One second. Two. His pause did little to calm me.

“Would you like to explain what keeps catching your eye?”

Rush smiled, not at all happy. He crossed his arms over his large chest as he peered down at me.

“A bit snappy, aren’t we?”

“What. Are. You. Looking at?”

Rian threw his brother a glance, no doubt warning him now wasn’t the time to mess with me. Rush wasn’t one to follow the rules.

“I’m just trying to figure out why we’re here. Aren’t you committed now? Isn’t this supposed to be your honeymoon period?”

“Don’t be smart with me. I’m not falling into your bullshit jabs. Go back to the part you started with: committed. Don’t even fucking think about crossing me like that.”

“Maybe I already have. Maybe that’s what I was trying to figure out.”


We both ignored Rian. I stood from the chair, tightrope-walking murder and vengeance.


Rush shrugged. “It’s a bit foggy. She looks awfully familiar.”

“Maybe because she’s been on the news you fuckhead.” Rian threw his bottled water at his brother. Rush caught it, glaring.

“It’s not that. I don’t think; I know her. I’ve seen her before, and I can’t figure out where from. Or when. Hell, I can’t put my finger on it. I know her. I do.”

Laughter had us guys looking over as the girls headed for the hall. Tiffany and Kody were still giggling and whispering. It was as if they hadn’t spoken in years. They didn’t skip a beat or even acknowledge we were here. They could have cared less.

“You weren’t with her like that.” Rian had me and Rush looking back over. “If you would have, she would have had some sort of reaction the first time she saw me. She didn’t. Kody had no idea who I was. I wasn’t familiar to her at all. Jase was the only person she saw.”

Rush’s brow creased as he lowered his head, shaking it.

“Odd, because she would have remembered me.” The smirk melted. “I’m telling you; I do know her.”

“Does it have to be sexually?” I asked. “I should lay your ass out for even going there.”

“But…” He made something between a wince and a cringe. “It does though. I’m not doing it on fucking purpose. I know her. Without clothes.”

“That’s it.”

Rian flew from the chair, grabbing my arm before I could so much as move.

“Rush wouldn’t lie about something like this. You know that, Jase. She obviously doesn’t know him, either, so let’s get to the bottom of it and figure this out.” Rian turned to his brother, letting me go as I shrugged him off.

“Rush, tell me why you think you know her. What do you remember?”

Hesitation filled the space as he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. When he opened them, his face was drawn in with confusion again.

“Her shape.” At my head tilting, his hands flew up. “What do you expect me to say? She has nice curves. Her…” his hands lifted to his chest. “They’re nice. Fuck. I’m trying to be respectful here.”

“What else?”

“Come on, Rian.” Rush rolled his eyes. “You want me to start naming off every body part or do you want to get more specific on what you want me to say?”

“Idiot. I’m talking about what else you remember about her that’s not her body. Where were you? Was it a club? Hotel? What stands out? Can you remember the clothes she was wearing?”