A few men came to a stop on the lawn, watching as I stalked farther away from them. The unexplainable tug in my core had me speeding up until I was jogging. Nothing mattered in that moment but the powerful connection I felt to the invisible force. I’d always allowed faith to lead me and this wasn’t any different. I gave myself over to it, seeing no one but Kit before me.
A blur of noises rang out in the distance, fading as I stomped through the dead weeds that nearly hid the cobblestone sidewalk. My gun rose and although I knew I should have been trying to take cover as I approached, I couldn’t. I raced to the door, kicking it in, and barging through. Immediately, I stopped in my tracks.
“Slow the fuck down,” Palo growled as he pushed through the entrance to my side. “Oh…shit.”
To-go boxes overflowed from the trashcan, along with a pile of paper towels. The smell already told me what I knew. Kit had been here and she was sick.
“The rooms,” I said, already heading toward the back. At the sight of her purse on the coffee table, my feet grew heavy. Faster, my heart rate increased. I burst through the first room, checking the closet before I moved deeper into the interior. Ed moved in behind me, stopping in the middle of the hallway as I continued. The bathroom was next, empty. By the time I got to the last bedroom, my stomach was twisting nauseatingly.
“Fuck!” I slammed my fist into the wall, hating what I was faced with. Kit…she was gone. I’d been so close.
I turned, watching as Ed pointed to the ceiling. Above was a pull-down staircase that led to the attic. My fingers came up to weave through my hair and I nodded, staying as quiet as I could while he pulled the string to open it.
“Let me,” I whispered.
There was no way I could allow him to take a bullet for me if Jim was indeed hiding up there with her.
Creaking sounded with each step. The higher I got, the darker. My head peeked over the edge, trying to make out the shadows in the small space. From what I could see, there was no way there was enough space for me to try to walk through there.
I lowered my head, taking me out of the freezing room. The temperature was so conflicting with the warmth still resting within. “Find me a flashlight. Quick.”
Footsteps combined with the hum of low voices buzzed in the background and I knew everyone had come to see what I was running toward.
“Here.” Palo handed me a flashlight and I stood, clicking it on. Boxes filled the majority of room, some stacked on each other, others resting in random locations. I moved in more, trying to aim the beam of light in every nook and cranny I could find. Nothing. My eyes closed and I couldn’t stop the anger engulfing me. Slowly, I lowered, facing my men and a crowd of others.
“They’ve been here recently. They still have to be close.”
Chapter 27
There wasn’t a house unsearched or a structure left unchecked. From the homes, to the garages, to the storage sheds in some of the backyards, Me, Jim, and Jeff watched the large mob of men raid everything they could looking for us. What they neglected to see was we were right there. Right inside the tree line covering the mountain behind the home we had been staying in. Being a good few hundred feet higher, they missed us. It broke my heart, but also gave me relief. Had we left town like Jim had wanted, I might never have a chance to escape. The fact that the car hadn’t started saved us. Saved me. At least, temporarily.
Pressure pushed more into the back of my head as Jim shifted behind me. He’d left me uncuffed, but he hadn’t taken the barrel away from my head for long. One sound made on my part and he promised he’d end my life. I believed him. His desperation and anxiety was like a cloud of acid, burning into my skin. It left me shaking from the cold and fear.
“How much longer?” he snapped. “It’s been over two hours. If they don’t hurry, it’ll be dark soon.
The men were grouped in the middle of the street, surrounding Chase as he spoke. His hand went out as he pointed in different directions. My breath caught as he pointed back toward us. But the direction didn’t have height. He was referring to the house.
“I should just start shooting and try to kill them all. Ungrateful fucking bastards. Have I not helped this town?”
Jim spoke to Jeff, but the man had stopped responding shortly after their argument over the car. Jim blamed Jeff. Jeff blamed Jim. It had been a nonstop fight all the way to where we’d come to rest on the mountain.
“Look at them, taking orders from him. They should be taking orders from me. When I kill Chase, I’ll make them all pay. They think they had it bad before? Just wait.”
“You ever think maybe that’s been your problem?” Jeff gazed up from where he sat. “Look at Chase. He includes them. He listens to what they have to say, all the while, he’s in complete control. Your father did the same.”
“Are you saying he’s a better leader than I am?” Foliage crunched behind me as Jim shifted, but I kept my focus ahead. Chase was still talking. Still directing people in different directions.
“I’m saying he connects better to the townsfolk and that’s why they back him.”
The sound of the hammer cocking in the gun had me going stiff. “You better watch it, old man. I know what you mean when you say that.”
“You really going to shoot me and give away your position?”
The hesitation gave me my answer. Jim had tried to stay hidden this long, he wouldn’t blow his cover now.