house. She could drive the Mercedes to Corpus, pick up her truck, and lock Julie’s keys in her car. It worked out perfectly.

“Second thoughts?”

Looking at Channing in the darkness, she shook her head no. Melissa opened the door and proceeded up the steps. When he paused, she turned around to see him staring out toward the sand dunes.

“Is something wrong?”

“No.” He moved forward but kept his gaze in the general direction of the beach.

Unlocking the door, Melissa walked in and dropped her stuff on the coffee table. Heat enveloped her from behind so fast the surprise made her suck in air. Wasn’t he just at the door? She hadn’t even heard it shut.

“Your smell has been driving me wild since I met you.” Pressure gripped her hips as he pulled her ass deeper into his form. The hardness pressing against her through the thin fabric of the dress caused her legs to tremble.

An arm wrapped around her chest, wedging between her breasts as his hand cupped her chin. The smoothness of his face nestled into her neck and sent currents all throughout her body. Melissa moaned, moving closer against him.

“I want to taste every inch of you. I’m betting you taste even better than you smell.”

Suddenly lifted, Melissa clutched to his arm. He walked straight to her bedroom without so much as a pause. When she was placed stomach-down on the cool comforter, he didn’t give her time to roll over. The weight of his body covered hers.

Fabric ripped, causing cool air to brush against the exposed skin of her back. Shocked, her head turned to the side, trying to catch a glimpse of him. The top of his head was all she could see. Lips began placing nearly nonexistent kisses along her spine. More fabric ripped the further down he trailed. Heat scorched every inch of her body, igniting a path of fire wherever he touched. A cry escaped her as he lightly sucked her skin into his mouth.

Channing growled under his breath, flipping her on her back. He tore his clothes off faster than anyone she’d seen undress in their life. Excitement caused her to pull what remained of hers off, too. They reached for each other at the same moment.

Melissa swept her tongue against his and moaned loudly. He tasted like nothing she’d ever consumed before. Sensations exploded, working their way down her body. Weaving her fingers though his hair, she pulled him further into her. No matter what she did, it didn’t feel like enough.

“Slow down, mon amour. Let me take my time tasting you.”

“Oh God, was that French?” Melissa moaned, feeling his mouth trail down her neck.


“Oh, fuck. Tell me something, anything.” No one had ever spoken another language to her intimately before. Especially, when she was this hot and ready. The way the words flowed smoothly from his tongue sounded so right and perfect.

“Du moment que je vous ai vu, je savais que tu serais a moi.”

“Oh my God, what did you say?”

“I said, from the moment I saw you, I knew you would be mine.”

Channing sucked her nipple into his mouth, and she screamed out against the pleasure. On numerous occasions men had done this, and never once had her body responded so powerfully. She wasn’t sure what to think of it. Everything felt so new. It was if her body had been reborn again, just for him. How long had it been since she felt like this? This was past just needing to be filled with him inside of her. She craved him, couldn’t think without him touching her.

Fingers trailed her slit, rubbing the wetness into her smooth folds. Melissa arched, waiting for him to make an entrance, but he didn’t. Instead, he brought his fingertips to her clit with a touch that barely even registered. She felt heat blaze through her at the small circles he made.

“Melissa, you know you are mine, right?”

“You mean for tonight. I get it.”

“No, not for tonight.” Channing’s body lifted, and the missing weight made her whimper.

“You want to stay tomorrow, too? I guess that would be okay.” She reached back for him, but he caught her hand and pulled her to her knees. Hands grasped her face, and she immediately looked into his eyes.

“I want you forever, mon amour. Come with me. Be mine. I smell it in your skin, taste it on my tongue. You belong to me.”

“Belong to you?” Melissa shook her head hard and looked away from his eyes. “Wait, what do you mean? Leave with you? I can’t leave. This is where I live, where I belong.”