“I think you have feelings for him.”
More than that, though I couldn’t admit it. Not to him. Barely to myself. “No,” I said, shaking my head. “I told him nothing. I was too afraid.”
“You better hope you kept your mouth shut. If I find out you’re lying to me, you’re going to wish you never showed your face in this town.”
Jim spun, pacing the kitchen area. I brought my stare up to Jeff, whose eyebrows were drawn in as he looked at me.
“I don’t feel so well,” I said lowly. “Can you…?” Before I could finish, my free hand flew to my mouth to try to stop the inevitable. It didn’t work. I gagged, turning away to the side as I my worries made me physically sick. Cursing registered in the background along with heavy footsteps. A trashcan slid in next to me to catch the rest, but I had nothing left. In the last two days, I was finding it harder to stomach anything. I had to get out of here.
Pressure pulled at my hand. My limbs felt weak as the handcuff released. I turned, grasping the back of the chair for support. This wasn’t good. If I didn’t keep something down, I’d never have the strength to escape. “I’ll clean it up, just…give me a second.”
“This is the third time you’ve gotten sick on my floor. Is it always like this?” Jim walked over, grabbing a role of paper towels and spray cleaner. He thrust them at me and I couldn’t stop from swaying a little as I stood.
“Yes. The doctor said it will pass in a few weeks.”
“A few weeks and the smell will never get out. Fuck. I can’t believe you got knocked up by a fucking priest. Although…Chase isn’t just a priest. He’s Chase. Stubborn son of a bitch. Even with amnesia, he couldn’t stay out of trouble.”
I stayed quiet as I lowered and began scrubbing the floor. The phone ringing had my hand pausing. The speakerphone was turned on, flooding the room with heavy breathing on the other end.
“What the fuck is going on?” Jim paced not far away and I kept my actions slow, trying to take in every word spoken.
“I think we’re in trouble. I’ve been watching cars pile in front of Chase’s cabin. They were inside having some sort of meeting or something. When they came out, I heard someone mention how they were going to turn Cedar inside out looking for that cousin of yours. She’s fucking shit up, Jim. Chase isn’t going to stop until he proves you have her. And he knows. It’s obvious he knows. Just yesterday, they brought in another group of men. Now he’s got the townspeople on his side for some sort of search. What the hell are we going to do?”
“Shit,” Jim hissed. “I should have made sure that bastard was dead before I left him in that alley.”
My lungs seized at the admission and I nearly got sick again.
“That’s over now. He lived. Now he remembers everything. We have to end this before he steals our contacts and kills us in the process. He already took the majority of our supply and burned down the fucking warehouse. And what are you doing about it? Nothing. Fuck Rory. You’re spending too much effort looking for him. He’s gone, face it. You have to step up and do this yourself. If that puts you in the limelight and exposes your identity, so be it. You wanted this position. Start fucking acting like it or Chase will take everything from us.”
“Don’t you tell me what I should do,” Jim exploded. “I’ll take care of this my way. If you don’t like it, tough shit. I’m not going to prison like my father. I’m smarter than that.”
“Then put your smarts to use and figure out a way to get Chase off our backs. I told you from the moment he came back he was going to be a threat. He may have turned to God, but he’s still the same Chase we grew up with. He’s dangerous. Even more so now that he has the town backing him.”
Jim ran his fingers through his short, brown hair and headed to peer out the window. “Let me worry about him. You just keep me updated on their location.” He hung up, kicking at the wall. “Jeff, shut off the generator.” He turned to me. “And you, clean that shit up fast. We don’t have time for this. We have to go.”
He pulled out the key, unlocking the handcuffs from the chair as I scooped the paper towels and threw them in the trash. Before I could stand, he was already yanking me to my feet. “You’re going to listen and obey everything I say. Got it?”
I nodded as he put my hands in front of my stomach and placed on the cuffs.
“Is this really necessary?” I asked quietly. “I’m not going anywhere. I’ll do whatever you tell me.”
Jim stopped in his departure and eyed me wearily. “I don’t trust you. You’re carrying his child.”
“I was also kept there against my will. I’m telling you, I’m not going to do anything you wouldn’t approve of. Uncuff me. Let me prove to you that I can be trusted. We’re blood. That has to count for something.”
The mere thought that he was thinking it over gave me relief. Even if he didn’t have confidence in me now, it wouldn’t be long before he did.
“I’m your cousin, Jim, not some outsider. I may not be a part of this town, but I know the definition of loyalty. Watch. Let me show you what it means to be dependable. You may find use for me yet.”
What the fuck was I saying? I had no idea, but I wasn’t about to not go with it. Perhaps if he believed my alliance was with him, the faith he’d have for me would set me free. Or backfire in my face.
“If you cross me…” He walked forward, slowly. “You don’t want to do that, Kit. Blood or not, it makes no difference to me.”
“I’ll do whatever you ask. All you need to do is speak the words. Uncuff me,” I said, holding my hands toward him. “Uncuff me and let me prove where I stand. It’s not with Chase.”
Chapter 26