
I know nothing.

Had I thought her perfect before? Had I ever questioned that she was the one for me? With those three words, Kody unlocked a piece of me that would never return. She didn’t just give me permission to do what I needed; she gave me permission to be my true self. There wasn’t anything more empowering than that. Kody finally knew what it was to be finished with these people. To be where retaliation and vengeance merged. We were one in the same now, fated, forever.

“Does everyone have their celebration drinks?”

“Beer and popcorn,” Tiffany yelled out, clinking her bottle to Kody’s.

“Do you have your phones ready?”

Kody lifted her cell to show me, taking another selfie with Tiffany. She ran to me, plopping down on my lap to kiss me. I scooped her in my arms, walking a few feet over and turning us so that the background of her picture was the curtained, glass wall. Just as she took the picture, I leaned in, surprising her with a kiss.

She smiled as I pulled back. “Alibis intact.”

“Yes, they are. Speaking of alibis, the others should be here soon.” I kissed her again, nodding to Rush and Rian as I put her down and took my place at my desk. They were serious, not at all good at pretending to be in a celebratory mood like the women. This was business. It was war.

“You both know what to do. We’re getting in, and we’re going to bring them down. We’ll be attacking a total of three different hosts. One for each of us. Countless sites will be wiped by the time we finish. It’s not going to be easy, but once we’re in, there’s no turning back. We delete everything. Once that’s done, we’ll drop the bomb and get out. It’ll do whatever we can’t.”

“I’m ready. Let’s fucking do this.” Rian gave Rush a nod, then me. I barely saw a slight flash of unease register on Kody’s face. She wanted this, but she knew the risk we were taking. One wrong move, and we were done. Exposed. This had to be fast and perfect.

“Here we go,” I whispered, bringing my screen to life. Me, Rian, and Rush stared at each other, Rush smiling first. He looked down, and the sound of keys was all that was heard. It was almost like old times, during and after the military. Back then, it started with us just messing around to see what we could find about future missions, or to see what we could get away with. Then after we were taken, we wanted answers we were never given about Afghanistan. We wanted revenge on anyone connected with terrorists. We got in over our heads in the forum. One thing led to another, and Rush almost got caught, but we were in the first stages of You2. We got our shit together, stayed low, and scraped by by covering our tracks. It all went away. Even to us, as we became focused on our jobs.

“I’m impressed.” Rian glanced up, continuing to try to get into the hosting site. “They truly got the goods. They’re protected as hell.” His brow crinkled and he smiled. “But not against someone like me.”

“Took the words right out of my mouth. I’m in too.” My heart raced. File upon file had me clicking through keys as fast as I could. If I lingered, I was caught. Seconds passed. More. Longer. Longer. Sweat began beading on my forehead. I didn’t dare look up or away from my screen. This was Kody’s future. Our future.

“Done. Bomb dropped.” Rush’s hands flew up as I dropped my own. The room nearly tilted as I closed out the windows and pushed back from my desk. Rush clapped loud, laughing. “Fucking golden boys right here. Let them try to source the hack. Anything left behind will delete and their system will be toast.”

Rian laughed, lifting his hands. “I think this is a world record.”

“It’ll definitely go down in history. Let’s just hope someone else takes the credit.”

“That’s it?” Kody’s eyes widened. “That fast?”

“I don’t think you know who you’ve got before you. But you know nothing.”

“I know nothing.”

Kody raced to me, throwing her arms around my neck. The relief I felt probably didn’t compare to hers. It was over concerning the video. She was free and clear, unless someone made a copy and decided to reupload it. I wouldn’t think of that though. Right now, I’d never wanted her more. My hand fisted in her dress at her lower back, and I quickly nipped her lip before turning back to the others. Rian and Rush were already by Tiffany, laughing and seeing only her.

“Let’s get back to celebrating. We have a long night ahead of us, and we’re only just starting. Everyone drink up.” I reached over, turning on the music. “I give the FBI fifteen minutes before they knock on our door. They may suspect us if we pinged the server, but I doubt we have to worry about that. They may just want us to work with their data security again. Either way, expect a visit. We did nothing wrong. We’re celebrating.”

“Just to be clear,” Tiffany’s hand lifted a little as if she were asking a question in school. “What are we celebrating?”

“You2’s record month. To many more.” I lifted my bottled water as everyone mirrored my action and took a drink of their alcohol. Any alibi having to do with me and Kody’s relationship would only put an emphasis on what I would do to protect her. Let the FBI believe it was business we were celebrating. The less it was about Kody, the better.

I wrapped my arm around Kody’s waist, pulling her in even more as she looked at me. She took a sip of her beer, content with reading my face as I read hers. She was nervous, but not as much as I thought she’d be. There were no regrets. It was written in her expression as she began to grin. Hell if I could help myself. I leaned down, whispering in her ear.

“I’m going to tie you up and crop the hell out of your ass tonight. Rope. Candles. Lots of wax. I’m going to make you burn.”

Kody turned me, hiding herself from the others behind my large frame. She grabbed my hand, easing it under her dress. “Feel me; I’m already on fire.”

Hot, wetness met my fingertips. She wasn’t wearing panties which had my brain inventing all sorts of scenarios both good and bad. “How am I supposed to celebrate when all I’ll be thinking about is tasting you? I should spank you until you beg me to stop.”

“You should, but you can’t. Not with everyone here. I’m afraid the only tears I’ll be crying tonight are the ones coming from me gagging on your cock again. You like that. I like it too. Until then, lover.”

Kody walked around me, leaving my mouth opened as I stared where she’d been only a second before. I spun, hooking around her waist to pull her back into me. When I sunk my teeth into her bare shoulder, Kody squealed, bursting into laughter that had the others smiling. And me…I was smiling too. Hell, it was plastered to my damn face as I led us back to the group.