“Okay, Colter.” Dominguez glanced at me. “We know how important she is to you. We’re taking every precaution. No one or nothing is getting through that shouldn’t.”

Repeatedly, Jase flexed his jaw as he nodded. I looked to the SUV in front of us, refusing to turn to see the one trailing behind. It was over the top, way past my comfort zone, but I wasn’t about to say a word to Jase about it. He had every right to fear for my life. Hell, I feared for it too, but that didn’t mean having all these strange men around was easy.

“And Rian?”

“He wasn’t too happy about us, but it’s the same at his place.”

“Good. If I have to leave—”


Jase’s eyes darted to me, his face and tone immediately softening. “I’m not leaving. I’m just saying worst case scenario. Emergency situation only. Come here.”

“No. My heart is weak, not my mind. Leave where?”

“Nowhere. Let me hold you.”

I could have argued, but didn’t as I allowed him to pull me in.

“Kody and Tiffany come first, Dominguez. Over everything. Over everyone. Got it?”

“I’m still right here.”

“Kody will come first, Colter. Tiffany too. We’re going to take good care of them.”

Jase let out a breath, resting his cheek against the top of my head as we continued on in silence. Hypothetical situation or not, I wasn’t letting him leave my side. If those men could use poison on me, they could use anything to take him out. He wasn’t safe. None of us were, and the fact that my poisoning accompanied with the kidnapping threw flags in the FBI, it only gave me hope they’d find these men even sooner. It was their idea about the security. Maybe it was a precaution Jase decided to take, or maybe he planned on using Dominguez’s presence as an alibi. Either way, I wasn’t letting him out of my sight.

“Here we go. It was just as we talked about. You ready?”

We headed into the underground garage, following behind the first SUV. As it pulled to a stop, men got out, immediately breaking off from each other to check the surroundings. Our’s pulled the closest to the elevator. Dominguez climbed out, opening my door as Jase followed closely behind. Regardless that I was doing better, my body moved slower than I wanted. I was bruised to hell again but had luckily escaped any broken ribs from the compressions. That didn’t mean my chest didn’t hurt like hell.

“Don’t push it. Wait for me.” Jase shut the door, moving to my side as he helped me to the elevator. The entire ride up, he held me close, only adding space when we began to head into the entrance.

“Are we good?” Dominguez got a nod from the guard at the door, opening the barrier for us to walk in. The two men inside headed forward, quickly introducing themselves. Jase nodded and thanked them, but only had his focus on me as he helped me to the sofa. “Sir, Colter, if that’s all, we’ll give you some privacy. I’ll be just outside with Smith and Kasen if you need anything.”

“Thank you, Dominguez. I appreciate it.”

The man nodded, shutting himself outside.

“How are you? Was it too much? Do you want to get in bed and rest?”

“Maybe in a little bit. I’m kind of hungry.”

I knew that look. It was the same one he got every time I mentioned food. It’d been almost a week since the poisoning, and I still didn’t get through a meal without him giving that look.

“I had Rian bring over groceries while we were gone. Maybe I should go myself that way I can choose what’s safe.”

“You don’t trust him?”

“I do. It’s just.” He stopped. “I made him drive clear across the city so there’d be no risk. I’m sure it’s fine, I just.” Again, he got quiet. “I’ll eat some first. We’ll wait a little to make sure, just like at the hospital.”

“For how long?”

“Half an hour.”

“No. How long are we going to do this? I want to eat, Jase. I’m scared too, but we can’t keep this up. I think it’ll be okay.”

“Fifteen minutes. Fruit tray? Or do you want an actual meal?”