“Do you know how dangerous this is? What do you know about drugs?” I leaned more over the table, trying to get her to hold my stare.

“What I know, Mr. Harrison,” she said, giving me her full attention, “is that there is a thousand grams in a kilo of cocaine. The average price for Colorado is between twenty to twenty-five thousand per kilo, per level of purity, which is typically at seventy to seventy-five percent. In the Denver area, it is cheaper, ranging between sixteen to twenty four, whereas in Colorado Springs, you won’t find it cheaper than twenty-one thousand. If you want to talk rock, AKA crack cocaine, typically made by the secondary buyer, we can go into figures there too. The average size is between one-eighth to half a gram. Street value per rock depends on the size of course, but most will value at around fifteen to twenty bucks. In some cases, you can find them as low as five. Is there anything else you’d like me to school you on?”

My mouth opened, but nothing would come. Speechless. Yes, I didn’t know who this Kit was.

“You seem educated enough on the statistics, Ms. Walker, but what do you know of experience?” Mr. Snyder narrowed his eyes as he stared at her and waited.

“Aside from a few experiments with a line or two at ages sixteen and seventeen, I’d say my experience isn’t as extensive as Father Harrison’s. I know he both sells, and at one time, used. With me, you never have to worry about your supply being short because of a possible relapse.

“Aside from personal,” she continued, “my mother was a full time alcoholic and a part-time druggy. And, well, you know my brother. He did teach me a few things when it came to hustling and sales. What I can tell you is that if you choose to go with me, your name is safe. Your supply and location are safe. Me and Father Harrison feel the same in regards to how we want to turn things around for Untold. As a soon-to-be mother, I want to spare the townsfolk any worry concerning the distribution inside of the town I wish to raise my child in. That is why my partner and I will push to Denver and Boulder, all the way down to Colorado Springs.”

“Our child,” I stressed, standing and leaning over the table toward her. “Yours and mine. And I’m telling you now, you will not be mixing in with this. Stand up, we’re going home.”

Guns rose in my direction from the men behind her, but I couldn’t break from her pained stare. Something was wrong. Off with the situation.

“Your child?” Mr. Snyder looked between us, crossing his arms on the table. “Interesting. Why aren’t the two of you together anymore?”

Anger grew as I took in the men who had their weapons trained on me. “The only reason we aren’t together right now is because she was taken by the bastard who tried to kill me. Jim, you’d remember him from when his father, Abe, dealt with you. That’s the partner she’s referring to, I guarantee it. I hope you wouldn’t want to get mixed in with him, as he has no regard for the safety of anyone but himself. Take Kathleen, for example. You could have been anyone, and he sent her in, pregnant, to do his dirty work. He’s a coward.” I turned, looking at her. “Now, enough of this. Let’s go home.”

A deep breath shook her chest and Kit’s expression changed back to the mask she’d worn when she came in. “I’m sorry you feel that way about my cousin, Mr. Harrison. Jim wanted to come, but I assured him I had this under control. As for your offer, I’m perfectly fine where I’m at. I thank you for your generosity in wanting to look out for our child, but I have this covered. If you’ll excuse me, Mr. Snyder,” she said, turning to him, “I’m battling a horrible case of morning sickness and I’d prefer to spare you any un-pleasantries. You have my number if you decide you wish to work with me. Please feel free to call any time. If you’ll please excuse me.”

Kit stood, as did our contact. As they shook hands, I rounded the table. Palo grasped my arm before I could make it around Mr. Snyder to get to Kit.

“Don’t do it, Father. Her men are looking for an excuse to put a bullet in you.”

I jerked free, glaring. “I’m not letting her go back with them. She’s clearly in over her head.”

“Which makes things more dangerous for her. Don’t put her at risk by acting out. Let her go, we’ll follow.”

My jaw clenched as I nodded and watched her walk away. With each tap of her stilettos, my stomach twisted even more.

“Mr. Snyder, please pardon me. You have my number, too. I ask that you think over this deal very carefully. Although Kit’s offer is good, who she works for isn’t. And she’s not doing this because she wants to. I’m going to get her back. When I do, I’ll offer you her price, but through me.”

He glanced toward her as she exited the door. “How do you plan to get her back? She doesn’t appear to want to be with you.”

“Oh, she does. She loves me, just as I love her. I took her against her will to begin with. If I have to do it again to get her back…so be it.”

Chapter 29


Thump-thump. Thump-thump.

As the baby’s heartbeat registered throughout my new bedroom, I closed my eyes, smiling. Chase and I had heard our child for the first time the day I’d been taken. Now, at three and a half months along, I relished in hearing it again. The sound reminded me of him. Of the love I’d seen on his face as he’d listened intently to the life we’d created. But the grin faded as I remembered our meeting. How could he lie to me like that? I hadn’t wanted to believe it, but Jim had been right. It turned my stomach to know Chase’s deep, dark secret. And there was nothing I could do about it. It was their way of life. Their survival. And I couldn’t change that.

“The baby sounds very healthy. How’s the morning sickness?”

I opened my lids, looking up to my knew doctor, Dr. Pearson. Her hair was as dark as her eyes, but she was kind, given the fact that I had already begged her for help and she hadn’t ratted me out to Jim.

“It’s better. I only get it on occasion now.”

“Good. You’re weight hasn’t dropped anymore like I feared. I think pregnancy is starting to agree with you.”

She wiped the gel from my stomach and I sat up, fixing my shirt to cover the small bump already present. “Yes. Food finally appeals and I seem to getting bigger, so that’s a relief.”

“Agreed.” She stepped back from the bed, writing something down on my chart. “I’m going to schedule your next appointment at my office in Denver. You’ll be due for a sonogram around that time and it would be easier to administer there. Do you have any questions before I leave?”

I bit the inside of my cheeks, debating whether I should try to bribe her again. I knew it was pointless, and who was to say she wouldn’t tell Jim? “No, I think that’s it.”