“Got it covered,” Damien mumbled under his breath.
The two men on each side of me shifted and I wanted to turn to look at the other two in the very back, but refrained.
Damien parked and Jim turned to me. “You’re to stay at my side at all times. No talking to someone unless they speak to you first. And nothing you know you shouldn’t say.”
Before I could answer, he pushed his door open. The men began to pile out and I took my spot next to Jim. Stares were already being thrown our way. My nerves increased until my mouth was parched. As we began to walk, I kept my head up as much as I could.
The crowd parted, whispering as we headed inside. At the greeter losing her big smile upon our entry, I felt nausea return. I didn’t like this. I was standing next to a man responsible for crimes that went beyond my knowledge. Years of hardships and injustice had befallen the residents here and it was all due to Rory and Jim’s rule over them.
“Welcome to…” The woman’s words died off as we strode passed. Jim’s pace was steady. Customers came to a standstill as they watched us head toward the women’s clothes.
“Maternity,” Jim’s whispered, scanning the signs labeled at the top. “Where the fuck is maternity?”
“Around the other side.”
I stiffened, closing my eyes at the voice behind us. A hand grasped my bicep and I forced myself to face what I didn’t want. A scene would put people at risk. I had to pretend I wanted this. I…
Hesitantly, I turned, letting Jim grip my opposite arm. Chase took two steps forward, putting him closer to the bodyguards next to us.
“If you’re looking for maternity, it’s around the corner. Waste of money, though, if you ask me. Kit’s got a closet full of them in her bedroom. They’re there…waiting.”
Tears pooled while I fought back the need to rip myself loose and rush toward Chase.
“I’ve seen her closet and she’s in need of new ones. If you’ll excuse us.” Jim spun us around and I couldn’t stop myself from gazing back. Or the tears from escaping.
“Wait.” Chase moved around wide, coming to a stop a few feet before us. “Why don’t you give me Kit? You can have me. I’ll work for you.”
Jim laughed, shaking his head. “You…work for me? You don’t work for anyone, Chase, and we both know that.”
“I will. I’ll do it in exchange for Kathleen. She’s carrying my child, Jim. I know that hasn’t escaped you. Things may not have gone smoothly between us for years, but I can let it go. I can walk away from everything you’ve done if you just let me have Kit. Let me give her the life she deserves. I love her.”
He swallowed hard, putting his focus on me. “I love you. Come home. Just walk to me. That’s all you have to do and we’ll leave here.”
Before I could stop myself, I took a step forward. The distance had the vice on my arm tightening painfully. I winced, forcing myself to return.
“You want to come. I know you do. Tell him, Kit. Tell him you love me, too.”
“Her love is irrelevant,” Jim exploded. “She’s not going anywhere with you. Kathleen works for me now. She wants to stay with me.”
The click of the hammer being pulled back registered before seeing the gun rise in Chase’s hand. I tensed as he pointed it toward Jim. The guards quickly yanked out theirs as well.
“I didn’t want to have to do it this way, but I’m not letting you take her again. This ends now.”
“Put the gun down,” Damien threatened, moving in front of Jim.
Movement blurred around us and I watched as men who I had assumed were customers came closer with their guns pointed at us, too.
“Let go of Kit and you can walk out the door. If not…” Chase edged around, waving me forward. But I couldn’t leave. Tighter, Jim held, until I couldn’t help but cry out.
“Last warning,” Palo said from behind me.
I looked up over my shoulder to see the barrel of his gun resting at the back of Jim’s head. The grip dropped from my arm and I didn’t hesitate to race and throw myself in Chase’s arms.
“You’re going to pay for this,” Jim yelled out. “Do you hear me!”
Chase tucked me into his chest as he started leading us from the store. People parted in our wake and I almost couldn’t believe what was happening. A yell had us spinning around in time to see Jim’s arm shoot up. The explosion that followed left my whole body going numb. Blood sprayed out in all directions from his head and my legs nearly gave out as Jim crumbled to the floor. Silence stretched out until Palo’s voice broke it. “Good riddance.”
“Good riddance,” Damien agreed, moving in closer to Palo. “Good to see you again, cuz.”