“Climb in the back real quick and get down on the floorboard.”

“What? But, Father—”

“Chase. And do what I say.”


I obeyed, unbuckling and keeping low as I climbed to the back. Over and over, I repeated his name, letting it sink in. He didn’t remind me of a Chase. Maybe a Henry or John. Those I could see as priest names, but Chase? It was so…good. Naughty, in my mind, even. I could see myself moaning it out loud, which was shameful.

We came to a stop and the window rolled down.

“Can I help you?” Chase’s voice was deep as he looked toward the passenger side.

“Oh…Father. I was just…checking. Making sure no one stole your car or something. You know, with the crime rate up and all.”

Chase’s eyebrows drew in. “The crime rate’s up?”

“Oh yeah. Happened after you got attacked. Say, how you feeling? Remember anything yet?”

Rage swept over his face for only a moment, but he didn’t speak. He only shook his head.

“I see. Have a good night, Father. Hope to see you in church again soon.”

“Sunday,” he bit out. The window rolled up and I froze as I watched a battle play over his face. “Son of a bitch. What the hell is going on with everyone wanting me to remember? That’s three times today, not counting Father Brimley.”

I paused in getting up as he took off again. His demeanor calmed the moment he glanced back. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t talk like that around you. It’s just been a long few weeks. Please, come back up here.”

“Hearing the language doesn’t bother me,” I said, climbing back in the front. “I’m just a little shocked hearing it come from you. I take it you’re…not accepting of your path?”

A hardness washed over his features and he shifted in his seat. “I don’t dislike who I am. I just can’t remember. That’s the most frustrating part. If I’m a priest, great. But I can’t even do my duties. I remember nothing. My name is familiar, but only because they told me what it was. I…” His face shot to me and he closed his mouth, “never mind.”

“No, please. I want to hear.”

A few seconds went by before he nodded. “Alright.” He licked his lips as we neared the edge of town. “Apparently, I smoke and drink. The convenience store clerk confirmed it. And…I’m covered in tattoos. What kind of priest has tattoos marking up their chest, back, and arms? I just feel like I’ve been misplaced. Thing is, I’ve seen the pictures. I know what they say is the truth.”

“I’m sorry you’re so confused. You know, you could have gotten the tattoos before you became a priest.”

He paused, nodding. “Makes sense. But it doesn’t change what’s in my head.”

“In your head?” I felt myself lean closer. Something about this man drew me in like a moth to a flame. His aura was like nothing I’d felt before. If I didn’t back off, I’d surely get burned. There was a dangerous vibe to him and all it took was him staring into my eyes for me to feel it. Internally, I retreated. A coward under his presence. The reaction floored me as much as it kept me going back to experience it again. “What sort of thoughts run through your head?”

His eyes scanned my face before he turned back to the road. “Listen to me,” he chuckled. “I’m the one who should be taking confessions and here I am about to pour mine out to you. Amazing,” he said under his breath, sarcastically. “I’m sorry. I haven’t had anyone to talk to since I’ve come to. I’m overstepping my bounds.”

“You can tell me. I think I might like to know. Besides, once you drop me off at my room, you’ll never see me again. Your secrets are safe with me.”

He frowned. “You really want to know?”

“Yes,” I urged. “Tell me whatever you’d like.”

A deep breath left him and his eyes cut over to mine. “It’s dark in my mind. Not at all thoughts a priest should have. And it covers everything. I can’t find one good thing resting within me.”


The headlights lit up the mountains in the near distance as we rounded a curve. Chase got quiet for a few seconds before he nodded. “I feel like I wasn’t good before. Like, I may have done things that weren’t right.”

“Sins? As in…sex? Or illegal things?” Sex? Really? That seemed to be the only thing on my mind when it should have been the last. He was a priest!

My cheeks grew hot and that wasn’t the only thing as he glanced my way, scanning his eyes down the length of my sitting frame.