“Yeah. Thanks. How are things with everyone downstairs?”

“Great. Still looking into a few things.”

Her vision lowered. “Have you heard anything on Rory?”

“Rory is fine,” I said, grabbing her hand to get her attention. “He’s safe.”

“From you or someone else?”

My eyebrow rose while she peeked up at me. “From everyone who wants to hurt him.” Without hesitation, I reached over, pulling her to lay down. I leaned over, trapping her under me, while she stared up with wide eyes. I could tell she wasn’t sure whether to be afraid or allow me to continue. My hands rose to both sides of her face and I brushed back her hair. “You’re so beautiful.”

A blush came to her cheeks and she tried to turn away, embarrassed. All she did was nuzzle more into my hand. She seemed to catch herself and tried to wiggle up, but I wouldn’t let her.

“Stay like this.” I took my time lowering and her chest rose more with each second I drew out. I turned my head to the left to move in to kiss her, turning to the right at the last moment to trace my tongue over her lips. Kit made a small sound, opening for me. But I didn’t give her what she wanted. My head lifted and she threw me an angry look.

“Devil,” she hissed, squirming more.

“Be. Still.”

With one last jerk, she straightened, staring away from me.

“What’s the matter, little one? Haven’t we discussed patience before? Does it upset you that I don’t take you the way you want?”

“No. I don’t want you to take me. I want you to move so I can go back to watching TV.”

I laughed, reaching over and turning it off. “The last thing you want right now is to zombie out in front of that screen. You want me. Admit it.”

“Want you to get off.”

At my eyes narrowing, her features tightened and she clamped her mouth shut.

“Admit it,” I repeated.

“I admit there is a certain appeal.”

“Appeal?” I moved my face in her line of sight. “I think you’re dying for my cock to be back inside of you. Shall I see?”

My hand moved to the waist of her jeans and she quickly clamped her legs together. I ignored it, easing the button free and moving down to lower the zipper.

“Spread for me. Let me feel how wet your pussy is.” In sync, my mouth lowered to hers while I eased into the lining of her panties. I couldn’t stop my body from going rigid as the pads of my fingers brushed over the smoothness. More, I brought them down, until they reached the top of her slit. I broke my mouth away and I nearly growled from the lust raging through me. “You shaved.”

“Would you like to stop, again? It’s probably for the best, being as I’m not feeling so well.”

An eyebrow was raised and there was such challenge that I lifted, pulling her pants off in one swift tug. The light blue cotton panties were resting at her lower stomach, ready to be rolled off the rest of the way. I couldn’t think. Couldn’t even get a grip on the darkness that threatened to blind me.

“Take them off the rest of the way and let me see.”

I pulled the long sleeve shirt I wore over my head, moving back on my knees.

Kit reached down, lifting and straightening her legs as she took her time peeling the thin fabric over her ass to display her folds. Impatience had me bracing my hand at the back of her knees to hold her still. It gave me a perfect view of her pussy.

“Did you think by shaving I would lose control and fuck you?”

“No,” she said, meeting my eyes. “I didn’t expect for you to put your hand down my pants. Besides, I know you won’t.”

“You’re baiting me.”

Kit averted her eyes and shrugged. “If that’s what you think. If I recall, though, you haven’t been necessarily eager to get close to me lately. Which is fine. It would only complicate things when I leave.”