“I miss you. You’re right here, and I can’t stand that you’re not talking to me. I want to see your eyes. I want to hear your voice. Kody, please wake up. Please. I need you with me.”

Prickling burned down my arm triggering my eyes to crack open. The dimness had me blinking to bring everything in clear. I was semi-upright, and Jase had his head down, resting as he held to my wrist. His eyes were closed and salt and pepper growth was beginning to cover his face. It was so unfamiliar, but he wasn’t.

“You missed me?”

The words came out scratchy and thick as I tried to swallow. Jase’s head flew up, and he moved so fast, I couldn’t process him standing or pulling me in so he could wrap his arms around me. Everything was distant. Even awake, I felt so far away.

“Oh, thank God. Yes. Fuck yes, I missed you. Don’t you ever leave me like that again.”

I opened my mouth but could barely talk with how big and dry my tongue felt. I tried clearing my throat. It was raw which made it hurt worse. Jase lifted a cup, and I took a drink, nearly choking as I tried to swallow.


Jase’s expression hardened as he placed down the cup and sat on the edge of the bed. He reached back for my hands, holding as he pressed his forehead to mine. Words came through, but not from him. Memories. Or were they dreams? Nothing made sense.

“I was sick.”


Yes. The nausea had hit from nowhere. I tried to fight it, but by the time I got up to become ill, I could barely stand. The pain and cramping. My body jolted at the memories. Jase lifted his head, only to pull me forward so he could hold me to his body.

“I’m sorry. I should have been more careful. I underestimated these people. I was stupid. What the fuck was I thinking? I—”


I wanted to tell him to stop. I wanted to say so much, I just didn’t have the strength.

“We’re going to be more careful from here on out. I should have done this before. Pride is a bitch. I almost lost you because of it. I thought I could take care of you myself. From this. Them. Never again.” He pulled back, cupping my face only inches from his. “Do you forgive me?”


“I was supposed to protect you. I didn’t.”

My head tried to shake, but he held his hands steady, refusing to let me.

“I failed you. I failed. You died on the way to the hospital, Kody. Twice. You are alive by pure miracle. I almost lost you. I did lose you.”

“I’m right here.”

The last was more mouthed than spoken, but he heard just fine. His lips pressed against mine, brushing the surface as if any more strength would break me. I hated it. I hated that we were right back here with me as the victim. With me as fragile. But I couldn’t change it. Death still had its claws in me, and the essence lingered down into my very bones.

“I need to call the nurse and let her know you’re awake.”

“Tiff, first.”

Jase’s eyes flickered but he didn’t argue as he positioned himself on the bed next to me, holding me close. He brought up the phone, putting it on video call. I cringed at my reflection, too tired to even comment on how horrible I looked.

“Well look who it is.” Rian’s face lit up and he smiled as he stared back at us. “How are you feeling, Kody?”


“Kody? Kody!”

Tiffany’s voice grew louder as footsteps pounded towards us. Within seconds she was in front of the screen. Tears were streaming down her face, and she sobbed as she covered her mouth.

“Hey Tiff.”

“I’m sorry. Girl, I’m so s-sorry.”